ॐ Hindu Of Universe ॐ
“God’s light is within you, It never leaves you.”
Why We Break Coconuts When We Go To A Temple?
In Hinduism, we offer coconut to god by breaking it in the temple or any special pooja at our home.
We all do this ritual but many of us know the exact reason behind that and why is it very important?
Firstly, coconut has a very strange feature, unlike other fruits.
This fruit has hard and dark outer shell but it is soft and white inside.
This makes a coconut very special.
According to our ancient scriptures, the outer part is considered as a persons’ anger, ego, all the negative thoughts and qualities, on the other hand the inner part considered the pure, innocent, all the positive thoughts and qualities.
When we break a coconut, while worshiping at home or in the temple means we ensure in the name of divinity, that we will break our all-negative qualities to get a new pure soul with all goodness.
And, why we always do whenever we go to the temple? Once should be enough right?
This is because we human being easy gets attracted to the negative energy and we convert into the same person we used to be like.
We start to adopt all bad qualities like ego, anger and negative thoughts.
We remind you the good one inside by breaking coconut every time.
But why only in front of god?
Because we believe, that god or goddess is the most powerful and to seek his blessing we have to be pure from the inside.
It is also like a proof when you say something in front of god you tend to obey it with more dedication.
We make a promise to a deity that we will quit our bad habits and change to a better one.
It also brings the good fortune as per Hindu mythology.
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Importance Of Coconut In Hindu Rituals
The coconut (Sanskrit: Sriphala = God’s fruit) alone is also used to symbolize ‘God’. In India one of the most common offerings in a temple is a coconut.
Coconut plays a vital role in all puja rituals.
The coconut is a satvic fruit.
It is sacred, pure, clean, and health giving, endowed with several properties.
It is also offered on occasions like weddings, festivals, the use of a new vehicle, bridge, house etc.
It is offered in the sacrificial fire whilst performing homa.
The coconut is broken and placed before the Lord.
It is later distributed as prasaada.
The marks on the coconut are even thought to represent the three-eyed Lord Shiva and therefore it is considered to be a means to fulfill our desires.
Why is a coconut offered in prayer?
Adi Shankara, the spiritual Guru par excellence, was instrumental in ensuring that this undesirable practice of ‘Narabali’ was discontinued at many spiritual centres.
He denounced the practice as having no spiritual sanction whatsoever.
The coconut was chosen as a suitable substitute by people who did not want to give up the practice of ‘bali’ sacrifice of other beings, but wanted a similar ritual for fulfilment of their desires!
Why was the coconut chosen?
The coconut resembles the human head in many ways – the coir outside resembles the human’s tuft of hair, the hard nut the skull, the water inside the blood and the kernel is akin to the mental space.
Another interpretation equated the outer shell to the human being’s gross physical body and the kernel to the subtle body.
Some other legends
Coconut plays a very vital role in our offering.
Coconut, which has a hard outer cover is broken in temple as an offering for our prayers.
But it has more meaning than just presenting Him with coconut.
The tender coconut is covered by layers of fiber.
The stripping of fiber is to emphasize the fact that we should be devoid of desires. Coconut’s hard cover resembles the head of a human being.
Once the coconut is broken, we find a white or grayish kernel.
There is also juice present within the coconut.
The breaking of coconut is considered as breaking of our ego or Ahankara, because He expects his devotees to be egoless and pure.
The kernel within represents our brain.
It is filled with inner juice.
This represents the internal tendencies of our brain to be jealous, egoist, selfish human being.
Usually the inner juice is poured out before offering the coconut to Him, which means that we should remove our vaasanas.
So, breaking of coconut stands for surrendering to Him with utmost devotion and love.
According to Hindu mythology, the coconut was created by Sage Vishwamitra to prop up King Satyavrata who was attempting to gain entry into swargaloka (heaven) as a mortal but was thrown out by the Gods.
Satyavrata was a famous king of the solar dynasty.
He was a pious ruler and was greatly religious. Satyavrata had only one desire.
He wished ascend to swargaloka with his mortal body intact.
Once while Vishwamitra was away performing tapsya a great drought swept the land. Satyavrata saved Vishwamitra’s family by giving them food.
In gratitude, Vishwamitra agreed to help the king achieve his only desire.
He started a yagna (sacrifice to the Gods) and with the powers of his prayers, Vishwamitra made Satyavrata ascend towards the sky.
As he neared the gates of heaven, Indra – the king of the Goda pushed the king back to earth.
As Satyavrata fell he cried out to Vishwamitra, who cast a spell to stop him mid-air. Enraged Vishwamitra declared his intention to redesign the cosmos and create a heaven for Satyavrata.
Peace was restored and a compromise was reached.
The Gods allowed Satyavrata to stay mid-air.
However, the sage realised that Satyavrata would fall back to ground once the spell weakened.
So, he held him with a long pole.
In time this pole became the trunk of the coconut tree and Satyavrata’s head became the fruit.
Since, Satyavrata was suspended between space and earth; he got the epithet Trishanku – ‘one who is neither here nor there’.
The coconut is also associated with Lord Ganesha.
At the beginning of any auspicious task or a journey, people smash coconuts to propitiate Ganesha – the remover of all obstacles.
They also break coconuts in temples or in front of idols in fulfillment of their vows.
In all sacrificial rites, the coconut is offered as an oblation to the sacred fire.
Some people believe that this ritual as well as the customary breaking of coconuts on the altar of deity is associated with the fact that the coconut fruit resembles human head.
The association of human fertility cult with coconut is prominently manifested during wedding rituals across India.
The fruit is often placed in a pot which is a metaphor for the womb, while the nut itself, a symbol or life, confers fertility on the bridal couple.
In Gujarat it is customary for the bride to present the coconut to the groom at the time of the marriage.
The coconut is then preserved as a precious memento by the husband throughout his life
what science says?
Coconut water is a nutrient rich fluid which is found in young coconuts.
It is also sometimes known as coconut juice, and it is a popular food in many regions of the tropics, where coconuts are grown.
Outside of the tropics, some markets carry pasteurized canned or bottled coconut water, and sometimes it is also possible to buy whole young coconuts which can be sliced open for their coconut water.
Health food stores sometimes prepare coconut water fresh for their customers by request.
Coconut Water Benefits
There are many health benefits of drinking coconut water.
This drink helps in relieving problems related to the urinary tract, intestines and kidneys.
Coconut water helps cure urinary problems such as polyutra and strangury.
It also helps improve digestion and destroys intestinal worms if taken with a teaspoonful of olive oil for three days.
Coconut water relieves the intestines of harmful toxins.
It also acts as a carminative, thereby relieving the gas present in alimentary canal.
Doctors recommend patients afflicted with kidney stones to drink coconut water in addition to regular medications.
Coconut water helps in dissolving kidney stones and allows their easy passage out of the body.
