ॐ Hindu Of Universe ॐ
“God’s light is within you, It never leaves you.”
Jamun Tree and Fruit in Hinduism
Jamun Tree and fruit (English name includes Java plum, Indian allspice, rose apple) is deeply associated with Hindu religion.
It is one of the favorite fruits of Ganesha.
Jamun in Hinduism
- Jambudvipa is the name of one of the seven islands on earth mentioned in Hindu scriptures. It is named after Jamun fruit.
- The fruit is offered in temples as it matches the dark complexion of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.
- Hindus knew about the medicinal properties of the tree from ancient times.
- The powdered seeds of jamun were used to cure several diseases in ancient India.
- There is popular story of Jamun fruit and Draupadi in the Mahabharata.
Jamun fruit is known in Hindu scriptures as
- Jambu – epithet of Varuna, God waters in Vedas
- Phalendra – king of fruits
- Mahaphala – great fruit
- Nilaphala – blue fruit
- Nadeyi – It is the name of a smaller version of Jamun found along the riverbanks.
- Surabhi Patra – having fragrant leaves
- Shukapriya – dear to parrots
- Rajaphala – Royal fruit
Jamun Tree
It is a large, evergreen tree belonging to the myrtle family.
It has large, smooth and glossy leaves.
White flowers appear in the month of March – April.
The flowers appear in branch clusters at the tip of the stem.
Purple – black fruits are available during rainly June – July period.
The bark of the tree is used in tanning and dyeing.
Jamun in ancient literature
The tree is mentioned in the Meghaduta of Kalidasa
Bhavabhuti mentions it in the Malatimadhavam, Uttaramacharitam and Mahaviracharita.
Alberuni mentions about the presence of Jamun in India in his Tahkik-i-Hind.
Medicinal Properties of Jamun – fruit – seed – leaves – bark
Powdered seeds are used to cure:
- Diabetes
- Stomach disorders
- Urinary disorders
- Dysentery
- Bleeding and
- Vomiting
- The root and bark is used to cure epilepsy by Gonds.
- Sopiga community of Karnataka uses the paste of the bark to head wounds and for the expulsion of placenta.
- Vinegar and a sweet beverage of the fruit is used to cure disorders of the liver.
- Its astringent property helps in curing obesity and absorption of fat.
- A mixture of the fruit and rock salt purifies the channels in the body.
Jambudvipa in Hindu Religion
Jambudvipa is the name of one of the seven islands on earth mentioned in Hindu scriptures.
It is named after Jambun or rose apple tree.
Jambudvipa is interpreted either roughly as the northern hemisphere or the region in Asia with India and adjacent regions and islands.
Some scholars are of the view that Jambudvipa is a heavenly place and not on earth.
As per Bhagavad Purana, Jambudvipa is divided into nine regions.
Of these only Bharata Varsha is inhabited by human beings.
The rest of the eight regions are occupied by celestial beings or by saints and pious persons.
One of the eight regions is known as Illavrat Varsha and it is occupied by Siddhas, Charanas, Gandharvas.
The celestial beings that live here have the power to become smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest.
The gardens and lakes in the region are the play ground of the celestial beings and their wives.
The region is also frequented by Shiva and Parvati.
The people who take birth on Bharatavarsha are divided according to the qualities of material nature – the modes of goodness, passion, and ignorance.
Here one takes birth based on one’s past karma.
The advantage of being born here is that one can quickly attain spiritual liberation.
Jambudvipa is said to be 100,000 yojanas across.
It contains mountains including Himalayas which are 10,000 yojanas high.
Trees that grow here are tall nearly 1,100 yojanas including Jambu or Rose Apple Tree.
The inhabitants of the region are also large.
(1 yojana is around 8 miles)
Lord Shiva is believed to meditate under a huge Banyan Tree in Kailash which is part of Jambudvipa.
The banyan tree is 100 yojanas high and its branches are spread over 75 yojanas.
Mango, Rose Apple, Kadamba and Banyan Tree were mostly found in the region.
It must be also noted here that the description of Jambudvipa especially in the Bhishma Parva is not similar to the one found in the Puranas.
The Fruit of the Gods
For long in the period of recorded history, the tree been known to have grown in the Indian Sub-continent, and many other adjoining regions of South Asia and around.
Jamun or Java Plum (Syzygium Cumini/जांभूळ) is a fairly fast growing species and can live more than 100 years.
Jamun tree has a special significance with the monsoon of the Indian sub-continent.
This is the time when big old trees of Jamun whirl in monsoon winds and spread a hint of fragrance in rainy days.
