Hindu Gods

ॐ Hindu Of Universe ॐ

“God’s light is within you, It never leaves you.”

Hindu Gods

It is believed that there are 330 million gods in the Hindu Dharma. There are as many Hindu gods as there are devotees to suit the feelings, moods and social background of the devotee. However, it is not really the sign of ignorance. The ultimate reality is one, the almighty. The omnipresent God is a universal fact and having different names show the branches of the same tree. You will find each and every branch cropping up from the same tree. Similarly God is one, there can be different forms or physical appearances but the ultimate reality is one.
In Hindu religion, there are many gods. Here we will discuss some of the popular Hindu gods.

Brahma, the Creator


Characteristics : Creator, Generator
Other Names : Nabhija, Hiranyagarbha, Kanja
Consort : Saraswati
Abode : Brahmaloka
Weapon : Brahmastra
Vahana (Vehicle) : Swan
Brahma Gayatri Mantra: Aum Parmeshwaraye Vidmahe
Paratattvaye Dheemahi
Tanno Brahma Prachodayat

Brahma – The Creator
Brahma is considered as the first god of the Hindu Trinity, the other being Vishnu and Shiva. Lord Brahma is recognized as the creator of the Universe. Brahma is regarded as the Supreme Being, the god of gods. Lord Brahma is the originator and the generator of the mankind. Brahma symbolizes the universal mind, as creation is the work of the mind and the intellect. If we consider this, from an individual’s point, Brahma represents one’s own mind and intellect. As an individual is god gifted with the mind and intellect, then it may be assumed that a person has already attained Brahma.

This could be the possible reason that worship of Brahma is not so popular among the Hindu people. However, he is worshipped by seekers of knowledge, such as students, teachers, scholars and scientists.

Lord Brahma – The Image
Hindu God Brahma can be seen as a four-faced, four-armed, bearded deity. He carries a rose and a book in the upper hand; a water pot (Kamandala) in the lower hand and one hand is always there to bestow grace. The four faces represent the holy knowledge of the four Vedas (Riga, Yajur, Sama and Atharva). It symbolizes that Brahma is the foundation of all the knowledge required for the creation of the universe. The four arms represent the four directions and therefore symbolize that Lord Brahma is the omnipresent and the omnipotent.

The white beard conveys wisdom and the long beard gives the idea that creation is a never-ending process. The crown on the head of Brahma implies that the Lord has the supreme power and authority over the process of creation. Brahma sitting on a lotus represents the creative power of the Supreme Reality. The white color of his clothes symbolizes purity.

As per the Hindu mythology, a swan is possessed with an exceptional discerning sense, which enables it to distinguish pure milk from a mixture of milk and water. Brahma uses the swan as a vehicle, which is known for its discerning abilities. This conveys the idea that, there is only one Supreme Reality from which the entire universe emanates.




Lord Bhairav is considered to be the incarnation (Avatar) of Lord Shiva. In the contemporary times, Bhairon has been worshipped by millions of people to get the powerful blessings from the god. Bhairav is a fierce form of Shiva. It is believed that Bhairon is connected to the Southern face and relates to the Mahavidya goddess named Bhairavi who gives Lagna shuddhi (purification of the Disciple). This purifies and protects the body, self concept, personality, and other attributes associated with the Disciple.

Bhairon- Lord of Rahu
Bhairav or Bhairavi are worshipped when there are malefic planets in the birth lagna (time) or when natural malefic planets are transiting. Bhairon removes and protects person from these types of effects. As per the Indian astrology, Rahu is known as a shadow planet, which plays an important role in the life of a creature. The Indian astrologers often suggest people, the worship of Lord Bhairav to reduce the evils caused by the malefic position of Rahu in the horoscope.

Bhairon – The Lord of Yogis 
Lord Bhairav is worshipped by Yogis and Tantriks to gain Siddhis. Bhairon is regarded as the guardian of Yogis and Tantriks who attain accomplishment of Mantras by doing Sadhana (devotion).

Bhairon – The Kotwal
Lord Bhairav guards the temple of Lord Shiva and due to this fact, he is also known as “kotwal” (Guard).

Bhairav – The Worship
Worship of Lord Bhairon is very useful to win over your enemies, success and all materialistic comforts. It is very easy to please lord Bhairav by doing normal worship daily. Coconut, Flowers, Sindoor, Mustard oil, black til etc are offered to the God and the following mantra is chanted with devotion to get God’s Blessings


Main (Mula) Mantra :



Characteristics : Knowledge, Eradicator of obstacles.
Other Names : Ganapati, Gajanana, Vinayaka, Vighneshawar, Pillaiyar
Principal Scriptures : Ganesha Purana, Mudgala Purana and Ganapati Atharvashirsa
Consort : Riddhi (affluence) Buddhi (knowledge) Siddhi (perfection)
Vahana (Vehicle) : Mouse
Mula Mantra : Om Gan Ganpatye Namah

Lord Ganesha is the god of beginnings, knowledge, wisdom, intellect and eradicator of obstacles. Lord Ganesha is the child of lord Shiva and goddess Parvati. He is the elder brother of lord Kartikay (Skanda/ Murugana). Ganesha is the most extensively worshipped god in Hindu way of life. Each sort of worship whether tantric or spiritual starts with the prayers of Ganesha in Hinduism as he is known as the eradicator of obstacles (Vighneshawar). He is worshipped in the starting of any propitious event for blessings and hassle-free work. Lord Ganesha is invoked as the “Patron of Letters” at the beginning of any writing.

Ganesha Image
Ganesha figures show extensive variation with dissimilar patterns changing over ages. A different mixture of his elephant-like head, a pot belly and a small mouse makes him different from all other Hindu gods in appearance. Many a times, he is represented standing, sitting, dancing, like a warrior in heroic action against demons, playing with his family as a boy, sitting down, or in a significant range of contemporary situations when depicted in festival displays.

Ganesha has four hands, holding an axe in the right upper arm, while the left upper arm holds a noose, signs of his ability to cut through obstacles or to create them as required. In the third one he carries laddoo (a sweet delicacy) and the fourth hand’s palm is always there to bless people. His vahana is a tiny mouse which represents the dominated demon of pride and impertinence.


Ganapati Gayatri Mantra
Aum Ekdantaya Vidmahe
Vakratundaya Dheemahi
Tanno Danti Prachodayat

Ganesha Chalisa

Shri Ganesh Chalisa is a “forty verse” prayer. Verses are recited or chanted by groups. The acts and deeds of Lord Ganesha are recalled in these verses to aid the devotee to meditate on virtuous and noble qualities.


ll Dohaa ll
Jai Ganapati Sadguna Sadan, Kavivar Badan Kripaal l
Vighna Haran Mangal Karan, Jai Jai Girijaalaal ll


ll Chaupai ll
Jai Jai Jai Ganapati Ganaraaju,Mangal Bharana Karana shubha kaajuu
Jai Gajbadan Sadan Sukhdaata , Vishva Vinaayaka Buddhi Vidhaataa Vakra

Tunda Shuchi Shunda Suhaavana,Tilaka Tripunda bhaal Man Bhaavan
Raajata Mani Muktana ura maala, Swarna Mukuta Shira Nayana Vishaalaa

Pustak Paani Kuthaar Trishuulam , Modaka Bhoga Sugandhit Phuulam
Sundara Piitaambar Tana Saajit, Charana Paadukaa Muni Man Raajit

Dhani Shiva Suvan Shadaanana Bhraataa, Gaurii Lalan Vishva-Vikhyaata
Riddhi Siddhi Tav Chanvar Sudhaare, Mooshaka Vaahan Sohat Dvaare

Kahaun Janma Shubh Kathaa Tumhari,Ati Shuchi Paavan Mangalkaarii
Ek Samay Giriraaj Kumaarii, Putra Hetu Tapa Kiinhaa Bhaarii

Bhayo Yagya Jaba Poorana Anupaa,Taba Pahunchyo Tuma Dhari Dvija Rupaa
Atithi Jaani Kay Gaurii Sukhaarii, Bahu Vidhi Sevaa Karii Tumhaarii

Ati Prasanna Hvai Tum Vara Diinhaa, Maatu Putra Hit Jo Tap Kiinhaa
Milhii Putra Tuhi, Buddhi Vishaala , Binaa Garbha Dhaarana Yahi Kaalaa

Gananaayaka Guna Gyaan Nidhaanaa, Puujita Pratham Roop Bhagavaanaa
Asa Kehi Antardhyaana Roop Hvai, Palanaa Par Baalak Svaroop Hvai

BaniShishuRudanJabahiTum Thaanaa,Lakhi Mukh Sukh Nahin Gauri Samaanaa
Sakal Magan Sukha Mangal Gaavahin, Nabha Te Suran Suman Varshaavahin

Shambhu Umaa Bahudaan Lutaavahin,Sura Munijana Suta Dekhan Aavahin
Lakhi Ati Aanand Mangal Saajaa, Dekhan Bhii Aaye Shani Raajaa

Nija Avaguna Gani Shani Man Maahiin, Baalak Dekhan Chaahat Naahiin
Girijaa Kachhu Man Bheda Badhaayo, Utsava Mora Na Shani Tuhi Bhaayo

Kahana Lage Shani Man Sakuchaai, Kaa Karihau Shishu Mohi Dikhayii
Nahin Vishvaasa Umaa Ura Bhayauu, Shani Son Baalak Dekhan Kahyau

Padatahin Shani Drigakona Prakaashaa, Baalak Sira Udi Gayo Aakaashaa
Girajaa Girii Vikala Hvai Dharanii, So Dukha Dashaa Gayo Nahin Varanii

Haahaakaara Machyo Kailaashaa, Shani Kiinhon Lakhi Suta Ko Naashaa
Turat Garuda Chadhi Vishnu Sidhaaye, Kaati Chakra So GajaShira Laaye

Baalak Ke Dhada Uupar Dhaarayo, Praana Mantra Padhi Shankar Daarayo
Naama’Ganesha’ShambhuTabaKiinhe,Pratham Poojya Buddhi Nidhi Vara Diinhe

Buddhi Pariikshaa Jab Shiva Kiinhaa , Prithvii Kar Pradakshinaa Liinhaa
Chale Shadaanana Bharami Bhulaai, Rache Baithii Tum Buddhi Upaai

Charana Maatu-Pitu Ke Dhara Liinhen, Tinake Saat Pradakshina Kiinhen
Dhani Ganesha Kahi Shiva Hiye Harashyo,Nabha Te Suran Suman Bahu Barse

Tumharii Mahima Buddhi Badaai, Shesha Sahasa Mukha Sake Na Gaai
Main Mati Heen Maliina Dukhaarii, Karahun Kaun Vidhi Vinaya Tumhaarii

Bhajata ‘Raamsundara’ Prabhudaasaa, Jaga Prayaaga Kakraa Durvaasaa.
Ab Prabhu Dayaa Deena Par Keejai, Apnii Bhakti Shakti Kuchha Deejai

ll Dohaa ll
Shrii Ganesha Yeh Chaalisaa, Paatha Karre Dhara Dhyaan l 
Nita Nav Mangala Graha Base, Lahe Jagat Sanmaana ll
Sambandh Apna Sahasra Dash, Rishi panchamii dinesha l 
Poorana Chaalisaa Bhayo, Mangala Moorti Ganesha ll