Hydrates the Body Helps Dissolve Kidney Stones Eases Digestion During Pregnancy Reduces Hypertension Risks Blood Transfusion Gets Rid of Worms In addition, coconut water is used by sportsmen as a sports drink during exercising, mountain biking, aerobics, etc.
Coconut water being a natural drink without any added preservatives, its consumption doesn’t lead to any side effects.
This drink is loaded with minerals, vitamins, nutrients, sugars and all other natural fluids needed for nourishment of our body.
It is important to note that sugar content in the natural coconut water is low and the drink is therefore, safe for diabetics.
Coconut water is free of chemicals, and is also safe for babies.
Coconut Side Effects
Coconut water has not been well-studied.
But there’s no evidence that it poses side effects.
Like fruit or vegetable juices, coconut water seems quite safe.
However, coconut milk contains a fair amount of sodium, so it may not be a good choice for people who need to reduce their sodium intake.
Fresh Coconut Water is one of the best natural drinks there is.
There is no known or reported side effect for its use and consumption.
Coconut water is safe even for children and pregnant women.
Moderate use of virgin coconut oil or coconut oil extracted by cold press has no known side effects.
Excessive consumption of coconut oil may cause diarrhea in some people.
Why Coconut is Broken Before God?
Why Coconut Is Broken Before God? It Appeases God and Removes All Negativity
Breaking a coconut before a god or goddess is a common ritual among the Hindus. Coconut has presence in every Hindu celebration and there is very auspicious use of it in almost all occasions.
Any new venture is initialed with the breaking of a coconut either on the main project arena or before an idol.
Coconut is a must either in festive occasion or o a puja time.
Why do Hindus break a coconut before any initiative?
Has it any scientific reason behind it?
According to religious faith coconut is regarded as the symbol of the holy trinity, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar.
There is the significance of coconut water too in Hindu religion.
It is believed that the water of the coconut removes all kinds of negativity from the room and the engineering structural flaws.
It is told in Hind mythology that he moment Lord Vishnu appeared on the earth, He brought with Him Devi Lakshmi, a coconut tree and a Kamdhenu cow.
Hence it is very auspicious thing to break a coconut during the time of worshipping.
Hindu Purana says that to stop animal sacrifice the ritual of breaking a coconut was initiated.
The outer part of the coconut that is very hard is compared with the vanity of human beings and the kernel is compared with the symbol of peace.
Offering a coconut means to sacrifice own self before the God. Some of the astrologers are of opinion that breaking of coconuts also removes all kinds of financial hurdles.
Yet in most parts of India it is woman who can’t break the coconut.
What’s the reason behind it is not known. Yet the custom is in vogue.
The Inner Significance
Coconuts are symbols of good luck and prosperity in many cultures, particularly in Hinduism.
In Hindu rituals and ceremonies, coconuts are often broken as a symbol of breaking the inner ego and offering oneself to the divinity.
Breaking a coconut just before an auspicious occasion brings good fortune and ward off all types of negative energy.
It is also considered as a way of seeking blessings from the gods and goddesses for the very success of the occasion.
The act of breaking a coconut also represents the breaking of obstacles or hurdles that may come in the way of the particular auspicious occasion.
This is why it is a common practice to break a coconut before initiation of any new venture or undertaking.
To tell the truth, breaking of a coconut symbolizes humility, purity, and devotion to the divine.
Is There Any Astrological Significance?
Yes, in astrology, coconut is associated with planet Rahu and is believed to have a strong influence on its positioning in one’s horoscope. Rahu, one of the nine planets in Vedic astrology is considered to be a malefic one that can bring challenges and obstacles in one’s life.
According to astrology, breaking a coconut before an auspicious occasion helps to appease the negative influences of Rahu and brings good luck and all round prosperity. It is also believed to enhance the positive vibes in the environment and create a more conducive atmosphere for the particular occasion.
Coconut has got great religious significance in India. It’s one of the most common offerings in any temple. Coconut is also known as Shrifala, which means Gods Fruit. Coconut plays a vital role in puja rituals. It is also offered on occasions like weddings, festivals, inauguration of a vehicle, house etc. It is tied as Torana at the door of homes during all auspicious functions, also given to a bride before she leaves for her in laws place after the wedding.
Coconut is the symbol of fertility in Indian culture.
There is also a belief that, if any one destroys a coconut tree, will oneself get destroyed.
Ancient tales of Hindu mythology reveal that, there used to be a custom of offering a person to the god for the prosperity of rest of the community.
But as it involved an unethical, inhuman brutal killing of a person, it got replaced by breaking or offering a coconut in lieu of a person.
Coconuts hard cover resembles the head of a human being and breaking of coconut is seen as breaking our ego because it is believed that god expects his devotees to be egoless and pure hearted.
Gradually it became so prevalent that today it’s a vital ritual while worshiping any God or Goddess in Hindu religion.
Importance and Significance of Coconut!
Known as “Tengai” (literally “honey fruit”) in Tamil, and as “Nariyal” in Hindi (literally “fruit containing water”, from the root word “nari” meaning “water”).
The coconut is a resilient fruit whose shell can withstand the pressure of sea water, so it is not impossible for it to have made the transit across the water without human assistance.
A hardy plant, the coconut would have been able to survive in relatively inhospitable weather without much upkeep.
It grows in sandy soil, requires little water, and requires virtually no maintenance.
In Indian culture ‘Nariyal’ or ‘Copra’ is a symbol of good luck and prosperity.
Every auspicious work begins with the breaking of the coconut and the offering of ‘Nariyal’ is a traditional ritual.
For success and prosperity at all occasions, the launch is done with the breaking of a sanctified coconut.
All religious functions and rituals start with the offering of the coconut since it is regarded as the symbolic Ganesh,
the deity who helps in the successful completion of any work undertaken.
Sage Vishwamitra is said to be the creator of the coconut.
Its hard kernel inspires one to do hard work for attaining success.
People get strength and improved eyesight by eating the kernel.
The sick and the elderly find its water nourishing and ladies apply its oil for luxurious hair.
Germs can’t penetrate its hard kernel so it remains intact for months together.
Coconut is used both as a food item and as a medicine.
It is a rich source of vitamin E, B, C and calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals.
It has high quality alkaline oil and is a rich source of fat.
The protein found in coconut is also of high quality.
Coconut is easily digestible, nutritious, blood enhancer, urinary tract purifier, strength giving and remover of the three doshas.
In Indian culture one of the most common offerings in a temple is a coconut.
It is also offered at occasions like weddings, festivals, the use of a new vehicle, bridge, house, etc.
It is offered in the sacrificial fire while performing hawan.
The coconut is broken and placed before the Lord.
It is later distributed as prasad (a holy gift).
At the beginning of any religious occasion, a coconut is turned around the person or diety and broken at the entrance; this is to remove negativity and bring out the goodness.
