ॐ Hindu Of Universe ॐ

“God’s light is within you, It never leaves you.”


The 12 Adityas are the 12 lords of light. They represent the 12 months in a year or the 12 spokes of a clock. They are the upholder and enforcer of law. They bring light to the world and drive away the darkness. They never sleep and are always protecting everyone from evil and harm.


12 Names of Lord Aditya – 12 Names of Lord Sun
Lord Sun is also known as by the name of Aditya. There are 12 different names of Lord Aditya that depicts different manifestations of the lord. Each manifestation of Lod Aditya is different from each other and have its own significance. The 12 different names of Lord Aditya are as follows:

Indra is the first adityas. he depicts Devadhipati Indra. The power and strength of Lord Aditya is boundless. He controls all the senses. He is responsible to protect the goddesses and destroy the enemies.

The second aditya is Lord Dhata, also known as Shri Vigraha. He is the creator of the universe and have major contribution in the creation of the community. His duty is to adhere with the community rules and principles. He is also known as the doer of the universe.

Parjanya is the third aditya. He lives in the clouds and controls them. He is responsible for the rains by controlling the effects of rays and clouds.

The fourth form of Lord Aditya is known as Twastha. He resides in the plants and herbs. He gives radiance and life to the vegetations and flora.

Pusha is the fifth Aditya. He resides in food. He sits in all types of cereals. He puts nutrition and energy in the food. The taste and juice in the food items comes from his powers.

Aryama is the sixth form of Aditya. He communicates in the form on air. He is the life of all living beings on the earth. The resides in the form of nature’s soul.

Bhag is the seventh Aditya.. He resides as the part of the body of creatures. He represents the consciousness, energy, power, work force and vividness.

Vivswana is the eighth aditya. He is the lord of fire. The energy and life that we get from him is used to nourish the fruits and plants that are further used as food to feed the living creatures.

Vishnu is the ninth form. He is the one who destroys all enemies and demons and protect the earth from their wrath.

Anshuman, the tenth Aditya resides in the body in the form of air. He makes the life energetic and fast.

Varun Deva symbolizes of water element. He is the eleventh aditya. He resides in the humans and enables life on this earth. Life is not possible without water.

Mitra is the twelfth aditya. He performs hard penance for the welfare of the universe. All these twelve adityas play significant role in the creation and functioning of the universe.

Āditya (Sanskrit: आदित्य), meaning “of Aditi or related to Aditi”, refers to the offsprings of Aditi. Adityas are solar class deities. In the Rigveda, the Ādityas are the seven celestial deities, sons of Āditi, headed by Varuna, followed by Mitra: They are: Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Anśa or Aṃśa, Dhātṛ or Dakṣa, and Indra. The eighth Āditya (Mārtanda) was rejected by Aditi, leaving seven sons. In the Yajurveda (Taittirīya Samhita), their number is given as eight, and the last one is believed to be Vivasvāna. Hymn LXXII of Rig Veda, Book 10, also confirms that there are eight Adityas, the eight one being Mārtanda, who is later revived back as Vivasvāna. The Adityas being Solar deities have been described in the Rig Veda as bright and pure as streams of water, free from all guile and falsehood, blameless, perfect. These class of deities have been attributed to as upholding the movables and immovable Dharma. Adityas are beneficent Gods who act as protectors of all beings, who are provident and guard the world of spirits. In the form of Mitra-Varuna, the Adityas are true to the eternal Law and act as the debt exactors. In present day usage in Sanskrit, the term Aditya has been made singular in contrast to Vedic Adityas, and are being used synonymous with Surya, the Sun.There is differences regarding the number of Adityas as per various non-vedic texts.The Vedas do not identify the Ādityas and there is no classification of the thirty-three gods, except for in the Yajurveda (7.19), which says there are eleven gods in heaven (light space), eleven gods in atmosphere (intermediate space), and eleven gods in earth (observer space). In the Satapatha Brahmana, the number of Ādityas is eight in some passages, and in other texts of the same Brahmana, twelve Adityas are mentioned. The list of 12 Adityas is as follows: Aṃśa, Aryaman, Bhaga, Dakṣa, Dhātṛ, Indra, Mitra, Ravi, Savitṛ, Sūrya or Arka, Varuṇa, and Yama. Āditya in the Chāndogya-Upaniṣad is also a name of Viṣṇu, in his Avatar known as Vāmana, the dwarf, his mother is Aditi. Another such list, from the Vishnu Purana is: Aṃśa, Aryaman, Bhaga, Dhūti, Mitra, Pūṣan, Śakra, Savitṛ, Tvaṣṭṛ, Varuṇa, Viṣṇu, Vivasvat.