Different Names of Ganesha

Lord Ganesha is considered as the remover of obstacles and the lord of beginnings. Shri Ganesh is one of the most popular gods among the followers of Hindu religion. Ganesha is also known as the Elephant God. Lord Ganesha is the primary god, one who is worshipped at the beginning of any propitious event. Ganesha is the lord of intellect and knowledge. Ganesha is also invoked as the “Patron of Letters” before starting any writing. Shree Ganesha is known by many different names. Chanting of different names of the lord Ganesha is considered auspicious. This list contains 108 Names of Lord Ganesha with their meanings:


Name Meaning
Akhuratha One who has Mouse as His Charioteer
Alampata Ever Eternal Lord
Amit Incomparable Lord
Anantachidrupamayam Infinite and Consciousness Personified
Avaneesh Lord of the whole World
Avighna Remover of Obstacles
Balaganapati Beloved and Lovable Child
Bhalchandra Moon-Crested Lord
Bheema Huge and Gigantic
Bhupati Lord of the Gods
Bhuvanpati God of the Gods
Buddhinath God of Wisdom
Buddhipriya Knowledge Bestower
Buddhividhata God of Knowledge
Chaturbhuj One who has Four Arms
Devadeva Lord of All Lords
Devantakanashakarin Destroyer of Evils and Asuras
Devavrata One who accepts all Penances
Devendrashika Protector of All Gods
Dharmik One who gives help
Dhoomravarna Smoke-Hued Lord
Durja Invincible Lord
Dvaimatura One who has two Mothers
Ekaakshara He, of the Single Syllable
Ekadanta Single-Tusked Lord
Ekadrishta Single-Tusked Lord
Eshanputra Lord Shiva’s Son
Gadadhara One who has The Mace as His Weapon
Gajakarna One who has Eyes like an Elephant
Gajanana Elephant-Faced Lord
Gajananeti Elephant-Faced Lord
Gajavakra Trunk of The Elephant
Gajavaktra One who has Mouth like an Elephant
Ganadhakshya Lord of All Ganas (Gods)
Ganadhyakshina Leader of All The Celestial Bodies
Ganapati Lord of All Ganas (Gods)
Gaurisuta The Son of Gauri (Parvati)
Gunina One who is The Master of All Virtues
Haridra One who is Golden Coloured
Heramba Mother’s Beloved Son
Kapila Yellowish-Brown Coloured
Kaveesha Master of Poets
Kirti c Lord of Musi
Kripalu Merciful Lord
Krishapingaksha Yellowish-Brown Eyed
Kshamakaram The Place of Forgiveness
Kshipra One who is easy to Appease
Lambakarna Large-Eared Lord
Mahabala Enormously Strong Lord
Mahaganapati Omnipotent and Supreme Lord
Maheshwaram Lord of The Universe
Mangalamurti All Auspicious Lord
Manomay Winner of Hearts
Mrityuanjaya Conqueror of Death
Mundakarama Abode of Happiness
Muktidaya Bestower of Eternal Bliss
Musikvahana One who has Mouse as His Charioteer
Nadapratithishta One who Appreciates and Loves Music
Namasthetu Vanquisher of All Evils and Vices and Sins
Nandana Lord Shiva’s Son
Nideeshwaram Giver of Wealth and Treasures
Omkara One who has the Form of OM
Pitambara One who has Yellow-Coloured Body
Pramoda Lord of All Abodes
Prathameshwara First among All
Purush The Omnipotent Personality
Rakta One who has Red-Coloured Body
Rudrapriya Beloved of Lord Shiva
Sarvadevatman Acceptor of All Celestial Offerings
Sarvasiddhanta Bestower of Skills and Wisdom
Sarvatman Protector of the Universe
Shambhavi The Son of Parvati
Shashivarnam One who has a Moon like Complexion
Shoorpakarna Large-Eared Lord
Shuban All Auspicious Lord
Shubhagunakanan One who is The Master of All Virtues
Shweta One who is as Pure as the White Colour
Siddhidhata Bestower of Success and Accomplishments
Siddhipriya Bestower of Wishes and Boons
Siddhivinayaka Bestower of Success
Skandapurvaja Elder Brother of Skand (Lord Kartik)
Sumukha Auspicious Face
Sureshwaram Lord of All Lords
Swaroop Lover of Beauty
Tarun Ageless
Uddanda Nemesis of Evils and Vices
Umaputra The Son of Goddess Uma (Parvati)
Vakratunda Curved Trunk Lord
Varaganapati Bestower of Boons
Varaprada Granter of Wishes and Boons
Varadavinayaka Bestower of Success
Veeraganapati Heroic Lord
Vidyavaridhi God of Wisdom
Vighnahara Remover of Obstacles
Vignaharta Demolisher of Obstacles
Vighnaraja Lord of All Hindrances
Vighnarajendra Lord of All Obstacles
Vighnavinashanaya Destroyer of All Obstacles and Impediments
Vigneshwara Lord of All Obstacles
Vikat Huge and Gigantic
Vinayaka Lord of All
Vishwamukha Master of The Universe
Vishwaraja King of The World
Yagnakaya Acceptor of All Sacred and Sacrificial Offerings
Yashaskaram Bestower of Fame and Fortune
Yashvasin Beloved and Ever Popular Lord
Yogadhipa The Lord of Meditation


Legends of Ganesha

There are many stories of Lord Ganesha regarding his origin and various others which tell about the nature and traits of his character. Ganesha is known as the god of wisdom, literature and worldly success. He is known as the eldest son of Lord Shiva and Parvati (Uma), younger brother being Kartikay. Here are some legends associated with lord Ganesha.

The Elephant Head – Story of Ganesha
This story is about Lord Ganesha’s birth and how he gets the head of an elephant. Once upon a time, Parvati was going to take the bath and before going, she made a boy out of the dirt of her body ,to guard the entrance of her house. She asked him not to allow anyone inside .After saying this, she went inside to take the bath. After this lord shiva came himself to meet his consort and he was quite thirsty. Ganesha stopped him at the door as he was unable to recognize his father ,Lord Shiva. Lord Ganesha was beheaded by Shiva, who took him as an outsider, when Ganesha was trying to defend his mother’s bath.

When Parvati came to know about this, she persuaded Shiva, to restore Ganesha to life. Shiva ordered his servants (Gana) to bring the head of any creature that they come across first. An elephant, the wisest of animals, appeared and became the spontaneous donor in the head transplant of Ganesha. Shiva attached the head of the elephant to the torso of Ganesha. After looking at the child (Ganesha), Parvati asked Shiva that who will consider this god with the face of an elephant.

Understanding Parvati’s viewpoint, Shiva blessed the child, Ganesha that he will be the lord of beginning and people will worship him first, before any other God in any kind of undertaking. He ordained that the annual worship of Ganesha, should take place on the fourth day of the bright half of Bhadrapada (August-September).

Who is elder? Ganesha or Kartikay
This is another interesting story of Lord Ganesha.Once Ganesha and Kartikay got into an argument as who was the elder of the two. The matter was told to Lord Shiva for an answer. Lord Shiva asked that whoever would travel around the world and come out first had the right to be the elder of two. Lord Kartikay flew off on his vehicle, the peacock, to take the round of the world. But Ganesha went round his parents and asked for the reward of his success.

Lord Shiva said: “Beloved and wise -Ganesha! You did not go round the world”. Ganesha replied: “No, but I went round my parents. My parents symbolize the entire world.” The argument was settled in favour of Ganesha and thereafter recognized as the elder of the two brothers. Ganesha got a fruit as reward from his mother Parvati for this.

Ganesha and His Love for Laddoo
Lord Ganesha is very fond of Laddoo (Modaka – a sweet delicacy). Once upon a day of Ganesha Puja, Ganesha went from house to house and accepted the offerings of laddoo. He stuffed himself to the capacity and decided to take a ride on his mouse at night. Along the moonlit road they got to see a large snake and the troubled rat stumbled, with the consequence Ganpati fell down .He hit the ground hard and as a result his stomach burst open. All the laddoos came out but Ganesha again stuffed them into his stomach. He caught the snake and tied it round his belly.
Moon witnessed the whole event and laughed heartily. Lord Ganesha lost his temper and furiously looked about for something to throw at his tormentor. Getting nothing, he pulled out one of his tusks and hurled it at the moon. He cursed the moon that no one should look at the moon on the day of Ganesha Puja .If anyone would look at it , he will get a bad name ,criticism or ill reputation. If anyone gets to see the moon by chance, he would be free from that bad name or blame, after hearing the story of Lord Krishna’s clearing, his personality in respect of the Syamantaka jewel. Thus, Ganesha was happy to proclaim this.


Ganesha Mantra

Ganesha Mantras are known as Siddhi Mantra (the one with perfection). Each and every mantra is full of energy and power of Lord Ganesha. It is believed that mantras of Ganesha, when chanted with genuine devotion, give positive results. These mantras ward off all trials and troubles gracing the devotee with every success. All mantras are disclosed by the Almighty, through the Intelligence, Vision and Experience of the divinely illuminated and perfected sages and men of integral God-Experience.

Ganesha is the power of knowledge, success and fulfillment. It is believed that people get benefit out of these mantras when chanted with utmost devotion and faith. Success is not far when you have love and respect, faith and understanding, kindness and willpower in your heart and when you are in touch with that power which breaks up all restrictions, obstacles, problems ,difficulties and makes available to you the rays of success, prosperity and abundance. Some such Mantras are given below for the spiritual benefit of the readers –