The whiteness inside the coconut denotes purity.
The fibre covering of the dried coconut is removed except for a tuft on the top.
The marks on the coconut make it look like the head of a human being.
The coconut is broken, symbolising the breaking of the ego.
The juice within, representing the inner tendencies (vasanas), is offered along with the white kernel – the mind, to the Lord.
A mind thus purified by the touch of the Lord is used as prasad.
In the traditional abhishekha ritual done in all temples and many homes, several materials are poured over the deity like milk, curd, honey, tender coconut water, sandal paste, holy ash, etc.
Each material has a specific significance of bestowing certain benefits on the worshipers.
Tender coconut water is used in abhisheka rituals since it is believed to bestow spiritual growth on the seeker.
The marks on the coconut are even thought to represent the three-eyed Lord Shiva and therefore it is considered to be a means to fulfill our desires.
The coconut also symbolises selfless service.
Every part of the tree -the trunk, leaves, fruit, coir, etc.
are used in innumerable ways like thatches, mats, tasty dishes, oil, soap, etc.
It takes in even salty water from the earth and converts it into sweet nutritious water that is especially beneficial to sick people.
It is used in the preparation of many ayurvedic medicines and in other alternative medicinal systems.
Ancient Indian doctors used to burn its outer shell to prepare tooth powder, creams and ointments for burns.
Every inch of the coconut plant is very beneficial to humans hence Indians consider it a good omen to receive or give coconut as gifts.
It is also called ‘Shreephal’ because it denotes prosperity.
Coconut is a crop with unique features.
Owing to its versatile uses, the demand for coconut and its products has been on the increase having already attained the premier position in the world.
Moreover coconut is an eco-friendly crop which permits co-existence of multi-species of plants.
It enriches soil fertility in association with other crops and is quite amenable to organic farming if appropriate intercrops are grown in the inter-spaces.
Due to multifarious uses, the future of the crop is very bright irrespective of the location where it is grown in the world.
Importance of coconut in Hinduism
Have you wondered why coconut plays such an important role in Hinduism? We offer coconuts not because it is a random practice that was started out of the blue.
It in fact has one of the most important and sensible scientific reason behind it.
Offering coconut actually has saved human lives.
Do you want to know how? Well, in the olden days, the ritual was very simple.
Anything that is considered to be pure had to be offered to the almighty.
So, unfortunately people used to offer young unmarried girls or boys to god since they were in the purest form.
A lot of sacrificing of young people followed while Adi Shankara, a guru who followed Hindu religion extensively,brought coconut into the picture! It has a very symbolic representation of its birth into human lives.
Here are a few elements of the importance of coconut in Hinduism
5 Important reasons Of Coconut
Coconut as supreme offering to God
A Hindu ritual always has the presence of coconut by breaking the fruit on the ground.
It is considered very auspicious and the Puja rituals don’t begin without a coconut.
There are a number of reasons why coconut plays an important role.
Coconut in Sanskrit means ‘Sriphala’ which is the symbol of almighty.
Coconuts come in picture into many occasions good or bad for that matter – Weddings, new constructions, festivals, homas. Since the fruit is considered auspicious, it is seen almost in all the Hindu temples so that devotees can offer it to the God.
Why a coconut?
It sure is one of the most interesting symbolism created.
The coconut resembles a lot like human head if you notice closely.
While the coir signifies human hair, the inside part which is the hard nut resembles our skull.
The water inside the coconut is considered as the blood and the white kernel is the metal space inside the skull.
Though the concept is freaky and scary, the fruit sure has bestowed as a savior for human life playing a huge importance in ritual and spiritual belief.
Coconut – selfless bestower
Kalpavriksha is the name of the coconut tree which is also considered for giving everything it has.
While the leaves of the tree are used for covering enclosures and thatching, the inside part of the coconut which is called the kernel is good for health when you eat it.
The water inside the coconut is highly pure and unpolluted which acts as an excellent re-hydrating agent even for severe health issues.
The coconut water has many benefits. T
he water is a great thirst quencher, can be applied to bruises or burns or rashes.
Coconuts can be used for several purposes like carvings, decorations, soaps and essential coconut oil.
The best part about nurturing a coconut tree is that, it isn’t very difficult at all.
Once you do the normal practice of sowing, watering – it grows endlessly and helps the mankind.
The reason behind breaking a coconut
Did you know that the three round circles on the coconut is considered as Lord Shiva’s own eyes?
That is why coconut is considered important for every ritual and is kept in a pot of rice and mango leaves before starting a Pooja.
It is said that by breaking the coconut, the wishes of the person who is doing it will be fulfilled.
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are the three lords who are always there where coconuts are present.
The belief is that, if a coconut is kept in the pooja, the three lords will come and bless the family.
Many a times, some coconuts are not broken or given as Prasad so that the three deities are in the house till it is broken.
Coconut in the form of Prasad
In temples, coconut is given as Prasad for all the devotees.
It is a sign of purity and since Prasad is given to all, it is believed that it purifies heart mind and soul of a person.
That is why anything starts and ends with a coconut for both purity and drishti.
Hence, we know the importance of coconut and how it plays a large part of purifying human health and soul and the significance is stark sharper here.
Hinduism is always known for customs and traditions and remind people that following the same is as important as worshipping the almighty.
The Importance Of Coconut In Hinduism
Breaking a coconut for Gods and Goddesses is indeed a very common practice in India and hence holds a lot of importance in Hinduism.
The coconut fruit is an essential offering in almost all rituals of Hinduism and is a part of almost Hindu ceremonies.
Hindus start all new ventures by breaking a coconut in front of an idol.
Whether it is a wedding, a festival or an important puja ritual, a coconut is always a must-have on the list.
The coconut in Sanskrit is referred to as Sriphala or “the Godʼs fruit”.
The coconut is the only fruit that is used to symbolize ʼGodʼ.
In the Hindu religion, the coconut is one of the most common offerings in a temple.
And it also plays an essential role in all pujas.
The coconut is a satvic fruit, ie, it is sacred, pure, and health-giving, and is also endowed with several properties.
It is also offered on occasions like buying a new vehicle, house etc.
People also offer it in the sacrificial fire whilst performing homa or the havan.
The coconut is broken and placed before God and is later distributed as prasada.
The three eye-like marks on the coconut are thought to represent the three-eyed Lord Shiva and are considered to be a way to fulfill one’s desires.
The breaking of a coconut is symbolic of breaking one’s ego and humbling oneself before God.
The shell of ego and ignorance is smashed which paves the way to inner peace and knowledge which is represented by the white part of the coconut.
Let’s see why coconut is an essential item in every Hindu ritual.
Why coconut?
There was a time when human and animal sacrifices were very common in Hinduism. At the time, Adi Shankaracharya stepped in, he debated to discontinue this inhuman ritual and replaced it with the offering of coconuts.