The flowering and fruiting varies with the locality, but the general time for the fruit is towards the beginning of the rains.
The purple-black fruit of Jamun ripens and is eaten very fondly.
The fallen fruit attract a large number of Blue-bottle flies, butterflies, birds and squirrels.
The fruits are also eaten by jackals and civets. Industrially, fruits can be made into jams, jellies, juice & puddings.
Jamun is an evergreen, tall and shady tree that grows tall and becomes woody very fast.
Mature trees of Jamun bear white and tiny flowers that are usually behind broad pendant trees.
Besides its sweet, sometimes astringent, edible fruit, the seed is also used in various alternative healing systems like Ayurveda (to control diabetes),
Unani and Chinese medicine for digestive ailments.
The leaves and bark are used for controlling blood pressure and gingivitis.
Wine and vinegar are also made from the fruit.
It has a high source in vitamin A and vitamin C. Jamun is quite hardy tree and does not require much care.
It can tolerate frost as well as long spells of summer.
The tree may even be used to reclaim water-logged sites.
It can easily be propagated from seeds.
Young plants should be provided with a well drained soil, moderate watering and bright sunlight.
Jamun’s dense foliage provides shade and is grown for its ornamental value.
It makes good fuel too.
It is one of the trees on which the tasar silkworm is fed.
It may be used as a good agroforestry species.
The leaves can be used as fodder and flowers are rich in nectar & yield high-quality honey.
Jamun tree is also used in dyeing and tanning.
The Jamun is one of the trees held in veneration by the Buddhists and is often planted near Hindu temples because regarded as sacred to Lord Krishna and to Lord Ganesha.
Lord Krishna has been described as having skin the color of Jamun.
According to Hindu tradition, Rama subsisted on the fruit in the forest for 14 years during his exile from Ayodhya.
Because of this, many Hindus regard Jamun as a ‘Fruit of the Gods,’ especially in Gujarat state of India.
In Maharashtra, Jamun leaves are used as marriage pandals.
Java Plum – Health Benefits
Java Plum, scientifically known as Syzygium cumini, is a fruit-bearing tree native to the Indian subcontinent.
Also called Jambolan or Jamun, the Java Plum tree belongs to the Myrtaceae family and is well-regarded for both its fruit and medicinal properties.
When does Java Plum grow?
Java Plum trees typically bloom and bear fruit during the summer months, between the months of May and July.
The fruit matures over the course of these months, with different varieties of Java Plum having slight variations in their growing and harvesting seasons.
Where is Java Plum found?
Java Plum is commonly found across the Indian subcontinent, including India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan.
It is also cultivated in other tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
The tree thrives in warm and humid climates, making it a staple in many tropical gardens and orchards.
Who benefits from Java Plum?
Java Plum holds significance for a wide range of individuals, from farmers and horticulturists to nutritionists and health enthusiasts.
The fruit is enjoyed by people of all ages and is an integral part of traditional cuisines and cultural practices in many countries.
Why is Java Plum important?
Java Plum holds immense importance due to its diverse benefits and uses.
The fruit is not only a delicious and nutritious dietary inclusion but also boasts a range of medicinal properties.
It has been utilized for centuries in traditional medicine systems for its potential health-promoting effects.
Which parts of Java Plum are used?
Various parts of the Java Plum tree have practical uses:
- Fruit: The ripe Java Plum fruit is widely consumed either fresh or in processed forms like jams and juices.
- Seeds: The seeds of Java Plum are used to extract oil, which has both culinary and therapeutic applications.
- Leaves: Java Plum leaves are used in traditional remedies and herbal preparations.
Whose traditions include Java Plum?
Java Plum has been deeply ingrained in the traditional practices of cultures across the Indian subcontinent.
It features prominently in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, as well as in other traditional healing practices.
Health Benefits of Java Plum:
- Nutrient-Rich: Java Plum is a good source of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.
- Antioxidant Properties: The fruit is rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
- Blood Sugar Regulation: Java Plum has been studied for its potential to regulate blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes.
- Digestive Health: The dietary fiber in Java Plum supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements.
- Heart Health: Some research suggests that Java Plum may contribute to heart health by helping to manage cholesterol levels.
- Skin Care: The oil extracted from Java Plum seeds is used in cosmetics and skincare products due to its moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.
- Anti-inflammatory Effects: Compounds found in Java Plum possess anti-inflammatory properties, which may aid in managing inflammation-related conditions.