In Vishnu Puran
There were twelve celebrated deities in a former Manvantara, called Tushitas, who, upon the approach of the present period, or in the reign of the last Manu, Chakshusha, assembled, and said to one another,

“Come, let us quickly enter into the womb of Aditi, that we may be born in the next Manvantara, for thereby we shall again enjoy the rank of gods.”

And accordingly they were born the sons of Kashyapa, the son of Marichi, by Aditi, the daughter of Daksha; thence named the twelve Adityas; whose appellations were respectively, Vishnu, Sakra, Aryaman, Dhuti, Twashtri, Pushan, Vivaswat, Savitri, Mitra, Varuna, Ansha, and Bhaga. These, who in the Chakshusha Manvantara were the gods called Tushitas, were called the twelve Adityas in the Manvantara of Vaivaswata, which is the current Manvantara.


12 Adityas, from fierce to the protector
12 Adityas are the sons of the Aditi as per the Puranas. However, as per the Vedas and Satapatha Brahmana, they are the upholder of Dharma. The name varies with the Puranas. While considering, the authority of the Brahmana texts of Yajnawalkya over the Puranas. The names are as per the Satapatha Brahmana.

One: Yama
Yama is one of the prominent Aditya among the 12 Adityas, he is responsible for the overall functioning of the Dharma in the mortal and immortal worlds. He is considered as a son of the sun god in puranic stories. His sister’s name is Yamuna and has one brother namely, Shani. Stories also consider Ashwini Kumar or the divine doctors to be his brothers.

Two: Aryaman
Aryaman is the friend diety among the 12 Adityas. He is the protector of the customs and unions of the tribes and their people. Aryaman maintains noble deeds and he supports them like a friend. He is also the protector of the mares and the milky way (aryamṇáḥ pánthāḥ). This suggests his authority over nurturing the speed in an individual.

Three: Indra, the King in 12 Adityas.
Indra is the king of the Devtas. He is the protector of the individual Karmas in the profession. He killed the Vritra demon responsible for the drought and other natural calamities related to fertility. Indra rules over the fertility of human beings as well as agriculture. He also rules over the sensations. Indra is also the god of thunder, rain, and water flows.

Four: Ravi/Pushan
Ravi/Pushan is the poet god in the 12 Adityas. He is the protector of the marriages, journeys, roads, and the feeding of cattle. He is also the guide of souls. In the direct sense, he is the protector of cosmic rhythm. He never let men be exploited by other men.

Five: Varuna
Varuna in the 12 Adityas is the protector of the Rta (Natural Laws), Seas, and the Satya (Cosmic Truth). He protects the self-realization in Yoga. He is among the most talented gods in Hinduism. The greatness of the Knowledge of Varuna is mentioned in the Atharva Veda. There is a strong connection between Vishnu and Varuna. Yajur Veda mentions, Varuna to be Vishnu and Vishnu to be Varuna. In Rig Veda, he also has a strong connection with Mitra, the protector of treaties. His vehicle is a crocodile.

Six: Bhaga
Bhaga in the 12 Adityas is the god of fortune in Hinduism. He is responsible for the good returns for good actions. He is the god of both mortal and immortals. Bhaga is also the god of wealth.

Seven: Savitr
Savitr is one of the most important deities in Hinduism. He is the agent god and the ruler of intelligence. He is a patron deity in Hinduism. The famous Gayatri Mantra is associated with the Savitr.