The coconut resembles a human head in a lot of ways.
The coir on the outside of the coconut is comparable to human hair, the hard shell is like a human skull, the water inside resembles human blood and the white kernel is the mental space of a human brain.
Other Beliefs
The offering of a coconut has more meaning than just presenting.
The tender white kernel of a coconut is covered by layers of fiber.
By stripping the fiber, we devoid ourselves of desires. By breaking the coconut we are also breaking our ego or Ahankara, as God expects his devotees to be egoless and pure.
The soft white kernel within represents our brain which is filled with juice.
This is symbolic of the nature of our brain which is sometimes selfish, jealous, and egoist.
Before it is offered to God, the inner juice is poured out, which means that we should remove our vaasanas or selfish thoughts.
Hence, breaking a coconut represents our utmost dedication and complete surrender to God.
Coconut in Hindu Mythology
In Hindu mythology, it is believed that coconut fruit was perhaps created by Sage Vishwamitra to aid King Satyavrata who was trying to enter heaven or swargaloka as a mortal but was thrown out by the Gods.
The coconut is also associated with Lord Ganesha.
It is said that one day as a child when Lord Ganesha was playing he was attracted by his father’s third eye and he went to touch it.
Lord Shiva told him not to touch him and gave him a special ball to play with which was a coconut.
That is how coconut came on earth.
The coconut is thus very special to Lord Ganesha and is offered to him. Coconut is also an important part of the Poorna Kumba or the Kalasha.
What is the Symbolism of the Coconuts in Hinduism?
The humble coconut, one of the hardest fruits growing in sandy soil, requiring little water or maintenance.
In Hindi it is known as “Nariyal” which translate literally as, “fruit containing water”.
In Sanskrit it is known as “Sirphal” which means “God’s fruit”.
One of the most common offerings in a temple is a coconut.
It is also offered on occasions like weddings, festivals, the use of a new vehicle or home.
The coconut is a symbol of good luck and prosperity.
Every auspicious occasion begins with the breaking of the coconut.
It is regarded as a symbol of Lord Ganesh who removes obstacles and helps us to succeed in any tasks we embark on.
It is said that the Sage Vishvamitra created the coconut.
Its hard outer shell inspires us to work hard to achieve success.
Coconut and coconut water are well known for their health benefits.
It is used for food, Ayurveda and medicine.
It is a rich source of Vitamins C, B and E and the minerals calcium, iron and phosphorus.
Even the trunk and leaves are used in many ways like shelter.
In the olden days they would even burn the shell and use it for tooth cleaning powder.
In Hindu worship one of the most common offerings is the coconut.
The coconut is broken and placed at the deities feet.
It is later given out as ‘Prasad’ a holy gift.
When a coconut is broken at an entrance it symbolises the removal of negativity and brining positivity.
The colour white inside the coconut symbolises purity.
Traditionally in worship the fibre of the coconut is removed except for a small tuft on the top. It makes it look like a head with a tuft of hair.
When the coconut is broken it symbolises breaking of the ego.
The water inside represents “Vasanas” our inner tendencies, the white flesh representing our mind.
The three circles on the coconut are even thought to represent the three-eyed Lord Shiva and considered to be a means to fulfil our desires.
Why Do Hindus Break A Coconut?
If you practice Hindu rituals, you’ve seen it before, but what is the reasoning behind always breaking a coconut?
Coconut is known as shree phal, meaning, “an auspicious fruit.”
In Hinduism, it is the only fruit that is used to symbolize God.
Common occasions when a coconut is used:
- Weddings
- New Ventures
- New Vehicle
- Housewarming
Breaking the coconut removes negativity (represented by the hard shell) and brings out purity (represented by the inside).
It is believed that doing so helps keep problems at bay.
How did this practice start?
It all started with the thought: There’s gotta be a better way than sacrificing humans and animals!
Adi Shankaracharya, a spiritual guru, is credited for discontinuing the inhuman ritual and replacing it with offering coconuts.
The coconut = a human head
- The coir = Human hair
- Hard shell = Human skull
- Coconut water = Human blood
- White kernel = Human body
- Theology Connections:
- The three eye-like marks on the coconut are thought to represent the three-eyed Lord Shiva. The coconut is considered to be the symbol of the trinity: Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.
- When Lord Vishnu came on the earth, he brought goddess Lakshmi a coconut tree and the Kamdhenu cow for the welfare of mankind.
- When Lord Ganesha was a child and playing, he was drawn to his father’s third eye and went to go touch it.
To distract him, Lord Shiva gave Ganesh “a special ball” (ie: coconut) to play with instead.
Here’s why coconut is offered in every worship?
Lord Ganesha is worshiped first in every worship in Hinduism, but do you know why coconut is offered in every worship along with it? Know about it today.
While incarnating on the earth, Lord Vishnu took Maa Lakshmi, coconut tree and Kamadhenu with him.
While descending on the earth, Lord Vishnu had brought Maa Lakshmi, a coconut tree and Kamadhenu with him.
The coconut tree is also called Kalpavriksha.
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh reside in this tree, so it is considered auspicious to use coconut in worship.
Meaning of breaking coconut after worship
Breaking the coconut after the puja means that the person has dedicated himself to his presiding deity and hence is worshiped in front of the deity.
According to the legend, once the sage Vishwamitra got angry with Indra and started creating another heaven.
But he was not satisfied with this creation.
After this, he used coconut in the form of a human in the creation of the second world.
That’s why two eyes and one face are made on the coconut.
In earlier times the practice of sacrifice was more.
At that time sacrificing humans and animals was the same thing, only then the practice of offering coconut was started to break this tradition.
Coconut Tree – The ‘Kalpa Vriksh’ of Our Homes
The country we live in is a land of rich heritage, culture, and traditions.
And India is a nation where we worship and adore nature in multiple forms.
Of the many plants worshipped, Coconut tree occupies a special place in the minds and hearts of the people of our country.
Being one of the world’s leading producers of coconut, people worship and respect it.
It is an indispensable part of the lives of everyone, and it is rightly called as the ‘Kalpa Vriksh’ or the sacred tree which gives.
History and Origin of Coconuts
Marco Polo, the world traveler, was the first to notice the coconut tree when he navigated around the seas in his around-the-world journey.
If we think of it today, it’s less surprising because the sea beds are the best places for the coconut trees to grow and flourish.
In nature, they can often be found in the areas lying low, and that are surrounded by sufficient ground water – like the beaches, beside the rivers, etc.
High ocean currents and tides of the nearby water areas are the best pollinators for coconut, because of which it can be found across different continents.
It is believed to have got originated in the Indo-Malaya region or the parts of South and North East Asia.
How is a Coconut tree grown?