Special Ganesha Mantras

  • Aum Shri Ganeshaya Namah
    “Praise to Lord Ganesha”. This is the mantra of prayer, love and adoration. It is chanted to get Ganesha’s blessings for the positive starting of a project, work or simply to offer him the praise.
  • Aum Gan Ganapatye Namah
    This is Lord Ganesha’s mula (“root”) mantra .It is also known as his ”beej” Mantra. This mantra is used for Yoga Sadhana in which we pray to Lord Ganesha and merge ourself with the supreme knowledge and peace. This is a mantra from Ganapati Upanishad. One can always use it before starting any new venture so that success comes without any hassle.
  • Aum Vakratundaya Hum
    This is a powerful mantra from Ganesha Purana. When things are not in your favour, or when the minds of the people turn negative, depressed or discouraged, the attention of Ganesha may be drawn by this mantra to straighten their ways. The HUM symbolizes “Delay no more, my Lord, in straightening the paths of the crooked-minded ones.” This mantra is used many a times in the Ganesha Purana to reduce the violence of cruel demons. In addition, this mantra could also be used for healing any spinal problem, such as curvature of the spine or curved limbs. Dedicate 1,008 repetitions of this holy word to straighten and heal such deficiencies.
  • Aum Kshipra Prasadaya Namah
    Kshipra means immediate. If some danger or negative energy is coming your way and you don’t know how to get rid of that danger, with true devotion, practice this mantra for quick blessing and purification of one’s aura.
  • Aum Shrim Hrim Klim Glaum Gam Ganapataye vara varada sarva janamme vashamanaya svaha 
    There are several beej (seed) mantras in this mantra. Among other things, it says, “Shower Your blessings, O Lord. I offer my ego as an oblation.”
  • Aum Sumukhaya Namah
    This mantra has a lot of meaning, in simple terms, it means you will be always very beautiful in soul, in spirit, in face, everything. By meditating on this mantra, very pleasing manners and a beauty comes on you. Along with that comes peace, which constantly works in your eyes; and the words you speak are all filled with that power of love.
  • Aum Ekadantaya Namah
    Ekadanta refers to one tusk in the elephant face, which means God broke the duality and made you to have a complete one-pointed mind. Whoever has that oneness of mind and single-minded devotion will achieve everything.
  • Aum Kapilaya Namah
    Kapila (red) means that you are able to give colour therapy. You are able to create colours around yourself and around others, soak them in that colour and heal them. As per the mantra you create, so will you create the colors. Another meaning is “wish cow,” the “cow of plenty.” It means that whatever you wish, that comes true. There is a wish-cow inside you. Whatever you wish, especially for curing others, comes true instantly.
  • Aum Gajakarnikaya Namah
    The ears of Ganesha, the elephant – god, are constant fanning, which means people can talk a lot, but you are not receiving inside anything other than what is important. It also means that you can sit anywhere and tune this celestial tube (the body) with seven channels (chakras) and all 72,000 nadis, to any loka and be able to hear ancestors, angels, the voice of God or the voice of prophets. That kind of inner ear you will develop through this mantra.
  • Aum Lambodaraya Namah
    This means you feel that you are this universe. It means that all the celestial bodies are within you. Like an entire tree is in the seed, the whole universe is in the sound of creation, which is Aum, and that Aum consciousness in you makes you feel that you are the universe. Therefore, if you say, realizing the oneness with the universe, “shanti to the world” every day, then the grace of God will come and there will be world peace, universal peace. It is the universe within Aum and Aum within you.
  • Aum Vikataya Namah
    This means realizing this world as a dream or a drama. When you are in that high consciousness, this whole world looks like a dream. All of us have taken a role. We have to play our role in life as wife or husband or children or citizens, all consistent with the role we have taken. When an actor bitten by a sponge cobra that is brought on the stage falls, the entire audience cries; but that boy who has fallen knows it was not a real cobra and he is not dead. Life is a drama –definitely life in this material world, this physical world of ego, is a drama. But inside, like the boy on the stage who is quite happy knowing that he didn’t die by the bite of the sponge cobra, like that, the truth never dies in us; it is immortal. So everything else you consider as drama. That consciousness comes to you by knowing this mantra.
  • Aum Vighna Nashanaya Namah
    This mantra invokes the Lord Ganesha to remove every hindrance in your life and in your works. By constant meditation on this mantra, all obstacles and blocked energy in your physical and cosmological bodies are released.
  • Aum Vinayakaya Namah
    Vinayaka is the name of Ganesha in the golden age. So by realizing this mantra, your life will have a golden age. In your office, in your work, you’ll be the boss. Vinayaka means something under control. Vinayaka means the Lord of resolving problems.
  • Aum Ganadhyakshaya Namah
    This mantra is very important. Suppose you have a group, a country, neighbours, or any kind of group therapy, group healing or a whole country requiring healing, then you have to bring that entire group to your mind’s arena and say this mantra. A group healing takes place by this mantra.
  • Aum Bhalachandraya Namah
    In Sanskrit, bhala means the forehead center. Chandra means the crescent moon. Bhalachandra means that chakra from where the nectar drips. That is the secret of all healing. It is to feel yourself as Shiva, identifying yourself with the Truth and feeling constantly that you are carrying the crescent moon, the symbol of growth and nectar of peace.

Hanuman is considered to be an avatar (incarnation) of Lord Shiva. Shri Hanuman, a great disciple of Sri Rama, is the symbol of devotion and dedication. Lord Hanumana is a provider of courage, hope, knowledge, intellect and devotion. Hanuman is in the form of Vaanar (monkey). He is usually pictured as a strong monkey holding a gada (mace) which is a sign of bravery and having a picture of Lord Rama on his chest which is a sign of his devotion to Lord Rama.

Birth of Hanuman
Hanuman was born in the Treta Yuga, to Anjana, a female vanara and Kesari, a strong vanara .This birth was planned by the Supreme lord with a perfect idea in the mind. The combination of Vanara and the celestial gave Hanuman strength, divinity and quick wits – his main characteristics. Being Anjana’s son, Hanuman is also called Anjaneya, which plainly means “arising from Anjana”.

Hanuman- The Brahmachaari
Hanuman remained a Brahmachaari throughout his life, an unmarried, celibate god. He is especially popular with body-builders, who believe that like him, one need to be celibate in order to have a strong body. Hanuman always treated women in the form of Mother and Sister. There are many incidences in the great epic Ramayana where this fact is proved.

Lord Hanuman – A Great Disciple
Hanuman has intense love for his Lord Rama which can be considered from this instance. Once Hanuman was asked by Sri Rama, “How do you consider me?”. Hanuman said: “Oh Lord, while I identify myself with my body, I am Thy servant. When I consider myself an individual soul, I am Thy part. But when I look upon myself as the spirit, I am one with Thee. This is my firm conviction.”

Worship of Hanuman
Hanuman is worshipped for his strength, agility and valor. The worship of Hanuman, symbolizes the worship of the Supreme Lord, for acquiring knowledge, physical and mental strength, truthfulness, sincerity, self-sacrifice, modesty, loyalty, and profound devotion to the Lord. Sri Hanuman was blessed by Sri Rama with immortality (chiranjeevi). Every temple of Sri Rama contains an idol of Hanuman. Worship of Hanuman is considered mandatory to complete the worship of Lord Rama.

During Chaitra (in between March-April), Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated to honor the birth of Hanuman, the monkey god widely acclaimed throughout India.
Hanuman Aarti

Hanuman Aarti completes the worship or prayers made to the God. It is believed that aarti provides a completion to the puja .This aarti of Shri Hanuman is also known Bajrangbali Aarti.


Aarati Keejai Hanuman Lalaa Kee,
Dushta Dalan Raghunath Kalaa Kee,

Jaakay Bal Say Girivar Kaapay,
Roga Dosha Jaakay Nikat Na Jhaakay,

Anjani Putra Mahaa Baldayee,
Santan Kay Prabhu Sadaa Sahaayee

Day Veeraa Raghunath Pathaayay
Lankaa Jaaree Seeya Sudhi Laaye

Lankaa So Kota Samudra See Khaayee,
Jaata Pavansut Baar Na Laayee,

Lankaa Jaari Asur Sab Maaray,
Seeyaa Raamjee Kay Kaaj Savaaray,

Lakshman Moorcheet Paray Dharanee May,
Aani Sajeevan Praan Ubaaray,

Paithi Pataal Towri Yam Kaaray,
Ahiraavan Ke Bhujaa Ukhaaray,

Baaya Bhuja Asur Sanhaaray,
Dahinay Bhujaa Sab Sant Ubaaray,

Sur Nar Muni Jan Aarati Utaaray,
Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Jee Uchaaray,

Kanchan Thaar Kapoor Kee Baatee,
Aarati Karat Anjani Maayee,

Jo Hanuman Jee Kee Aarati Gaavai,
So Baikuntha Amara Pad Paavai,

Lanka Vidvans Kiye Raghuraayee,
Tulsee Daas Swami Keerati Gaayee.


Shri Hanuman Chalisa

Shri Hanuman Chalisa is a prayer of “forty verses”. Verses are recited or chanted by groups. The acts and deeds of Lord Hanuman are recalled in these verses to aid the devotee to meditate on virtuous and noble qualities.


ll Doha ll
Shri Guru Charana Saroj Raja, Nija Mana Mukura Sudhaar l 
Baranou Raghubara Bimala Jasu, Jo Daayaku Phala Chaar ll
Buddhi Heena Tanujaanike ,Sumeero Pawana Kumaar l
Bala Buddhi Vidhya Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesha Vikaar ll


ll Chaupai ll 
Jai Hanuman Gyana Gunasagara, Jai Kapeesa Tihu Loka Ujaagara
Rama Doota Atulita Baladhaamaa, Anjanee Putra Pawanasuta Naama

Mahabir Bikram Bajarangee, Kumatee Nivaara Sumatee Ke Sangee
Kanchana Barana Biraaja Subesha ,Kanana Kundala Kunchita Kesha

Haatha Vajra Aur Dhwajaa Birajay, Kaandhe Moonj Janeun Saaje
Shankara Suvana Kesaree Nandana,Teja Pratapa Maha Jaga Vandana

Vidya Vaana Gunee Aati Chatur, Ramakaja Kareebe Ko Aatur
Prabhu Charitra Suneebe Ko Rasiya,Rama Lakhana Seeta Mana Basiya

Suukshmaroopadhari Siyahi Dikhava,Vikataroopadhari Lanka Jarawaa
Bhima Roopa Dharee Asura Sanhaare, Ramachandra Ke Kaaja Sanwaare

Laaye Sanjeevan Lakhana Jiyaye, Shri Raghubeera Harasheeura Laaye
Raghupatee Keenhi Bahuta Badaayii,Tum Mam Priya Bharata Sama Bhayee

Sahas Badan Tumharo Jas Gave, Asa Kahe Shreepathee Kantha Lagaave
Sanaka Dik Brahma Dee Muneesa, Narada Sharada Sahita Aheesa

Yama Kubera Digapaala Jahan The, Kavi Kovida Kahee Sakay Kahan The
Tum Upakaara Sugreevaheen Keenha, Rama Milaaya Rajapada Deenha

Tumharo Mantra Vibheeshana Maanaa,Lankeshwara Bhaye Saba Jaga Jaanaa
Juga Sahastra Yojana Par Bhanu ,Leelyo Taahi Madhura Phala Jaanu

Prabhu Mudrika Meli Mukha Mayee, Jaladhi Laanghee Gaye Acharaj Nahee
Durgama Kaaja Jagatke Jethe, Sugama Anugraha Tumhare Tete

Rama Duaare Tuma Rakhawaale, Hota Na Aagyan Bina Paysaare
Sab Sukh Lahai Tumhari Sarana, Tum Rakshak Kahoo Ko Darna

Aapan Tej Samhaarao Aape, Teeno Lok Haankate Kaapein
Bhoota Pishaacha Nikata Nahee Aawe, Mahabeera Jaba Naama Sunaavay

Naashai Roga Hare Sab Peera, Japata Nirantara Hanumatha Beera
Sankat Se Hanuman Chodave, Man Krama Bachana Dhyan Jo Laave

Sab Para Raama Tapasvi Raja, Tinake Kaaja Sakal Tum Saaja
Aur Manoratha Jo Koyee Laave, Soyee Amitha Jeevan Phala Paave

Charahu Yuga Parataapa Tumhara, Hai Parasiddha Jagata Ujiyaaraa
Sadhoo Sant Ke Tuma Rakhwaale, Asura Nikandana Raama Dulare

Ashta Siddhi Nava Nidhi Ke Daataa, Asabara Deena Jaankee Maataa
Rama Rasayan Tumhare Paasaa, Sadha Raho Raghupathee Ke Daasaa

Tumhare Bhajan Ram Ko Paave, Janma Janma Ke Dukha Bisaraave
Antha Kaal Raghupatee Pura Jaayee,Jahaa Janma Hari Bhakta Kahayee

Aur Devatha Chit Na Dharayee, Hanumatha Seyi Sarva Sukha Karayee
Sankata Kate Mite Sab Peera , Jo Sumeere Hanumatha Bala Beera

Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosai, Kripa Karahu Gurudeva Kee Naayee
Yah Shata Baar Paatha Kara Joyee, Chutahee Bandhee Maha Sukha Hoyi

Jo Yaha Pade Hanuman Chaleesa, Hoye Siddhi Saakhee Goureesa
Tulasidasa Sada Hari Chera, Keejay Naatha Hridaya Maha Dera

ll Doha ll 

Pawana Tanaya Sankat Harana, Mangala Muuratee Rupa l
Rama Lakhana Seeta Sahita, Hridaya Basahu Sura Bhoop ll