Important Facts about Java Plum:
- Glycemic Index: Despite its sweet taste, Java Plum has a relatively low glycemic index, meaning it has a slower impact on blood sugar levels.
- Traditional Remedies: In traditional medicine, Java Plum has been used to manage conditions like diarrhea, dysentery, and urinary disorders.
- Culinary Delight: Java Plum is a popular ingredient in various culinary preparations, including desserts, beverages, and pickles.
- Cultural Significance: Java Plum festivals and fairs are celebrated in different regions, showcasing the cultural and social importance of the fruit.
Java Plum, scientifically known as Syzygium cumini, is a fruit-bearing tree native to the Indian subcontinent.
Also referred to as Jambolan or Jamun, this tree belongs to the Myrtaceae family and is renowned for both its fruit and medicinal properties.
The Java Plum fruit, with its distinctive dark purple to black color, is a common sight during its harvest season.
Reference of Java Plum in Hindu Scripture:
Java Plum has a rich cultural and religious significance in Hinduism.
In Hindu scriptures and mythology, the Java Plum tree is often associated with various deities and revered for its sacredness.
Its mention in ancient texts highlights its deep-rooted presence in Indian culture.
Varieties of Java Plum:
Java Plum comes in various regional varieties, each with its unique characteristics. Some well-known varieties include:
- Indian Black Plum (Syzygium cumini): This is the most common and widely cultivated variety in India.
- Indian White Pear (Syzygium jambos): While not as popular as the black variety, this white variety is also cultivated for its fruit.
- Myrtus Syzygium: This is a related species found in parts of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.
Nutritional Value of Java Plum:
Java Plum is prized not only for its taste but also for its nutritional richness.
It’s a good source of essential nutrients, including:
- Vitamins: Java Plum contains vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin A, and various B vitamins, contributing to overall health.
- Minerals: It provides minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron, which are vital for bodily functions.
- Dietary Fiber: The fruit is high in dietary fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting a feeling of fullness.
Health Benefits of Java Plum:
Java Plum is associated with numerous health benefits:
- Antioxidant Properties: The fruit is rich in antioxidants, which combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
- Blood Sugar Regulation: Java Plum has been studied for its potential to regulate blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes.
- Digestive Health: The dietary fiber in Java Plum supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements.
- Heart Health: Some research suggests that Java Plum may contribute to heart health by helping manage cholesterol levels.
- Skin Care: The oil extracted from Java Plum seeds is used in cosmetics and skincare products due to its moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.
- Anti-inflammatory Effects: Compounds found in Java Plum possess anti-inflammatory properties, which may aid in managing inflammation-related conditions.
FAQs on Java Plum:
- What is the best time to consume Java Plum? Java Plum is typically consumed during its harvest season, which falls between May and July in many regions.
- Can Java Plum help with diabetes management? Some studies suggest that Java Plum may help regulate blood sugar levels and could be beneficial for individuals with diabetes.
- Are there any side effects of consuming Java Plum? Java Plum is generally safe when consumed in moderate quantities as part of a balanced diet. However, excessive consumption may lead to digestive discomfort in some individuals.
- Is Java Plum used in traditional medicine? Yes, Java Plum has a long history of use in traditional medicine, where it is employed to manage various health conditions.
In conclusion, Java Plum, with its rich nutritional profile and myriad health benefits, occupies a special place in the hearts and diets of people across the Indian subcontinent.
Its cultural significance and traditional uses make it more than just a fruit; it’s a symbol of wellness deeply rooted in Indian heritage.
As our understanding of its potential continues to grow, so does our appreciation for this remarkable fruit.
Jambunatha Form Of Shiva – About Hindu God Jambunatha
Jambunatha form of Shiva is worshipped mainly South India, especially in Karnataka. This form is associated with Jambu tree.
Legend has it that Shiva gave darshan to an ardent devotee of His under the Jambu Tree.
A sage was once performing Tapas under a Jambu Tree.
He got a fruit from the tree.
He offered it to Shiva and later consumed it as Prasad.
The fruit germinated in the stomach of the Sage and grew up into a tree.
Shiva appeared on the tree and gave darshan to the sage by appearing on the tree.
As Shiva appeared under a Jambu tree, he came to be known as Jambunatha.
The most famous temple dedicated to Jambunatha is located at Thiruvanaikovil in Tamil Nadu and is known as Jambukeswarar Akilandeswari Temple.
In Karnataka, too there are numerous shrines dedicated to Jambunatha form of Shiva.
meet the Jamblon
Jamblon, Java Plum, Jamun or Jamblang (Syzygium cumini) a few of the names for this strange little fruit.