While growing for plantations, a large nursery bed with ripe nuts are covered with soil. After about 4 to 8 months, the seeds are taken and put in a soil bed separated by equal distance.
It takes about 4 to 6 years for the plants to start giving the yield.
The tree becomes entirely yielding when it is about 15 years.
Why is it called the Kalpa Vriksh?
Each part of the coconut tree is useful in one or the other way.
The Coconut tree is an essential plant in every household.
The tender coconut is a healthy, natural drink that contains the natural substances capable of curing many ailments
The ripe coconut called the copra and the coconut obtained after a while when stored are both used extensively in cooking in many parts of the world.
The oil from coconut is one of the world’s highly consumed vegetable oil.
It possesses sufficient amount of natural vitamins which is very healthy for the human body.
The coconut oil is also used as a natural cosmetic ingredient in beauty care products.
It’s broad thick palm leaves are used as firewood, and in many auspicious Hindu ceremonies.
Coconut milk extract is not only delicious but nutritious as well.
The coir around the coconut is the main source in handloom and small scale industries. Mostly used in making carpets, decorative mats, and other beautiful handicrafts.
It serves as the means of income for lakhs of people in the world.
The importance of coconut in Hindu religion
Hinduism is an old religion.
It believes and thrives on the fact that every human being and every religion is the same.
Hinduism teaches about universal brotherhood and how to attain peace within our own selves.
There are many interesting rituals that are followed in Hinduism.
One of it is to offer coconut to the Gods.
Coconut is an integral part of all Hindu traditions.
Today we will try to understand why this unique custom is being followed in Hinduism for thousands of years.
Another thing maybe that coconut was easily available. It was economical and anyone could afford it.
Many houses had coconut trees planted in their gardens. It is not clear why coconut was chosen.
Why coconut?
Well there are many fruits that are an integral part of pujas in India.
However, just close your eyes and think of a puja scene.
The first thing that will come to your mind is a pot with a green coconut on the top.
Just imagine you bought a car and the car dealers themselves will perform a small puja and break a coconut before you drive the car for the first time.
It is true that coconut is a fruit that is easily available in all the parts of the country and in all the seasons.
This is why maybe coconut was found to be an ideal choice.
Sriphala: Fruit of Gods
In Sanskrit coconut was referred to as the “sriphala”. Sriphala means the fruit of God. As coconut was considered to be the fruit of God’s maybe it was used by the people to represent god itself.
The fruit itself is the symbol of God.
The coconut is a pure fruit.
It is considered to be the satvic fruit.
It has many good properties that cannot be found in any other fruit. It can give health.
Even doctors recommend that coconut water is a very good thing to have in various illnesses.
Having a glass of coconut water can never harm you.
Not only in Pujans
Coconut is not only seen in pujas.
Whenever a new work is about to start coconut is broken. In all auspicious occasions like marriage, birth of a child, grih pravesh and the list just goes on a coconut will be used.
The fact is when a green coconut is placed on a pot and it is worshipped it is considered to be equivalent to god itself.
When a homa is performed a coconut is broken and offered to the god of fire before the homa starts.
The coconut is commonly used as Prasad as it can be used to make various kinds of sweets.
When you visit a temple you will notice that a coconut is often returned back by the priest to the devotee as Prasad.
Comparison to Lord Siva
There are three holes like features on the top of a dry coconut that is why it is compared to the Lord Shiva.
Shiva is the most important god in Hinduism he can fulfil all desires of the devotees.
Another story that is associated with an extensive use of coconut in all religious ceremonies is the fact that Adi Shankara who was a great spiritual guru was against the idea of offering innocent human lives to please the gods.
He said that instead of offering humans it will be better to offer coconuts.
That will please the Gods more.
Hinduism does not teach violence so practicing “narabali” (human sacrifice) was against the concept of Hinduism.
The breaking of a coconut would be equal to narabali as it symbolised the act of killing all human desires.
How could a coconut be compared to a human?
Adi Shankara said that a coconut does look like a human head. It is very tough and not easy to break.
The coir that you see outside does look like the human hair.
The water inside can be compared to blood and the kernel as the mental space.
Adi Shankara also claimed that there is one more way of looking at the coconut.
The outer shell can be compared to the physical body and the inner kernel as the subtle body.
No matter what explanation Adi Shankara gave he was able to convince the religious followers that sacrificing a human could be replaced with a coconut as it was a nobler act.
Killing an innocent cannot be liked by god who gave life to each and every one of us.
With these teachings of Adi Shankara slowly people all over the country started to break coconut and it became a religious practice that would not harm anyone.
There are many mention of coconut tree in Indian Mythology that makes it clear that coconut has survived for many years and it has evolved itself to adapt with the changing environment.
Story of King Satyavrata
King Satyavrata wanted to go to the swarglok (heavens) with his mortal body being intact.
This was not possible anyone who was alive and had a physical body could not be allowed in the sawrglok.
The king Satyavrata was a great king and he started the dynasty of the sun.
He was loved by his people but his desire to reach the Swarglok was very strong.
It is said that the great sage Vishwamitra actually came up with a coconut tree, we will explain how.
Once the King Satyavrata helped the family of Vishwamitra.
Vishwamitra was away to some forest doing tapasya.
His family was dying of hunger so Satyavrata came to the rescue of the family and offered them food.
Satyavrata’s act of kindness was well appreciated by the sage and he thought that he will help the king full fill his one desire.
However, the Gods sent him back as he could not enter the heavens in a mortal body.
The sage Vishwamitra started a yajna and he sent the king to the heavens.
The Gods in the heaven got angry and they sent the king back.
As the king was falling down he called sage Vishwamitra for help.
The sage Vishwamitra used a spell and ensured that the king is suspended between heaven and earth.
The sage Vishwamitra got very angry at the gods because they did not want to fulfil the desire of the king.
He said that he will redesign the whole cosmos and will make another heaven for the king Satyavrata.
The Gods knew that sage Vishwamitra was very powerful and could do this.
They decided to let the king be in the mid-air.
Sage Vishwamitra was not convinced.
He thought that once his spell weakens the king may fall to the ground.
That is exactly why he came up with a long pole that would support the body of the king that was stuck in mid-air.
After many years the pole actually became the trunk of the coconut tree and the body of the king Satyavrata became the fruit and the leaves.
The king got the epithet Trishanku as he was hanging between heaven and earth and he belonged nowhere.
This is how the coconut tree actually came into existence as per the Hindu mythological tales.
Slowly the coconut tree was compared to the fruit of god that could help people in many ways.
Lord Ganesha
If we look at more stories that are told about the coconut there is a popular concept that the coconut is actually like the Lord Ganesha.
Why we say so? Lord Ganesha is the Siddhi Vinayak he ensures that the devotees get success in whatever they are doing.
That is exactly why before starting something auspicious it is necessary that a coconut is broken.
This ensures that all the hurdles that can come in the path of success in the particular work are actually removed.