Different Names of Hanuman

Lord Hanuman is the epitome of devotion and dedication towards his Lord Rama. Shri Hanuman is considered as the avatar or incarnation of Lord Shiva. Hanuman is also known as the Monkey God, who represents strength, valor, wisdom, intellect and sincere devotion. Hanuman is a powerful God who observed celibacy throughout his life. Lord Hanuman is often worshipped to attain mental peace, knowledge, strength and power. Hanuman is known by different names like Pavanputra, Anjaneya, Bajrangbali, Jai Veer Hanuman and many more names. The following list contains 108 names of Hanuman with their meanings:


Name Meaning
Anjaneya Son of Anjana
Anjanagarbhasambhoota Born of Anjani
Ashokavanikachhetre Destroyer of Ashoka Orchard
Akshahantre Slayer of Aksha
Balarka Sadrushanana Like the Rising Sun
Bheemasenasahayakrute Helper of Bheema
Batnasiddhikara Granter of Strength
Bhakthavatsala Protector of Devotees
Bajrangbali With strength of daamod
Bhavishya Chaturanana Aware of Future Happenings
Chanchaladwala Glittering Tail Suspended Above The Head.
Chiranjeevini Immortal
Chaturbahave Four-Armed
Dashabahave Ten-Armed
Danta Peaceful
Dheera Courageous
Deenabandhave Defender of the Oppressed
Daithyakulantaka Destroyer of Demons
Daityakarya Vidhyataka Destroyer of All Demons’ Activities
Dhruddavrata Determined Meditator
Dashagreevakulantaka Slayer of the Ten-Headed Ravana Race
Gandharvavidya Tatvangna Exponent in the Art of Celestials
Gandhamadhana Shailastha Resident of Gandhamadhana
Hanumanta One with Puffy Cheeks
Indrajit Prahitamoghabrahmastra Vinivaraka Remover of the Effect of Indrajit’s Brahmastra
Jambavatpreeti Vardhana Winner of Jambavan’s Love
JaiKapeesh Hailing Monkey
Kapeeshwara Lord of Monkeys
Kabalikruta One who swallowed the Sun
Kapisenanayaka Head of the Monkey Army
Kumarabrahmacharine Youthful Bachelor
Kesarinandan Son of Kesari
Kesarisuta Son of Kesari
Kalanemi Pramathana Slayer of Kalanemi
Harimarkatamarkata Lord of the Monkeys
Karagrahavimoktre One who Frees from Imprisonment
Kalanabha Organizer of Time
Kanchanabha Golden-Hued Body
Kamaroopine Altering Form at Will
Lankineebhanjana Slayer of Lankini
Lakshmanapranadatre Reviver of Lakshmana’s Life
Lankapuravidahaka The One Who Burnt Lanka
Lokapujya Worshipped by the Universe
Maruti Son of Marut (wind god)
Mahadhyuta Most Radiant
Mahakaya One with colossal body
Manojavaya Swiftness like Wind
Mahatmane Supreme Being
Mahavira Most Courageous
Marutatmaja Adored Like Gems
Mahabala Parakrama Of Great Strength
Mahatejase Most Radiant
Maharavanamardana Slayer of the Famous Ravana
Mahatapase Great Meditator
Navavyakruti Pandita Skilful Scholar
Parthadhwajagrasamvasine Having Principal Place on Arjuna’s Flag
Pragnya Scholar
Prasannatmane Cheerful
Pratapavate Known for Valour
Paravidhyaparihara Destroyer of Enemies Wisdom
Parashaurya Vinashana Destroyer of Enemy’s Valour
Parijata Tarumoolastha Dweller under the Parijata Tree
Prabhave Popular Lord
Paramantra Nirakartre Acceptor of Rama’s Mantra Only
Pingalaksha Pink-Eyed
Pavanputra Son of Wind god
Panchavaktra Five-Faced
Parayantra Prabhedaka Destroyer of Enemies’ Missions
Ramasugreeva Sandhatre Mediator between Rama and Sugreeva
Ramakathalolaya Crazy of listening Rama’s Story
Ratnakundala Deeptimate Wearing Gem-Studded Earrings
Rudraveerya Samudbhava Born of Shiva
Ramachudamaniprada Deliverer of Rama’s Ring
Ramabhakta Devoted to Rama
Ramadhuta Ambassador of Rama
Rakshovidhwansakaraka Slayer of Demons
Sankatamochanan Reliever of sorrows
Sitadevi Mudrapradayaka Deliverer of the Ring of Sita
Sarvamayavibhanjana Destroyer of All Illusions
Sarvabandha Vimoktre Detacher of all Relationship
Sarvagraha Nivashinay Killer of all Evil Effects of Planets
Sarvaduhkhahara Reliever of all Agonies
Sarvalolkacharine Wanderer of all Places
Sarvamantra Swaroopavate Possessor of all Hymns
Sarvatantra Sawaroopine Shape of all Hymns
Sarvayantratmaka Dweller in all Yantras
Sarvarogahara Reliever of all Ailments
Sarvavidhyasampath Pradayaka Granter of Knowledge and Wisdom
Shrunkalabandhamochaka Reliever from a Chain of Distresses
Sitashoka Nivarana Destroyer of Sita’s Sorrow
Shrimate Honored
Simhikaprana Bhanjana Slayer of Simhika
Sugreeva Sachiva Minister of Sugreeva
Shoora Gallant
Surarchita Worshipped by Celestials
Sphatikabha Spotless, Crystal-Clear
Sanjeevananagahatre Carrier of Sanjeevi Mount
Shuchaye Pure, Chaste
Shanta Very Composed and Calm
Shatakanttamadapahate Destroyer of Shatakantta’s Arrogance
Sitanveshana Pandita Skilful in finding Sita’s Whereabouts
Sharapanjarabhedaka Destroyer of the Nest made of Arrows
Sitaramapadaseva Always engaged in Rama’s Service
Sagarotharaka Leapt Across the Ocean
Tatvagyanaprada Granter of Wisdom
Vanara Monkey
Vibheeshanapriyakara Beloved of Vibheeshana
Vajrakaya Hard Like Metal
Vardhimainakapujita Worshipped by Mynaka
Vagmine Spokesman
Vijitendriya Controller of the Senses
Vajranakha Strong-Nailed
Vagadheeksha Lord of Spokesmen
Yogine Yogi (Saint)


Legends of Hanuman

Hanuman ji is considered as the incarnation of Lord Shiva. Shri Hanuman is one of the popular gods of the Hindu religion and is worshipped all over the world. Life of Hanuman is a legend in itself, for his immeasurable love towards his Prabhu Ram. Here, are some stories of Sri Hanuman’s life that shows his supreme devotion for Lord Rama.

Hanuman – A Great Disciple of Rama
Hanuman is a supreme devotee of Sri Rama. Many incidents of Hanuman’s life acclaim this love. This is one interesting story which confirms the deep love of Hanuman for Lord Rama. Once when Sita ji (Consort of Lord Rama) was applying sindoora (vermillion) to her hair, Hanuman asked her the reason for doing so. She replied that by applying sindoora, she ensured a long life for her husband. The more sindoora she applied, the longer Rama’s life would be. The devoted Hanuman then smeared his entire body with sindoora, in an effort to ensure Rama’s immortality.

Hanuman and His Love for Eating
Here is one more interesting story of Hanuman depicting the regard and dedication towards the Lord Rama. Once Sita ji invited Hanuman for a lunch and especially which was cooked by her. Sita ji made many delicacies for the lunch, which was to be attended by Hanuman. Hanuman ji came and started eating the food served to him. He ate the whole food which was made in the kitchen .Sita ji quickly made more delicacies in order to satisfy the hunger of Hanuman. Hanuman ate that too and asked for more. Again, Sita ji cooked some more food and again it got finished in seconds.

The condition was that nothing was left in the kitchen to cook. Sita ji got tensed and thought to ask lord Rama about the situation. She conveyed the whole scene to Rama. Rama asked Sita ji to give a Tulsi-dal (a leaf of Tulsi) to Hanuman and her problem would be solved. Sita ji did the same and Hanuman’s appetite got satisfied. This shows that the words of Lord Rama are inevitable for Hanuman.


Lord Rama

Characteristics : Morality, Virtue, Ideal son, Ideal king
Other Names : Shri Ram, Ramachandra, Maryada Purushottama
Principal Scripture : Ramayana
Consort : Sita ji
Mula Mantra : Om Sri Ramaya Namah
Rama Gayatri Mantra : Aum Dasarathaye Vidmahe
Sitavallabhaya Dheemahi
Tanno Ramah Prachodayat

Lord Rama
Lord Rama is known as the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Rama, the perfect avatar of the Supreme Protector Vishnu, has always been popular among the Hindu deities. Rama is the symbol of courtesy and virtue, a man of values and morals. Ramachandra is Maryada Purushottama, which means the perfect man. Lord Rama is considered to have taken birth on the earth to destroy the evil forces of the age.

Lord Rama, in the words of Swami Vivekananda, is “the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king”. Rama is widely accepted to be an actual historical figure – a “tribal hero of ancient India” – whose deeds form the great Hindu epic of Ramayana or The Romance of Rama, written by the ancient Sanskrit poet Valmiki. According to the Hindus belief, Rama lived in the Treta Yug. Although historians are of the conviction that Rama was not particularly deified until the 11th century AD. Tulsidas’ wonderful version of the Sanskrit epic “Ramayana” into “Ramcharitmanas” greatly enhanced the popularity of Rama as a Hindu god and gave rise to various devotional groups.

Virtues of Rama
Shri Rama was a paragon of virtues. Rama was not only kind and affectionate but generous and considerate of feelings for all around him. Lord Rama had a marvelous physique and captivating manners. Shri Ram had a magnanimous personality. He was extremely noble, generous, chivalrous and fearless. He was very simple and absolutely free from flamboyance.

Lord Rama is considered as a son unequalled in the world, and resembled Dasaratha in each and every aspect of good qualities. He never spoke a lie throughout his life. He always offered respect to the scholars and the elders, people loved him and he adored the people. His body was transcendental and outstanding. He was eloquent, attractive and adjustable to circumstances. He knew the heart of each and every human being on the earth (being omniscient). He had all the conceivable qualities of a king’s son and was dear to the people as their own hearts.

Lord Rama was endowed with incredible transcendental qualities. The earth personified adored him, who was possessor of such virtues, who was indomitable, who was brave, and who was the unequalled Lord of all. To put succinctly, Sri Rama’s life was a life of holy compliance, of stainless purity, of matchless simplicity, praiseworthy contentment, commendable self-sacrifice and remarkable renunciation.


Legend of Lord Rama

As per the widespread legends, Lord Rama is considered as the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who took an Avatar to annihilate the demon king Ravana. Rama is known for his stainless personality and matchless simplicity. Shri Ram is one of the popular gods of Hindu religion. He was effulgent like the sun, in forgiveness like the earth, in intelligence like Brihaspati, in frame like Vasava, in prowess like Indra.

Victory of Rama – The Legend
The stories and glorious deeds of Lord Rama are renowned throughout the world. Here we will discuss the story of victory of Rama over Ravana, the demon. According to Ramayana, Diwali celebrates the return of Ram, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and the eldest son of King Dasharath of Ayodhya, from his 14-year exile with Sita and Lakshman after killing the Ravan, a demon king. The people of Ayodhya lighted the kingdom with earthen diyas (oil lamps) and fireworks to celebrate the return of their king. The legend of Rama says, Lord Rama was the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was a great warrior King. His father Dashratha, the King of Ayodhya sent him to exile along with his wife Sita and his younger brother Lakshman, on his wife’s (Kaikeyi) insistence. After 14 years of exile, in which he puts an end to the demon Ravana, Lord Rama returned to his Kingdom Ayodhya.