Looks like an olive, taste like – I don’t know actually what it tastes like exactly.
It’s extremely tart, you get this dry thing happening in your mouth when you eat it.
My mother in law lets them soak in salty water.
As street food you get it with salt and chilli.
The salt tends to take a bit of the tartness.
Jambu Tree In Great Cosmogonic Forest Of Sacred Land Of Jambudvipa In Buddhist Mythology
Myths and legends say that Jambudvipa is one of the four continents, situated south of Mount Kailash (Mount Meru in Buddhist texts), a mountain square with four sides, more prominent at the top than the top at the bottom.
The four island-continents, which surround Mount Meru according to the cosmology of the Buddhist teachings.
A representation of our world system with Jambudvipa is pictured at the bottom center of the image.
“In the district of Himalaya, there stands the sacred mountain Kailash from which the waters of our world (the Indian subcontinent) flow down.
There, on the shore of lake Anavatapta (“never warm”) now identified with Manasarovar), stands the sacred Jambu tree from which our world derives its ancient name of Jambudvipa, “the isle of Jambu”.
Mong the twenty-four places, Mount Kailash is possibly the most famous of all, a favored destination of pilgrims from every school.
Known among Hindus as the sacred abode of Shiva, this mountain has been the site of countless legends and miraculous events as recorded in the guidebooks of Buddhist and non-Buddhists alike.
Jambudvipa is a continent according to ancient Hindu scriptures which has several rivers and mountains.
Jambudvipa is the name of the continent of Earth according to the concept of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism where ordinary human beings live.
According to Puranic natural sciences, the earth is divided into seven concentric islands or continents ( Sapta-Dvipa Vasumati) separated by seven encircling oceans, each of which is double in size of the preceding one.
The seven continents of the Purana are named as Jambudvipa, Plakshadvipa, Salmalidvipa, Kushadvipa, Krounchodvipa, Shakadvipa and Pushkaradvipa.
The seven intermediate oceans are made of salt-water, sugarcane juice, wine, ghee, curd, milk and water respectively.
Jambudvipa or Rose apple Island is also known as Sudarshanadvipa, is the innermost concentric island among the seven.
Its name is derived from the Jambu tree, which is rose apple or kind of black plum.
The fruits of the Jambu tree are believed to be as large as elephants.
When the fruits of Jambu tree ripen and fall upon the crest of the mountain a river is formed from their extracted juice.
The river thus formed is known as Jambu Nadi or Jambu River, which flows through the Jambudvipa, whose inhabitants drink the water.
The continent of Jambudvipa contains nine varsas (zone) and eight significant mountains.
Markandeya Purana states that Jambudvipa is depressed in the north-south directions and elevated and broad in the middle.
The elevated region forms the varsa (zone) named as ‘Ila-vrta’ or ‘Meruvarsa’.
At the centre of Meruvarsa lies the golden mountain Meru, which is the king of the mountains and support the planet earth.
The vast city of Lord Brahma, known as Brahmapuri is situated at the summit of Mount Meru.
There are several other cities of Indra and other demigods surrounding the Brahmapuri.
The varsas of Ramyaka (or Ramanaka), Hiranmaya (or Hiranyaka) and Uttarakuru ( or Shringashaka) lie on the north; those of Hari, Kimpurusha and Bharata lie on the south; and Ketumalaand Bhadrasva situated on the west and east sides of Mount Meru respectively.
The mountains named Nishada, Hemakuta and Himavan (Himalaya) are said to lie on the south, Mountains Nila, Sveta and Sringavan lie on the north and Mountains Malayavat and Gandhamadana lie on the west and east of Mount Meru respectively.
The Vishmaparva of Mahabharata and several other Puranas have detailed account of the geography of the Jambudvipa.
According to Markandeya Purana and Brahmanda Purana, Jambudvipa is divided into four vast regions shaped like four petals of lotus with Mount Meru being located at the center like the pericarp of the flower.
The river Ganga or Akashganga encloses the city of Brahmapuri.
River Ganga is said to emerge from the foot of Lord Vishnu and after washing the lunar region falls ‘through the skies’, which after encircling Brahmapuri, splits up into four mighty streams.
These four streams are believed to flow in four opposite directions from the Mount Meru and irrigate the vast lands of Jambudvipa.
River Sita irrigates the Bhadrasva varsa, Jambunadi flows through Ketumala varsa, river Alakananda streams through Bharata varsa and river Bhadra washes the lands of Uttara-Kuru varsa of Jambudvipa.