Eight: Surya
Surya is the god of sight, perception, and knowledge. He is commonly considered as the Sun God. In the Ramayana, once Hanuman tried to eat the Sun considering it to be the fruit. As per the Vedas, he is the creator of Prakriti or the individual nature. Surya is the most important Aditya and one the eldest.

Nine: Ansha
Ansha is the god of the parts. Most commonly he can be referred to as the parts of the sun or the beams. There are seven principal rays of the suns as per Hinduism. However, he poses 15 rays. The rays also represent the colors of light in the Chakras, they represent the parts of our consciousness. He comes with the wind or he travels through Prana as per the Yoga.

Ten: Mitra in the twelve Adityas
Mitra is a diety having similar attributes to that of Varuna. Mitra-Varuna is called Dvandva or the pair. They protect the Natural Laws.

Eleven: Dhatr
Dhatr is the god of health. He gives good health to the people who worship him. He is also the protector of Domestic Tranquillity.

Twelve: Daksha
Daksha is the major Aditya. He had many births. In one of his births, he was the son of Brahma. A Prajapati or the ruler. He is also the protector of Skilled actions and the individual skills in individuals.

The List of the Adityas varies significantly in Puranas and Vedas. There can be a relation between them. However, in Hinduism, there is a concept of 33 Koti Devtas or 33 categories of the Gods. The 12 Adityas should also have categories so the list can vary in accordance with the inference of the sage or Rishis. Vishnu could be in the category of the Savitr or the diety of intelligence or any.


Adityas in Hinduism means Surya (Sun God) for many. But this is not so. The sons of Sage Kashyapa and Aditi are known as Adityas. The word Adityas means ‘whose mother is Aditi.’ Usually there are twelve Adityas. But some scriptures give the number as Seven and some give the number as Eight.
Twelve Adityas
Dhata, Mitra, Aryama, Rudra, Varuna, Surya, Bhaga, Vivasvan, Pusha, Savita, Tvasta and Vishnu.

Valmiki Ramayana (Aranya Kanda) and Mahabharata (Adi Parva) state that besides the twelve sons Aditi had 21 children. Thus Aditi had 33 children (12 + 21). From the 33 sons of Aditi were born the thirty three crore devatas. Of these the eldest is Indra and youngest is Vamana.

Scholars are of the view that there are many different Adityas in Rig Veda. The most important Aditya in the Rig Veda is Varuna. Many Adityas were merged with Surya or Indra or Shiva.
Adityas in Bhagavad Gita
Adityas is mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita, especially while describing the cosmic form of Bhagavan Vishnu.

Among the (twelve) Adityas I am Vishnu; (10.21)

Behold the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the (two) Ashwins and also the Maruts; behold many wonders never seen before, O Bharata. (11.6)

The Rudras, Adityas, Vasus, Sadhyas, Vishwa-devas, the two Ashwins, Maruts, Ushmapas and hosts of Gandharvas, Yakshas, Asuras and Siddhas – they are all looking at you, all quite astonished. (11.22)
Aditya, Adityas literally means ‘son/sons of Aditi’.

Aditya is one of the well-known epithets of the sun.

The Adityas, the sons of Aditi, represent a group of deities. They are six in the Rgveda, eight in most of the Brāhmaṇas (except the Śatapatha) and twelve in the later lore. They can be described as the personifications of the laws that rule the universe and the human society. They regulate the relationships of human beings among themselves and with the forces of nature.

Since Aditya is one of the names of the sun, the Adityas can be considered as imperishable beings, the gods of light, by whom all kinds of luminous life are manifested and sustained in this universe.

The twelve Adityas are as follows :

Mitra – the friend
Varuṇa – one who encompasses and binds
Aryaman – the destroyer of foes
Dakṣa – the skilful
Bhaga – the giver
Aiiiśa – the liberal
Tvaṣṭṛ – the shaper
Savitṛ – the vivifier
Puṣan – the nourisher
Sakra – the mighty
Vivasvat – the resplendent
Viṣṇu – the pervader
Sometimes, these twelve are linked with the twelve aspects of the sun spread over the twelve months and hence described as the twelve spokes of the wheel of time.