Ravana caged Sita and enforced her to marry him but she didn’t agree to this. Lord Rama with the help of Hanuman, Sugreev and Bali and their “Vaanar Sena” attacked Lanka and after a severe battle, got Sitaji released from the control of Ravana. After this victory of Good over Evil, Rama returned to Ayodhya.

According to the legend, people welcomed them by lighting rows of clay lamps in Ayodhya. Great celebrations were held and everyone was happy for Rama to be the King of Ayodhya. This celebration took place on the night of the new moon of Ashwin (October-November). From that day onwards; people celebrate this occasion as the most delightful festival of India and of the Hindu Religion. Even today Diwali celebration means -happiness, fireworks and sweets.

Thus the festival of diwali is an honour of Rama’s victory over Ravana.


Various Names of Lord Rama

Lord Rama is the one of the commonly worshipped gods of the Hindu religion. Shri Ram is recognized as the seventh incarnation (Avatar) of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe. Lord Ram is known for his virtues. Ram is the great lord of Hanuman, the ultimate disciple. Sri Ram is also known as Maryada Purushottam Ram because he is the epitome of righteousness. Lord Rama is considered as the perfect man, due to the fact that he makes a perfect son, a perfect husband, a perfect king and a perfect brother. Lord Rama is known by many different names. This list contains 108 names of Lord Rama with their meanings:Lord Rama is the one of the commonly worshipped gods of the Hindu religion. Shri Ram is recognized as the seventh incarnation (Avatar) of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe. Lord Ram is known for his virtues. Ram is the great lord of Hanuman, the ultimate disciple. Sri Ram is also known as Maryada Purushottam Ram because he is the epitome of righteousness. Lord Rama is considered as the perfect man, due to the fact that he makes a perfect son, a perfect husband, a perfect king and a perfect brother. Lord Rama is known by many different names. This list contains 108 names of Lord Rama with their meanings:


Name Meaning
Om Shri Ramaya Namaha The Giver of happiness
Om Ramabhadraya Namaha The Auspicious One
Om Ramachandraya Namaha Moon like Gentle
Om Shashvataya Namaha The ever-lasting one
Om Rajivalochanaya Namaha The Lotus-eyed
Om Shrimate Namaha The Abode of Lakshmi
Om Rajendraya Namaha The King of the Kings
Om Raghupungavaya Namaha The Scion of the Raghu dynasty
Om Janaki Vallabhaya Namaha The Consort of Janaki
Om Jaitraya Namaha The Triumphant
Om Jitamitraya Namaha The Conqueror of His Foes
Om Janardhanaya Namaha The Refuge of the people
Om Vishvamitra Priyaya Namaha The Beloved of Sage Vishvamitra
Om Dantaya Namaha The Unperturbed
Om Sharanatrana Tatparaya Namaha The One who is Determined To Protect His Devotees
Om Bali Pramathanaya Namaha The Slayer of Bali
Om Vagmine Namaha The Spokesman
Om Satyavache Namaha The Speaker Of Truth
Om Satyavikramaya Namaha The One who is Truthfully Powerful
Om Satyavrataya Namaha The One of truthful vows
Om Vratadharaya Namaha The One who is Practising Penance
Om Sada Hanumadashritaya Namaha The One who is always served by Hanuman
Om Kausaleyaya Namaha The Son of Kausalya
Om Kharadhvamsine Namaha The Slayer of the demon Khara
Om Viradha Vanapanditaya Namah The Slayer of the demon Viradha
Om Vibhishana Paritratre Namaha The Protector of Vibhishana
Om Kodanda Khandanaya Namaha The One who broke the mighty bow
Om Saptatala Prabhedre Namaha The One who Broke the Seven Tale Trees
Om Dashagriva Shiroharaya Namaha The Slayer Of Ten-Headed Ravana
Om Jamadagnya Mahadarpaya Namaha The destroyer of Jamadagni’s Son’s Arrogance
Om Tatakantakaya Namaha The Slayer of Tataka
Om Vedanta Saraya Namaha The Essence of Vedanta
Om Vedatmane Namaha The Spirit of the Vedas
Om Bhavarogasya Bheshajaya Namaha The Reliever Of Earthly Ailments
Om Dushanatri Shirohantre Namaha The Slayer Of Dooshanatrishira
Om Trigunatmakaya Namaha The Source of the three gunas
Om Trivikramaya Namaha The Conqueor Of The Three Worlds
Om Trilokatmane Namaha The Lord Of The Three Worlds
Om Punyacharitra Kirtanaya Namah The One whose story is a source of merit to those who sing it
Om Triloka Rakshakaya Namaha The Protector of the three worlds
Om Dhanvine Namaha The wielder of the bow
Om Dandakaranya Kartanaya Namaha The Dweller in the Dandaka forest
Om Ahalya Shapashamanaya Namaha The Reliever of Ahalya’s curse
Om Pitru Bhaktaya Namaha The Worshipper of father Dasaratha
Om Vara Pradaya Namaha The giver of boons
Om Jitendriyaya Namaha The Conqueror of the senses
Om Jitakrodhaya Namaha The Conqueror of anger
Om Jitamitraya Namaha The One who wins over friends
Om Jagad Gurave Namaha The Guru of the world
Om Riksha Vanara Sanghatine Namaha The Saviour Of Boars And Monkeys
Om Chitrakuta Samashrayaya Namaha The Lord who took refuge at Chitrakuta Hill
Om Jayanta Trana Varadaya Namaha The Lord who blessed Jayanta
Om Sumitra Putra Sevitaya Namaha The Lord who is served by Sumitra’s son (Lakshmana)
Om Sarva Devadhi Devaya Namaha The Lord of all the gods
Om Mritavanara Jivanaya Namaha The reviver of dead monkeys
Om Mayamaricha Hantre Namaha The Destroyer of the demon Maricha
Om Mahadevaya Namaha The Great Lord
Om Mahabhujaya Namaha The Lord of mighty arms
Om Sarvadeva Stutaya Namaha The Lord who is praised by all the gods
Om Saumyaya Namaha The Calm One
Om Brahmanyaya Namaha The Absolute Reality
Om Muni Samstutaya Namaha The Lord who is praised by sages
Om Mahayogine Namaha The Great Yogi
Om Mahadaraya Namaha The Noble One
Om Sugrivepsita Rajyadaye Namaha The Lord who returned the kingdom to Sugriva
Om Sarva Punyadhi Kaphalaya Namaha The Giver of fruits of pious work, good karmas
Om Smrita Sarvagha Nashanaya Namaha The Remover of all afflictions
Om Adipurushaya Namaha The Primal Being
Om Paramapurushaya Namaha The Supreme Being
Om Mahapurushaya Namaha The Great Being
Om Punyodayaya Namaha The Source of all blessings
Om Dayasaraya Namaha The Embodiment of compassion
Om Purana Purushottamaya Namaha The Most Ancient Person
Om Smita Vaktraya Namaha The One who smiling speaks
Om Mita Bhashine Namaha The One of moderate speech
Om Purva Bhashine Namaha The One who rarely speaks
Om Raghavaya Namaha The scion of the Raghu dynasty
Om Ananta Gunagambhiraya Namaha The Lord of infinite majestic qualities
Om Dhirodatta Gunottamaya Namaha The Lord of Valorous qualities
Om Maya Manusha Charitraya Namaha The Lord who incarnated as a man through His maya
Om Mahadevadi Pujitaya Namaha The Lord who is worshiped by Lord Shiva
Om Setukrite Namaha The builder of the bridge
Om Sarva Tirthamayaya Namaha The Lord who is the sum of all holy places
Om Haraye Namaha The Destroyer
Om Shyamangaya Namaha The Dark-complexioned One
Om Sundaraya Namaha The Beautiful One
Om Shooraya Namaha The Valiant
Om Pitavasase Namaha The Lord clad in yellow raiment
Om Dhanurdharaya Namaha The Bearer of the bow
Om Sarva Yajnadhipaya Namaha The Lord of sacrifice
Om Yajvine Namaha The Sacrificer
Om Jaramarana Varjitaya Namaha The Conqueror of birth and death
Om Vibhishana Pratishthatre Namaha The Lord who crowned Vibhishana on the throne
Om Sarvabharana Varjitaya Namaha The Lord who relinquished all adornment
Om Paramatmane Namaha The Supreme Self
Om Parabrahmane Namaha The Supreme Godhead
Om Sachidananda Vigrahaya Namaha The Form of Eternal Bliss
Om Parasmai Jyotishe Namaha The Supreme Light
Om Parasmai Dhamne Namaha The Supreme Abode
Om Parakashaya Namaha The Supreme Space
Om Paratparaya Namaha The Supreme beyond the highest
Om Pareshaya Namaha The Supreme Lord
Om Parakaya Namaha The Uplifter Of The Poor
Om Paraya Namaha The Supreme Being
Om Sarva Devatmakaya Namaha The Lord who is the Source of all gods
Om Parasmai Namaha The Supreme Lord



Characteristics : Strength, Beauty, Knowledge, Opulence
Other Names : Kanhaiya, Gopal, Keshava, Kanha
Principal Scriptures : Mahabharata, Bhagawad Gita, Vishnu Purana, Bhagavata Purana
Mula Mantra : Om Kleem Krishnaya Namah
Krishna Gayatri Mantra: Om Daamodharayae Vidmahee
Rukmani Vallabhaye Dheemahee
Tanno Krishna Prachodayaath
Consort : Rukmini ji


Lord Krishna is one of the most popular and worshipped deities of the Hindu religion. Krishna is considered as the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, the divine. Shri Krishna is the very embodiment of love and divine ecstasy that destroys all pain and offense. Lord Krishna took birth over five thousand years ago in Mathura, India to Devaki (Sister of Cruel Demon-King Kansa) and Vasudeva in the prison cell of the tyrant Kansa. The sage Narada had predicted that Kansa would be killed by his nephew, so the king killed Devaki’s first six children. The Seventh, Balarama escaped and the eighth, Krishna was clandestinely exchanged for a cowherd’s daughter.

A Great Lover – Krishna
Krishna was greatly attached to his foster mother, Yashoda. The lord had immense love for cows being nurtured in the cowherd’s family. In his childhood, he was really fond of Makhan (butter) and there are many famous mischiefs regarding this love. Later Krishna loved to play flute and used to seduce the village girls. His favourite was Radha who is claimed as the love of Krishna. And this is one of the famous love stories of Hindu mythology. The Lord is usually remembered and worshipped as Radha-Krishna. The pair symbolizes the eternal love between people and god. Krishna is recognized as the god of Hasya or humor and a messenger of peace.

Sri Krishna is the naturally loving and sweet aspect of Vishnu, Lord of Srimati Radharani and center of the spiritual abode. Krishna is the defender of sacred utterances. Krishna is a trickster and lover, a mastermind of all forms of knowledge and born to set up the religion of love. He is also known for his bravery in destroying evil powers throughout his life.

Phrase from Bhagavad Gita
It is believed that the Supreme Lord comes down from time to time in this material world to reestablish the teachings of the Vedas. Lord Krishna promises in his Bhagawad Gita: “Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion–at that time I descend myself. To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I myself appear millennium after millennium.”