The coconut is also offered to the lord of the fire so that the god can full fill the vows of the people.
The coconut does look like the head of a person.
When a coconut is broken in front of an idol all the vows of the person is fulfilled. In weddings the coconut is used as a symbol of the womb.
It is a symbol that the couple getting married should have healthy off springs.
You will also notice that during traditional baby showers the bride is blessed with a coconut.
This is to ensure that the bride has a normal delivery and the baby she delivers is healthy.
There is an interesting custom that is followed in Gujarat.
In this custom the groom is presented with a coconut soon after the marriage.
The groom is supposed to preserve this coconut forever.
Medical uses
The coconut is a very useful fruit.
The water of coconut can be very helpful to a person who is suffering from urine track infection or from dehydration.
It can also relieve the problems of intestines and kidney.
That is exactly why it is recommended to all no matter what the age of the person is.
It is absolutely safe to have coconut water.
There are many home remedies and treatments where coconut water is used with other ingredients in order to ensure a speedy recovery.
It can kill the worms in the stomach when combined with olive oil.
It can relieve the body of harmful toxins.
Coconut water can also dissolve kidney stones.
It is definitely a good idea to have coconut water on a regular basis for a healthy life.
Maybe the various benefits of coconut led to it being worshipped as God.
In India it is not right to put your feet on a coconut as it is considered to be pure and the fruit of God.
Over hundreds of years coconut water has been used as a way to resolve many health problems.
A study was conducted to understand what the side effects of coconut water are but no proof has been found that can say coconut water is not good for consumption.
Even pregnant women and children can have coconut water.
Importance of using coconuts in Hindu Temples
We often see that a coconut is being offered during all the puja rituals but have we ever thought about the real reason behind offering a coconut during prayers.
Is there any superstition behind offering coconut during a puja?
Some say that there is a very strong reason behind offering coconut to the deity.
The significance of coconut dates back many centuries ago.
In the Sanskrit language, the word coconut means “Sriphala” and it represents the Almighty.
In all puja rituals, there is a practice of offering coconut to God.
It is said that coconut is being used in order to save the lives of human beings from being killed.
To save the life of common and innocent men from being killed during the time of worship, coconut played a role of saviour and replaced common men at the time of puja rituals.
When we offer the coconut to God, the fruits and the leaves are generally used together during puja ritual.
During weddings/ marriages or any kind of auspicious event, a coconut is seen to be broken and offered to Almighty.
There are many layers of fibre in tender coconut.
The hardcover looks like a head of the human being and when we break the outer cover, we find a white kernel inside the coconut.
Inside the coconut, there exists water or juice. Breaking a man’s ego can be resembled with breaking of the hardcover of coconut.
The Almighty always desires His followers to be egoless and pure from the heart.
Later on, the same coconut is distributed as parsadam among the disciples in the temple.
The coconut is a symbol of purity is distributed among all the followers because it helps in the purification of the heart and soul of the followers.
There was a spiritual Guru called Adi Shankara.
He took a strong stand and came forward in order to dismiss the offering of human beings during puja rituals.
The slaughtering of human lives was known as “Narabali”.
According to him, there has been no relevance of “Nara Bali”.
Giving Bali to innocent people with an intention to please the God” and he wanted it to be stopped immediately.
Hence, coconut was found to be a good substitute by people who did not desire a complete stoppage of the practice of “bali” rather continue with it however without endangering the lives of human beings.
So we find that coconut was a chosen substitute but why was a coconut chosen?
A coconut has a lot of resemblance to the human head.
Inside the coconut, there is a choir and it looks similar to the tuft of human hair.
Again, the nut can be compared with the human skull.
The blood which circulates in human body resembles the water inside the coconut.
The coconut occupies a significant place in Hindu mythology.
There was a sage called Vishwamitrawho was the creator of the coconut.
He wanted to support King Satyavrata who had an intention to enter heaven as a mortal.
However, his entry was denied by Gods to Heaven.
Satyavrata was a great who only desired to enter Heaven in his mortal body.
In the Aadi festival, that is generally celebrated between July to August, there is a ritual among Hindus of worshipping Goddess Amman.
In this festival, the coconut is broken on the head of the Goddess.
This ritual signifies the way of showing gratitude to the Goddess for blessings.
Breaking Coconut: Significance of Breaking Coconut for God
If you are an Indian, you would know the importance of coconut in Indian rituals.
People offer coconuts and flowers to God because it is auspicious.
Have you ever witnessed a coconut cracking?
They do it with a billhook machete.
The cracking of coconut is a whole science.
It would break into two pieces only if you crack it at a certain point between the three holes of coconut.
But in temples, we break the coconuts into several pieces by smashing it at a stone in the temple.
But do you know the significance of breaking coconut before God?
If you are a south Indian, from native cuisines to special occasions, you would have cracked a coconut open.
The use of coconut is not much in North India as compared to the South.
Even if you are a North Indian, you would have seen pictures of banana leaf in festivals.
Devotees fill banana leaves with rice, sweets and vegetables.
You would also notice two pieces of coconut at the two corners of the leaf.
Kerala uses coconuts excessively in the dish.
The same tradition spreads to the south side coastal area of Karnataka.
Coconut trees are widespread all over Tamilnadu and possess various uses.
Even eole make broomsticks from dried coconut leaves.
In every temple of South India, one notices shops selling coconuts with flowers.
Having said that, let’s look at the “why” behind breaking coconuts.
Significance of Breaking Coconut in Temple
Have you ever been to Kumbh Mela or Kumbhabhishekam?
It is an occasion of renewing the Kalasha.
Kalasha is the metal container filled with grains kept at the top of the Gopura of the temple.
When Kalasha is being set, coconut is a very vital part of it.
Most of the South Indian household rituals include this beautifully decorated colourful vessel called Purnakumbha.
This Purnakumbja’s important part is coconut. Without breaking coconut it is incomplete.
Reasons for the importance given to coconut
After all that, let us see why so much importance given to breaking coconut? In Indian texts, we believe coconut to be the fruit of prosperity.
Even the coconut tree has ancient importance it seems and called Kalpavriksha.
It is a symbol of prosperity.
Kalpavriksh means boon grater.
It is the tree that satisfies your desire.
It fulfils your wishes.
The fruit born by this auspicious tree is highly prosperous.
As representing that coconut is Triphala.
When we look into the stories from our Puranas, there is the backstory for the importance given to breaking coconut and coconut tree.
The Trishanku has declined a place in Heaven called Swarga in Sanskrit.
To help him, Maharshi Vishwamitra created a coconut tree.
Trishanku had to sit on top of the tree.
This signifies how Maharshi Vishwamitra considered coconut tree to be equivalent to heaven.
Coconut has great significance in India.
It has religious and social connotations.
One of the most common offerings in a temple is a coconut.