Krishna Aarti

Shri Krishna Aarti completes the worship or prayers made to the God. It is believed that aarti provides a completion to the puja .This arti of lord Krishna is also known as Janmashtami Aarti, which is usually sung on the birthday of Krishna.



Aaratii Yugala Kishora Kii Kiijai |
Tana Mana Dhana Sab Arpana Kiijai ||

Ravi Shashi Koti Vadana Kii Shobhaa |
Taahi Nirakha Meraa Mana Lobhaa ||

Gaura Shyaama Mukha Nikhrata Riijhai l
Prabhu Ko Ruupa Nayana Bhara Pijai ||

Kanchanna Thaala Kapuura Kii Baatii |
Hari Aaye Nirmala Bahii Chaatii ||.

Phuulana Kii Seja Phuulana Kii Maalaa |
Ratna Sinhaasana Baithe Nandalaalaa ||

Mora Mukuta Kara Muralii Sohai |
Natavara Vesha Dekha Mana Mohai ||

Anga Niila Piita Pata Saarii |
Kunja Bihaarii Giravaradhaarii ||

Shri Purushottama Girivara Dhaarii |
Aaratii Karata Sakala Nar Naarii ||

Nanda Nandana Vrushahaanu Kishorii |
Paramaananda Svaamii Avichala Jodii ||


Krishna Chalisa

Krishna Chalisa means a prayer of “forty verse”, which praise and entreat Sri Krishna with devotion. They are recited over and over again to recall the virtues of Krishna, the Lord, in order to aid the disciple to meditate on good and righteous qualities.


ll Doha ll
Banshi Shobhit Kar Madhur,Neel Jalad Tanu Shyam l 
Arun Adhar Janu Bimba Phal,Nayan Kamal Abhiraam ll
Puran Indu Arvind Mukha, Pitaambar Shubha Saaj l 
Jai Manmohan Madan Chhavi,Krishnachandra Maharaj ll


ll Chaupai ll
Jai Yadunandan Jai Jagvandan, Jai Vasudev Devki Nandan
Jai Yashoda Sut Nanda Dulaare,Jai Prabhu Bhaktan Ke Rakhavaare

Jai Natanaagar Naag Nathaiyaa, Krishna Kanhaiya Dhenu Charaiya
Puni Nakh Par Prabhu Girivar Dhaaro,Aao Deenan Kasht Nivaaro

Bansi Madhur Adhar Dhari Teri, Hove Puran Manorath Meri
Aao Hari Puni Maakhan Chaakho, Aaj Laaj Bhaktan Ki Raakho

Gol Kapol Chibuk Arunaare,Mridul Muskaan Mohini Daare
Ranjit Raajiv Nayan Vishaalaa, Mor Mukut Vaijayanti Maalaa

Kundal Shravan Peetpat Aache, Kati Kinkini Kaachhan Kaachhe
Neel Jalaj Sundar Tanu Sohe,Chhavi Lakhi Sur Nar Muni Mana Mohe

Mastak Tilak Alak Ghunghraale, Aao Shyaam Bansuri Vaale
Kari Pai Paan, Putanaahin Taaryo, Akaa Bakaa Kaaga Sur Maaryo

Madhuvan Jalat Agni Jab Jvaala, Bhaye Sheetal ,Lakhitahin Nandalala
Surpati Jab Brij Chadhyo Risaai, Musar Dhaar Baari Barsaai

Lagat-Lagat Brij Chahan Bahaayo, Govardhan Nakhdhari Bachaayo.
Lakhi Yashodaa Man Bhram Adhikaai,Mukh Mahan Chaudah Bhuvan Dikhaai

Dusht Kansa Ati Udham Machaayo, Koti Kamal Kahan Phul Mangaayo.
Naathi Kaaliyahin Tab Tum Linhen, Charanchinh Dai Nirbhay Kinhe

Kari Gopin Sang Raas Vilaasa, Sab Ki Puran Kari Abhilashaa
Ketik Mahaa Asur Sanhaaryo, Kansahi Kesh Pakadi Dai Maaryo

Maatu Pitaa Ki Bandi Chhudaayi, Ugrasen Kahan Raaj Dilaayi
Mahi Se Mritak Chhaho Sut Laayo, Matu Devaki Shok Mitaayo

Bhomaasur Mura Daitya Sanhaari, Laaye Shatdash Sahas Kumaari
Dai Bhinhin Trincheer Sanhaara, Jaraasindhu Raakshas Kahan Maara

Asur Vrikaasur Aadik Maaryo, Bhaktan Ke Tab Kasht Nivaariyo
Deen Sudaamaa Ke Dukh Taaryo, Tandul Teen Muthi Mukh Daaryo

Prem Ke Saag Vidura Ghar Maange, Duryodhan Ke Mevaa Tyaage
Laakhi Premki Mahimaa Bhaari, Naumi Shyam Deenan Hitkaari

Maarath Ke Paarath Rath Haanke, Liye Chakra Kar Nahin Bal Thaake
Nij Gitaa Ke Gyaan Sunaaye, Bhaktan Hriday Sudhaa Barsaaye

Meera Thi Aisi Matvaali, Vish Pee Gayi Bajaakar Taali
Raanaa Bhejaa Saamp Pitaari, Shaaligraam Bane Banvaari

Nij Maayaa Tum Vidhihin Dikhaayo, Urate Sanshay Sakal Mitaayo
Tav Shat Nindaa Kari Tatkaalaa, Jivan Mukt Bhayo Shishupaalaa

Jabahin Draupadi Ter Lagaai, Deenanaath Laaj Ab Jaai
Asa Anaatha Ke Naath Kanhaiyaa, Dubat Bhanvar Bachaavat Naiyaa

Sundardaas Aas Ura Dhaari, Dayadrishti Keeje Banwaari
Naath Sakal Mam Kumati Nivaaro, Chhamobegi Apraadh Hamaaro

Kholo Pat Ab Darshan Deeje, Bolo Krishna Kanhaiya Ki Jai

ll Doha ll 
Yah Chalisa Krishna Ka, Path Kare Ur Dhaari l l 
Asht Siddhi Nav Niddhi Phal, Lahe Padaarath Chaari l


Different Names of Lord Krishna

Sri Krishna is one of the most lovable deities of the Hindu Religion. Lord Krishna is regarded as the eighth incarnation or avatar of Lord Vishnu. Krishna took birth in the Dwaparyuga, according to the Hindu Mythology. God Krishna is the personification of love and ecstasy that vanishes all pain and sin. Sri Krishna is often depicted as a cowherd’s boy, who loves curd and butter. Lord Krishna is also associated with the Raas-Leela, in which he is always surrounded by the Gopis (Young cowherd girls). Krishna’s immense love for Radha is immortal and the couple is usually remembered as Radha-Krishna. Sri Krishna is known by many different names. This list contains 108 names of Lord Krishna with their meanings:


Names Meanings
Achala Still Lord
Achyuta Infallible Lord
Adbhutah Wonderful God
Adidev The Lord of the Lords
Aditya the Son of Aditi
Ajanma One Who Is Limitless and Endless
Ajaya the Conqueror of Life and Death
Akshara Indestructible Lord
Amrut One Who Is Sweet as Nectar
Anaadih One Who Is the First Cause
Anandsagar Compassionate Lord
Ananta the Endless Lord
Anantajit Ever Victorious Lord
Anaya One Who Has No Leader
Aniruddha One Who Cannot Be Obstructed
Aparajeet the Lord Who Cannot Be Defeated
Avyukta One Who Is As Clear As Crystal
Balgopal the Child Krishna, the All Attractive
Bali the Lord of Strength
Chaturbhuj Four-Armed Lord
Danavendra Granter of Boons
Dayalu Repository of Compassion
Dayanidhi the Compassionate Lord
Devadidev the God of the Gods
Devakinandan Son of Mother Devaki
Devesh Lord of the Lords
Dharmadhyaksha the Lord OF Dharma
Dwarkapati Lord of Dwarka
Gopal One Who Plays With the Cowherds, the Gopas
Gopalpriya Lover of Cowherds
Govinda One who pleases the Cows and the Nature.
Gyaneshwar the Lord of Knowledge
Hari the Lord of Nature
Hiranyagarbha the All Powerful Creator
Hrishikesh the Lord of All Senses
Jagadguru Preceptor of the Universe
Jagadisha Protector of All
Jagannath Lord of the Universe
Janardhana One Who Bestows Boons on One And All
Jayantah Conqueror of All Enemies
Jyotiraaditya the Resplendence of the Sun
Kamalnath the Lord of Goddess Lakshmi
Kamalnayan the Lord with Lotus Shaped Eyes
Kamsantak Slayer of Kamsa
Kanjalochana the Lotus-Eyed God
Keshava One Who Has Long, Black Matted Locks
Krishna Dark-Complexioned Lord
Lakshmikantam the Lord of Goddess Lakshmi
Lokadhyaksha Lord of All the Three Lokas (Worlds)
Madan the Lord of Love
Madhava Knowledge Filled God
Madhusudan Slayer of Demon Madhu
Mahendra Lord of Indra
Manmohan All Pleasing Lord
Manohar Beautiful Lord
Mayur the Lord Who Has A Peacock Feathered-Crest
Mohan All Attractive God
Murali the Flute Playing Lord
Murlidhar One Who Holds the Flute
Murlimanohar the Flute Playing God
Nandgopala the Son of Nand
Narayana the Refuge of Everyone
Niranjana the Unblemished Lord
Nirguna without Any Properties
Padmahasta One Who Has Hands like Lotus
Padmanabha the Lord Who Has a Lotus Shaped Navel
Parabrahmana the Supreme Absolute Truth
Paramatma Lord of All Beings
Parampurush Supreme Personality
Parthasarthi Charioteer of Partha – Arjuna
Prajapati Lord of All Creatures
Punyah Supremely Pure
Purshottam the Supreme Soul
Ravilochana One who’s Eye Is the Sun
Sahasraakash Thousand-Eyed Lord
Sahasrajit One Who Vanquishes Thousands
Sahasrapaat Thousand-Footed Lord
Sakshi All Witnessing Lord
Sanatana the Eternal Lord
Sarvajana Omniscient Lord
Sarvapalaka Protector of All
Sarveshwar Lord of All Gods
Satyavachana One Who Speaks Only the Truth
Satyavrata the Truth Dedicated Lord
Shantah Peaceful Lord
Shreshta the Most Glorious Lord
Shrikanta Beautiful Lord
Shyam Dark-Complexioned Lord
Shyamsundara Lord of the Beautiful Evenings
Sudarshana Handsome Lord
Sumedha Intelligent Lord
Suresham Lord of All Demi-Gods
Swargapati Lord of Heavens
Trivikrama Conqueror of All the Three Worlds
Upendra Brother of Indra
Vaikunthanatha Lord of Vaikuntha, the Heavenly Abode
Vardhamaanah the Formless Lord
Vasudev All Prevailing Lord
Vishnu All Prevailing Lord
Vishwadakshinah Skilfull and Efficient Lord
Vishwakarma Creator of the Universe
Vishwamurti Form of the Entire Universe
Vishwarupa One Who Displays the Universal Form
Vishwatma Soul of the Universe
Vrishaparvaa Lord of Dharma
Yadavendra King of the Yadav Clan
Yogi the Supreme Master
Yoginampati Lord of the Yogis



Characteristics : Destroyer, Kind Hearted
Other Names : Shambhu Nath, Bhole Shankar, Shiv Shankar
Principal Scriptures: Shiva Mahapurana
Consort : Parvati
Sons : Ganesha, Kartikay
Abode : Mount Kailash
Vahana (Vehicle) : Nandi (The Bull Representing Strength and Happiness)
Mula Mantra : Om Namah Shivaye
Shiva Gayatri Mantra: Aum Panchvakraye Vidmahe
Mahadevaye Dheemahi
Tanno Rudra Prachodayat

Lord Shiva or Siva is considered as the destroyer of the world. Shiva is one of the most popular gods of the Hindu religion. Lord Siva forms the part of the Trimurti (Trinity), the other being Brahma, the creator and Vishnu, the preserver. Shiva is known for the complexity of his nature, representing contradictory qualities. He is the destroyer and the restorer, the great ascetic and the symbol of sensuality, the kind herdsman of souls and a wrathful avenger.

Lord Shiva- The Role
Lord Shiva represents the vital goodness in the form of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram i.e.; Truth, Goodness and Beauty .Lord Shiva performs a celestial role of dissolution and recreation of the universe, that’s why; he is mostly associated with the words, like destroyer and destruction. The role of Shiva is often confused with these terms and the difficulty arises, when the significance of his celestial role is not understood.

The conception is clear itself by a slight balance between the opposing forces of good and evil. When this balance gets disturbed and continuation of life becomes unfeasible, Lord Shiva dissolves the universe. This is known as ” pralay ” and it is done in order to create another cycle .So that the unliberated souls will get another opportunity to liberate themselves from the bondage of the material world. To put succinctly, Siva protects the souls from pain and suffering that is generated by the unhealthy universe.

Shiva – The Giver
Lord Shiva is known as the ”giver god”, lord of mercy and kindness. He always protects his devotees from evil forces like lust, greed and anger. He is the most kind -hearted God who grants boons and bestows grace to his devotees.

Shiva – The Image
Lord Shiva has the unclad body covered with ashes symbolizing the transcendental aspect of the universe. Siva’s three matted locks represent the integration of the mental, physical and spiritual energies. The crescent moon becomes the part of lord’s ornament symbolizing the time cycle through which creation evolves from the beginning to the end. The three eyes of Lord Shiva suggest: the Sun is his right eye, the Moon is the left eye and fire, the third eye.

The Snake around his neck symbolizes the yogic power, which he uses to dissolve and recreate the universe. The Rudraksha necklace worn by the lord shows that he uses his celestial powers without compromise,to maintain law and order. The trishula (trident), symbolizes the Lord’s three fundamental powers of will (iccha), action (kriya) and knowledge (gyana).The damaru (drum) and its two sides separated from each other symbolizes the two entirely dissimilar states of existence, invisible and evident.

The bull, Nandi is linked with Shiva and it is considered as his vehicle. The bull symbolizes both power and ignorance. Tiger’s skin makes Lord Shiva’s clothing and his seat, which illustrates the idea that he is the source of potential energy during the dissolution of the universe. Thus, Lord Shiva is well-regarded as the ultimate organizer of the birth and death in the corporeal world.

Shiva – The Lingam
Shiva is worshipped in his invisible and an unborn form, known as the lingam. Lingam is always accompanied by the Yoni, which is the female part, adjoining the base of the lingam. The lingam symbolizes the male creative power of Shiva.


Shiva Chalisa

Shiva Chalisa is a “forty verse” prayer. Verses are recited or chanted by groups. The acts and deeds of Shiva are recalled in these verses to aid the devotee to meditate on virtuous and noble qualities.


ll Doha ll
Jai Ganesh Girija Suvan, Mangal Mool Sujaan l l 
Kahat Ayodhyadas Tum, Dehu Abhaya Vardan l


ll Chaupai ll
Jai Girijapati Deen Dayala, Sada Karat Santan Pratipala
Bhal Chandrama Sohati Neeke, Kanan Kundal Nag Phani Ke

Ang Gaur Shiv Ganga Bahaye, Mundamal Tan Kshar Lagaye
Vastra Khaal Baghambar Sohe, Chhavi Ko Dekh Nag Muni Mohe

Maina Matu Ki Priya Dulari, Bam Ang Sohat Chhavi Pyari
Kar Trishul Sohat Chhavi Bhari, Karat Sada Shatrun Shaykari

Nandi Ganesh Sohe Tanha Kaise, Sagar Madhya Kamal Hain Jaise
Kartik Shyam Aur Gana Raau, Ya Chhavi Ko Kahi Jaat Na Kaau

Devan Jabhee Jaaye Pukara,Tabahin Dukh Prabhu Ap Nivaara
Keen Upadrava Taarak Bhari, Devan Sab Mili Tumhee Pukari

Turat Shadanan Ap Pathayo, Luv Nimesh Mahi Mar Girayo
Ap Jallandhar Asur Sanhara, Suyash Tumhar Vidit Sansara

Tripurasur Sang Yuddha Machayi, Sabahin Kripa Kari Leen Bachayi
Keeya Taphin Bhagirath Bhari, Purahi Pratigya Tasu Purari

Darpa Chhod Ganga Tab Ayee, Sewak Astuti Karat Sadahee
Ved Naam Mahima Tav Gayaee, Akath Anadi Bhed Nahin Payee

Pragati Udadhi Manthan Mein Jwala, Jare Surasur Bhaye Vihaala
Mahadeva Tab Kari Sahayee, Neelkantha Tav Nam Dharayee

Poojan Ramchandra Jab Keenha, Lanka Jeet Vibhishan Deenha
Sahas Kamal me ho rahe dhaari, Keenha Pareeksha Tabahi Purari

Ek Kamal Prabhu Rakheu johee, Kamal Nayan Poojan Chahin Soyee
Kathin Bhakti Dekhi Prabhu Shankar, Bhaye Prasanna Deya Icchhit Var

Jai Jai Jai Ananta Avinasi, Karat Kripa Sab Ke Ghatvasi
Dushta Sakal Mohi Nitya Sataven, Bhramita Rahe Mohe Chain Na Aave

Trahi Trahi Main Nath Pukaro, Yeh Avasar Mohi Ani Ubaro
Lai Trishool Shatrun Ko Maro, Sankat Se Mohi Ani Ubaro

Mata Pita Bhrata Sab Hoi, Sankat Mein Poochat Nahi Koi
Swami Ek Hai Aas Tumhari, Aaye Harahu Mam Sankat Bhaari

Dhan Nirdhan Kon Det Sadaee, Arat Jan Ki Peer Mitaee
Astuti Kehi Vidhi Karahu Tumhari, Shamhu Naath Ab Chook Hamari

Shanker Ho Sankat Ke Nashan, Vighna Vinashan Mangal Kaaran
Yogi Yati Muni Dhyan Lagave, Sharad Narad Sheesh Navave

Namo Namo Jai Namah Shivaye, Sur Brahmadik Par Na Paaye
Jo Yeh Path Kare Man Layee, Tapar Hot Hain Shambu Sahayee

Riniya Jo Koi Ho Adhikaari, Paath Kare So Paavanhaari
Putra Heen Ichha Kar Koi, Nishchaya Shiv Prasad Tehi Hoi

Pandit Triyodashi Ko Lave, Dhyan Poorvak Hom Karave
Triyodashi Vrata Kare Hamesha, Tan Nahi Take Rahe Kalesha

Dhoop Deep Naivedya Chadhavai, Shanker Sanmukha Path Karavahi
Janam Janam Ki Pap Nasave, Anta Vaas Shivpur Men Paave

Hey Shankar Hai Aas Tumhari, Dukh Peera Ab Harahu Hamari


ll Doha ll 
Nit Nem Kar Praatha Hee ,Paath Karo Chaalis l 
Tum Meri Manokaamna, Puran Karo Jagdeesh ll 
Magsar Chhati Hemant Ritu, Sanvat Chausadh Jaan l 
Astuti Chaalisa Shivhi, Puran Keen Kalyaan ll


Shiva Legends

Shiva is considered as the destroyer of the universe, in Hinduism. Shiva is a complex god, in terms of nature and represents contradictory qualities, being the destroyer and the restorer simultaneously. There are numerous legends surrounding Lord Shiva and his powers. Here’re a few popular stories of Lord Shiva.

Story of Shiva Lingam – Why Shiva is worshipped in the Phallic Form
This is an interesting story regarding the worship of Lord Shiva in the phallic form. It is believed that once Brahma and Vishnu, the two deities of the Trinity, got into an argument regarding their supremacy. Lord Brahma declared himself to be more admired, being the creator. While the preserver, Vishnu, pronounced that he commanded more admiration. Just then a huge pillar of fire (lingam), called as Jyotirlinga, appeared in flames, before them. This Lingam enthralled both Brahma and Vishnu, with its hastily increasing size.

With this incident, they forgot their quarrel and decided to find its size. Vishnu took the form of boar and went to the netherworld. Brahma assumed the form of a Swan and flew to the skies. However both of them were unsuccessful in completing the self-assumed tasks. At that time, Shiva appeared out of the lingam and acknowledged that he was the progenitor of both, Brahma and Vishnu. So, he should be worshipped in his phallic (lingam) form, and not in the anthropomorphic form.

Story of Shiva and the Hunter
Here is one more interesting story of Lord Shiva, showing his merciful nature. Once a hunter was wandering in a dense forest, to chase a deer and suddenly he found himself on the banks of river Kolidum, where he heard the roar of a tiger. In order to defend himself from the tiger, he climbed up a tree close by. The Tiger sat on the ground below the tree without the purpose to leave.

The huntsman stayed at the tree whole night and to keep himself awake, he plucked one leaf after another from the tree and threw it down. There was a Shiva Lingam under the tree and gracefully the tree turned out to be a ”bilva” tree (leaves of this tree are adored by Shiva). Without any knowledge, the huntsman had delighted the deity by pouring Bilva leaves all night. With the arrival of the sun, the hunter looked down and found the tiger gone. In its place, Lord Shiva was standing and he prostate before the lord. With Shiva’s blessings, he attained salvation from the bondage of the material world.