Various names of coconut
Coconut is known as Narikela in Sanskrit.
It is known as Shrifala, auspicious fruit.
It is also known Mahafala, great fruit which is to be offered to god.
Origin of coconut
We don’t find the reference of coconut in Vedic literature.
Mainly the citations of coconut start appearing in the period of epic and puranas.
It is originally from Indonesia and was brought to India around 1st century.
When is it used
In India Coconut is used during various auspicious occasions, it is tied as torana at the door of homes during all auspicious functions,
it is given to a bride before she leaves for her in law’s place,
it is also gifted to people when they visit one another.
Coconut is very auspicious and the symbol of fertility.
Hence it is said that a lady who wishes to get a child should plant a coconut tree or offer coconuts to gods or goddesses.
It is also used in occasions like weddings, festivals, the use of a new vehicle, bridge, house etc.
A pot (kalasha) full of water, adorned with mango leaves and a coconut on top is worshipped on important occasions and used to receive revered guests.
It is offered in the sacrificial fire whilst performing homa.
The coconut is broken and placed before the Lord.
It is later distributed as prasaada.
It is offered to please the Lord or to fulfill our desires.
In South India coconut tree is considered auspicious like neem tree or bilva tree in north India.
People from South India believe that, the one who destroys a coconut tree will himself get destroyed.
Coconut is revered as a symbol of a Brahmin hence it is advised not to remove the Shikha from it.
Why is it offered to god
There is a custom of placing coconut in front of god during all auspicious functions.
In Ancient times there was a custom of offering a person to god.
It still continues in the modern period too at some places.
After this due to the violence involved in the act the practice was done away.
And it was replaced by breaking or offering a coconut in lieu of a person.
It is given instead of Narabali.
Coconut is offered instead of the head.
The marks on the coconut make it look like the head of a human being.
The coconut is broken, symbolizing the breaking of the ego.
Then in later period it became so prevalent and the custom of offering coconut became a regular part of worship.
The Importance Of Coconut In Hinduism
The coconut tree has been an important part of the Hindu religion since ancient times, and it continues to be so today.
In fact, coconuts are often present at Hindu wedding ceremonies to signify fertility and purity, they are used in the worship of Shiva and Vishnu, and they are considered holy themselves by many Hindus.
These beautiful tropical fruits are definitely more than just delicious; they have religious significance as well!
Coconut fruit is regarded as a divine gift of nature in Hindu religion and this tree has been given the name The tree of life by the ancient sages.
Its religious importance and ritualistic significance are unparalleled and this belief has been handed down from generations to generations since ages immemorial,
here in this article we will try to find out why it is so important in Hindu religion and why Hindus worship the coconut tree so religiously?
The breaking of a coconut is an essential part of any Hindu prayer ceremony.
It’s used to make the offering to God, and can also be used as a tool to drive out evil.
Breaking coconuts symbolizes success and abundance.
Without that ritual breaking, prayers are said to not be heard by God in many religions.
That might seem harsh but it has also become more symbolic over time.
Many believe that if you break a coconut while praying for something good to happen, then your wish will come true.
Hindus use coconuts in their ceremonies because they believe they have great spiritual powers.
They often refer to them as the gift of life or the tree of life due to their importance in religious rituals and folklore throughout history.
The coconut tree is an important crop in tropical areas of India. Not only do coconuts provide nutrition for people, but they are also valuable for livestock feed.
Historically, coastal tribes have used it to build rafts and boats and in some places along India’s coasts, floors are still made out of dried coconut leaves.
The nuts themselves are used to produce oil and meal while leaves, bark fibers and other plant parts are all used to make rope, baskets, mats and many other useful items.
While trees that provide such diverse resources can be grown widely around coastal areas where natural disasters like cyclones tend to occur,
a lot of care is put into nurturing them so that they can withstand any disaster that comes their way.
The tender coconut is a much-beloved ingredient in Indian cuisine.
Before refrigeration, it was an integral part of many ancient cooking traditions, and even now its popularity isn’t waning.
But did you know that a lot of India’s classic cuisines are indebted to coconuts?
Much like many Western dishes are influenced by Mediterranean staples, you can trace a lot of classic Indian food back to coconut palms.
For example, did you know that milk curd doesn’t traditionally go into paneer cheese? That comes from coconut milk! Tender coconuts aren’t just for deserts; they are also great for curries and vegetable dishes—and no two curries taste exactly alike.
How do different recipes yield distinct flavors?
Throughout history, Ayurvedic healers have been using coconut oil as a part of their unique healing systems.
With such high levels of lauric acid and natural antimicrobial properties, coconut oil can be used to treat a wide variety of health issues.
What is Ayurvedic medicine?
Ayurvedic medicine is one of India’s ancient medical practices with origins dating back thousands of years.
Ayur in Sanskrit means life and Veda refers to knowledge.
The practice was designed for preventing disease, maintaining good health and prolonging life.
Throughout Southeast Asia, coconut trees are a staple of many diets.
Their nuts are extremely versatile, with meat being used in everything from curry to desserts and their milk is used to make everything from a shaving cream to ice cream.
Thriving in all sorts of weather conditions, including those that would kill other plants such as extreme temperatures and acidic soil, coconuts thrive almost anywhere they’re planted.
The only issue with growing them is that they need both heat and humidity, meaning they can only be grown under specific conditions; making them more rare than other cash crops.
The deity of good luck and remover of obstacles is revered all over India.
The coconut plays a key role in his worship.
It is considered as an emollient and anti-inflammatory agent.
It is also used for dry hair and skin, itchy scalp, hair loss, head lice etc.
Its oil can be used in combination with neem oil to treat jaundice.
It can also be used to purify water from harmful bacteria and make it safe for drinking purpose.
Due to its medicinal properties, it finds a place in Ayurvedic medicines as well .
When immersed in water for a certain period ,water turns into nectar called Amrit or nectar of life.
It has high iron content which gives strength to those who are anemic.
The coconut is a tropical fruit and is known for its delicious flesh and nutritious oil.
The whole fruit, except for its seed, can be used to extract various types of nutritious product.
The outer shell or bark of a coconut has medicinal properties that are used in several Ayurvedic medicines.
Drinking water in which smashed up shells of fresh coconuts have been boiled is very beneficial for digestion problems.
This water should be consumed several times a day on an empty stomach in order to obtain better results, according to ayurvedic practitioners.
Similarly, drinking an ayurvedic coconut decoction daily helps with stomach pain and acidity.
The coconut palm is arguably one of nature’s most productive trees.
An adult tree can produce as many as 75 coconuts per year and they grow in tropical climates all over Southeast Asia, Africa, Australia, Latin America and parts of Oceania.
For farmers in these areas, having a steady supply of coconuts around is vital for both nutrition and income.
Even if you don’t live in an area where coconuts grow naturally, their importance shouldn’t be overlooked.