Different Names of Shiva

Lord Shiva is considered as the destroyer of the Universe as per the Hindu Mythology. Shiva is one of the most popular gods of the Hindus. Lord Shiva is a complex god like goddess Kali, being destroyer and restorer at the same time. Shiva is also known as Bhole Shankar, the innocent god, who gets appeased easily. Shiv Shambhu is also recognized as an ascetic, as he resides on Mount Kailash in meditation. God Shiv is worshipped usually in his phallic (Lingam) form. Special Worship of Shiva can be seen during the month of Saawan (July-August) of Hinduism. Lord Shiva is known by many different names. This list contains 108 names of Lord Shiva with their meanings:


Names Meanings
Aashutosh One Who Fulfills Wishes at once
Aja Unborn
Akshayaguna God with Numberless Attributes
Anagha Without Any error
Anantadrishti of Infinite Vision
Augadh One Who Revels All the Time
Avyayaprabhu Everlasting Lord
Bhairav Lord of Terror
Bhalanetra One Who Has an Eye in the Forehead
Bholenath Kind Hearted Lord
Bhooteshwara Lord of Ghosts and Evil Beings
Bhudeva Lord of the Earth
Bhutapala Protector of the Ghosts
Chandrapal Master Of The Moon
Chandraprakash One Who Has Moon As A Crest
Dayalu Compassionate
Devadeva Lord Of The Lords
Dhanadeepa Lord Of Affluence
Dhyanadeep Icon Of Meditation And Concentration
Dhyutidhara Lord Of Radiance
Digambara Ascetic Without Any Clothes
Durjaneeya Difficult To Be Known
Durjaya Unvanquished
Gangadhara God Of River Ganga
Girijapati Husband Of Girija (Parvati)
Gunagrahin Acceptor Of Gunas
Gurudeva Master Of All
Hara Remover Of Sins
Jagadisha Master Of The Universe
Jaradhishamana Redeemer From Afflictions
Jatin One Who Has Knotted Hair
Kailas One Who Bestows Peace
Kailashadhipati Lord Of Mount Kailash
Kailashnath Master Of Mount Kailash
Kamalakshana Lotus-Eyed Lord
Kantha Ever-Radiant
Kapalin One WhoWears A Necklace Of Skulls
Khatvangin One Who Has The Missile (Khatvangin) In His Hand
Kundalin One Who Wears Earrings
Lalataksha One Who Has An Eye In The Forehead
Lingadhyaksha Lord Of The Lingas
Lingaraja Lord Of The Lingas
Lokankara Maker Of The Three Worlds
Lokapal One Who Takes Care Of The World
Mahabuddhi Exceptionally Intelligent
Mahadeva Greatest God
Mahakala Lord Of All Times
Mahamaya Of Great Illusions
Mahamrityunjaya Great Victor Of Death
Mahanidhi Great Storehouse
Mahashaktimaya One Who Has Infinite Powers
Mahayogi Supreme of All Gods
Mahesha The Almighty
Maheshwara Lord of the Lords
Nagabhushana One Who Has Snakes as Ornaments
Nataraja King of the Art of Dancing
Nilakantha Blue Necked Lord
Nityasundara Ever Beautiful
Nrityapriya Lover of Dance
Omkara Originator of OM
Palanhaar One Who Protects Everyone
Parameshwara First among All Gods
Paramjyoti Greatest Splendor
Pashupati Lord of All Living Beings
Pinakin One Who Has a Bow In His Hand
Pranava Originator of the Syllable of OM
Priyabhakta Favorite of the Devotees
Priyadarshana of Loving Vision
Pushkara One Who Gives Nourishment
Pushpalochana One Who Has Eyes like Flowers
Ravilochana Having Sun as the Eye
Rudra the Dreadful
Rudraksha One Who Has Eyes like Rudra
Sadashiva Eternal God
Sanatana Eternal Lord
Sarvacharya Preceptor of All
Sarvashiva Always Chaste
Sarvatapana Scorcher of All
Sarvayoni Source of Everything
Sarveshwara Lord of All Gods
Shambhu One Who Bestows Prosperity
Shankara One Who Gives Happiness
Shiva Always Pure
Shoolin One Who Has a Trident (Trishool)
Shrikantha of Magnificent Neck
Shrutiprakasha Illuminator of the Vedas
Shuddhavigraha One Who Has a Pure Body
Skandaguru Preceptor of Skanda
Someshwara Lord of All Gods
Sukhada Bestower of Happiness
Suprita Well Pleased
Suragana Having Gods As Attendants
Sureshwara Lord Of All Gods
Swayambhu Self-Manifested
Tejaswani One Who Spreads Illumination
Trilochana Three-Eyed Lord
Trilokpati Master of All the Three Worlds
Tripurari Enemy of Tripura
Trishoolin One Who Has a Trident in His Hands
Umapati Husband of Uma (Parvati)
Vachaspati Lord of Speech
Vajrahasta One Who Has a Thunderbolt in His Hands
Varada Granter of Boons
Vedakarta Creator of the Vedas
Veerabhadra Supreme Lord of the Nether World
Vishalaksha Wide-Eyed Lord s
Vishveshwara Lord of the Universe
Vrishavahana One Who Has Bull as His Mount



Mula Mantra : Om Suryaye Namah
Surya Gayatri Mantra: Aum Bhaskaraye Vidmahe
Divakraraye Dheemahi
Tanno Suryah Prachodayat

As per the Hindu Religion, Surya symbolizes the Sun God. Surya is considered as the only visible form of God that can be seen every day. God Surya is regarded as an aspect of Shiva and Vishnu by Shaivites and Vaishnavas respectively. Surya is also known as Surya Narayana. Surya, the Sun God is also acknowledged as one of the eight forms of Lord Shiva (Astamurti). Surya is the lord of excellence and wisdom.

Surya – The Image
The celestial body, Surya (the sun) is visible in the sky. Still according to the Hindu beliefs, Surya is depicted as a red man with three eyes and four arms, riding in a one wheeled chariot pulled by seven horses.

Surya – The God of Light
Surya forms the major god of the Navgraha (nine planets).Surya is the God of light as per the Vedic texts. Surya is the literal source of life. According to the scientific fact, the whole universe is based on the process of photosynthesis which takes place due to the presence of Surya (the sun).

God Surya – The worship 
It is believed that Surya has been worshipped since ages to receive the kind blessings of God. A simple namaskaar (folding hands) to the lord makes him happy. Offering water to the God is too considered to receive the mercy. Surya is believed to be a generous deity capable of curing sick people, in India. It is also proved in Science that sunlight is a rich source of Vitamin-D. Surya is usually remembered for the brilliance and light in one’s life.

Surya – The Gayatri Mantra
The Gayatri Mantra of the Hindu Religion is also associated with the Sun God, Surya. Aditya Hridayam is another hymn associated with Surya, recited by the sage Agatsya to Rama on the battlefield before the fight with Ravana.

Symbol of Surya is also regarded as one of the auspicious signs of the Hindu religion. People place the sign of the Sun over main doors as they think it would bring them good luck.



Characteristics : Protector, Preserver
Other Names : Narayan, Adinath, Hrishikesh, Badrinath
Principal Scriptures : Vishnu Purana, Vishnu Sahasranama
Consort : Lakshmi, The Goddess of Wealth
Abode : Vaikuntha
Mount (Vahana) : Garuda (The Eagle Bird)
Weapon : Chakra and Gada (mace)
Mula Mantra : Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya
Vishnu Gayatri Mantra: Om Narayanaya Vidmahee
Vasudevaya Dheemahi
Tanno Vishnu Prachodayaat


Lord Vishnu is considered as the chief god in Hindu religion and Indian mythology. Vishnu, the preserver, forms the part of the trinity while the other two being Brahma and Shiva, respectively, as the creator and destroyer of the universe. It is believed that Vishnu is an eternal and universal spirit associated with the primeval waters that pervaded before the creation of the universe.

Vishnu – The Name
Lord Vishnu is known by numerous names and a thousand names are given in the book ” Vishnu Sahasranama”. The name Vishnu has its roots in a Sanskrit word ‘Vish ‘, which means to pervade. God Vishnu is all pervading but known more by the avatars (incarnation) he took on the earth.

Vishnu – the Preserver
To understand the concept of Vishnu being the preserver of the world, one has to understand the two beliefs of Hinduism. The first is that men attain salvation by faithfully following predetermined paths of duty. The Second is that powers of good and evil (gods and demons) are in regular controversy to rule over the world. It is believed that whenever evil prevails over good in order to win, Vishnu comes down to earth in some mortal form to save righteousness. As per the Puranas, Vishnu is not allowed to interfere in the situations directly. So, he takes different avatar and act in manners that will re-establish proper balance between good and evil.

Vishnu – The Image
According to numerous Purana, Vishnu is the ultimate omnipresent reality. Still, he is depicted as a four-armed male-form indicating his all-powerful and all-pervasive nature. The skin color is new-cloud-like-blue which indicates his all-pervasive nature, blue being the color of the infinite sky as well as the infinite ocean on which he resides. Vishnu has the mark of sage Bhrigu’s feet and the srivatsa mark, symbolizing his consort Lakshmi, on his chest. A crown decorates his head symbolizing his supreme authority. He rests on Ananta, the immortal and infinite snake.


Avatars of Vishnu

Lord Vishnu is prominent as the Preserver of the universe. Vishnu’s restoring, shielding and conserving powers have been apparent in the world in a sequence of ten mortal incarnations known as Avatars. The avatars appear in order to balance the effect of good and evil upon the earth. It is believed that nine avatars have already descended, three in non human form, one in hybrid form and five in human form. Of the ten universally recognized avatars, nine have already appeared whereas the tenth is yet to appear. These ten avatars are also known by the name of Dasha Avatar of Vishnu.

All the Avatars are mortal form of Lord Vishnu, who himself is eternal, consistent and undeniable. The Dasha Avatar of Vishnu are briefly discussed here:

Matsya Avatar – Lord Vishnu in the form of Fish
The first avatar, Matsya, was taken by Lord Vishnu at the end of the Satyuga (last age), when a flood destroyed the world. Through this avatar, he saved humanity and the sacred Veda text from the flood.

Kurma Avatar – Lord Vishnu in the form of Turtle
The second avatar, Kurma, was taken in the Satyuga (last age) to help the Devas and to obtain the amrut (nectar) of immortality which was also sought after by the Asuras (demons). He helped in creating the world by giving support of his back through this avatar.

Varaha Avatar – Lord Vishnu in the form of Boar
The third avatar, Varaha, was taken at the end of the last flood in the Satyuga, when Bhoomi Devi (Earth Mother) sank to the bottom of the ocean. Vishnu, in the form of varaha, dived into the ocean and raised the goddess out of the ocean, supported by his two tusks.

Narsimha Avatar – Lord Vishnu in the form of Half – Man and Half – Lion 
The fourth Avatar, Narsimha, was taken in the Satyuga (last age) to kill a tyrant demon king. Narsimha is the only avatar which was Hybrid in form being half human and half animal.

Vamana Avatar – Lord Vishnu in the form of a Dwarf 
The fifth avatar, Vamana, appeared in the Tretayuga in order to destroy Bali, the king of demons. He came during a huge ceremony conducted by the king and cleverly asked for just three feet of land, measured by his own small feet. Vamana covered whole of the earth and the heaven, subduing Bali into his feet.

Parshurama Avatar – Lord Vishnu in the form of a Brahmin
The sixth avatar, Parshurama, appeared in the Tretayuga to destroy the warrior caste. When the kings of the earth became despotic and started to harm people and saints in the forest, Vishnu incarnated as Parshurama and destroyed all the kings who were harassing the people.

Rama Avatar – Lord Vishnu in the form of the King
The seventh avatar, Rama, the prince and king of Ayodhaya, appeared in the Tretayuga, to rescue Sita with his loyal servant Hanuman and his brother, Lakshmana, and killed the demon Ravana. Lord Rama became one of the most popular gods in the Hindu religion.

Krishna Avatar – Lord Vishnu in the form of a Cowherd’s Boy
The eighth avatar, Krishna, along with his brother Balarama, appeared in the Dwaparyuga to kill the demon king, Kansa. Lord Krishna conveyed the message of love and humanity to the world. Krishna told the epic poem Bhagavad Gita to the warrior Arjuna ,in which he acclaimed : ”Whenever Dharma, or the situation of law and order, is endangered on this world, I incarnate onto this world to re establish Dharma, law and order, and to protect the Sadhus or saints and to destroy the evil elements of the society.”

Buddha Avatar – Lord Vishnu in the Form of Buddha
The ninth avatar, Mahavira Buddha, appeared in the Kalyuga, to teach the lesson of following a middle path in life. ”Buddha” means ‘the enlightened one’. He taught that all sorrow comes from attachments and desires, so it’s better to curb all attachments in order to remain happy.

Kalki Avatar – Lord Vishnu in the form of Horse
The tenth Avatar, Kalki, (“Eternity”, or “time”, or “The Destroyer of foulness”), is yet to appear on the earth. And it is expected to appear at the end of Kali Yuga, the time period in which we currently exist, which will end in the year 428899 CE.