Their versatility makes them ideal for cooking and baking purposes.
They can also be used as cattle feed and fertilizer.
The husks make great mulch for protecting soil from erosion by rain or runoff from nearby bodies of water.
1. Hindus use coconut water to quench thirst and to keep themselves hydrated.
2. It is used in some religious ceremonies as a sacred offering to Gods.
3. For every home and every office, it is considered auspicious to keep a coconut for good luck and prosperity.
4. Hindus believe that coconut water has magical healing properties and helps them fight diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension etc..
5. The dried flesh of coconut known as copra or coir is used for making rope, mats etc
6. Coconut water is also used to make Ayurvedic medicines and cosmetics.
7. The oil extracted from coconuts is used in cooking and in lotions and soaps to treat skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis etc..
8. It helps with hair growth too; its oil can be applied on the scalp to stimulate hair growth and prevent premature greying of hair by nourishing it from within .
9. The husk of coconut is used for making brooms, baskets etc
10. Coconuts are used as a good luck symbol in many places around India.
The coconut symbolises wealth, prosperity and auspiciousness in India.
It is no wonder, then, that it is synonymous with Goddess Lakshmi, who represents not only prosperity but also beauty and love.
The fertility of a woman is believed to be signified by her hair as well as her fingernails growing like a coconut tree; for these reasons,
widows used to shave their heads and use one strand of hair to tie their plait (Tikli), a practice which is still followed by certain communities in India.
Deepavali is celebrated with great zeal and joy in India and other countries with a large number of Indian immigrants.
It is referred to as ‘the festival of lights’ since, in many parts of India, people light earthen lamps or candles during Deepavali, especially after nightfall.
The celebration of Diwali symbolizes that good will always triumph over evil.
The holiday also commemorates various important events from Hindu mythology such as Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana, and Lakshmi being released from her captivity under a tamarind tree by Vishnu.
The ancient tradition of lighting lamps on Diwali symbolizes dispelling darkness (and ignorance) with knowledge (and spiritual wisdom).
This practice has been going on for thousands of years now!
There are several types of Diya available in India – clay diyas, metal diyas etc.,
but one type that is very popular during Diwali celebrations is coconut diyas.
Breaking a coconut is a tradition that dates back to ancient India, when coconuts were actually used as weapons.
The practice was also common in ancient Greece, where it symbolized victory in battle.
Whether broken open with hands or by tools (in modern-day temples), breaking coconuts during auspicious ceremonies has religious and historical meaning.
Traditionally, people use a hammer or hatchet to break open and distribute coconuts during festivals.
On occasions such as weddings and housewarmings, women will break coconuts after placing them on their heads for good luck.
The coconut is used in several rituals and festivals of Hindu religion.
For instance, it is believed that offering coconuts to god Shiva at his temples will appease him.
People often offer coconuts as ritual offerings to other deities during special occasions such as weddings and new home parties in India.
Drinking coconut water during auspicious occasions like marriage and housewarming is also believed to bring good luck in one’s future life
The mighty coconut tree, which is often considered as a symbol of grace, beauty and strong leadership in some cultures, has been an important part of Hindu mythology since ancient times.
The coconut tree features in various stories and myths associated with gods and goddesses of India.
It is also closely linked to many religious rituals and festivals that are observed by Hindus across India.
One such ritual involves worshipping Lord Ganesha who holds a special place in Hindu religion.
During Ganesh Chaturthi festival, devotees offer coconuts to Lord Ganesha as he was born out of them when his mother Parvati created him using her own body parts after Lord Shiva cut off her head.
Also known as Vigneshwara or Vinayaka, Lord Ganesha is worshipped on Ganesh Chaturthi day (Ganesh Jayanti) which falls during September-October every year.
Most Hindus consider coconut one of their most important offerings to God.
They have been doing so for thousands of years, and not without reason.
In fact, it’s probably fair to say that, in many ways, coconuts saved Hindu civilization.
But its true value lies in its versatility; it has been used for food, cooking oil,
medicine and even shelter through thousands of years of history—and there’s a chance that without it modern-day India would not exist as we know it today.
The offering of coconuts, which later became a part of folklore rituals, came into practice.
Most scholars hold that there was a shift from human and animal sacrifices to coconut offerings during that period because coconut trees began to be grown abundantly in southern India, and because in many ways, the coconut is like a human.
Coir on the outside is comparable to human hair, the hard shell is like a human skull, the water inside is like human blood, and the white kernel is like a human brain.
Why is coconut fruit considered religiously important in worship?
Coconut is considered very auspicious in Hinduism.
It is believed that Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh reside in this.
In some Puranas, coconut is considered as the form of Goddess Lakshmi.
Let us know some other important things about it.
Any Yagya, Havan and Puja is considered incomplete without coconut.
It is an integral part of the worship text which has been used since time immemorial.
Coconut is such a thing that everyone is used in worship.
There is a tradition in Hinduism to break the coconut before doing any auspicious work.
This is considered an auspicious fruit.
That is why it is customary to offer it in temples.
No worship or auspicious work is considered fruitful without offering coconut.
In astrology also, coconut fruit is considered a symbol of prosperity in every worship.
It is considered as the form of Lakshmi ji, hence it is also called Shriphal.
It is also said in the scriptures that by offering coconut, all the miseries and pains of the person are removed.
Let us know about its mythological significance.
Vishnu brings coconut tree with him
It is believed that Lord Vishnu had brought Goddess Lakshmi, coconut tree and Kamadhenu along with him while incarnating on the earth.
Coconut tree is also called Kalpavriksha in which Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh reside.
In many Puranas, coconut is considered as the form of Goddess Lakshmi.
That is why it is believed that the house where there is coconut is the abode of Goddess Lakshmi.
Why is coconut boiled in worship?
Breaking coconut in worship means that the person has dedicated himself to his favorite deity, so coconut is broken in front of God in worship.
According to the legend, once the sage Vishwamitra got angry with Indra and started creating another heaven.
But he was not satisfied with the creation of the second heaven.
After this, he used coconut in the form of a human in the creation of the second world.
That’s why two eyes and a mouth are created on it.
In earlier times the practice of sacrifice was very high. In those days, sacrificing humans and animals was the same thing.
Then the practice of offering coconut started to break this tradition.
Note- The information given here is based on religious beliefs and folk beliefs, there is no scientific evidence for this.
It has been presented here keeping in mind the general public interest.
What is the importance of coconut in worship, know why women do not break it
Why Women Don’t Break Coconut: In Hinduism, coconut is used in any kind of worship.
Whether it is the worship of any festival or housewarming, shopping for a special big item, or a marriage ceremony, coconut has special significance.
But you must have noticed that always men or boys break the coconut.
Women are never asked to break the coconut.
After all, what is it that women can offer coconut to God but cannot break it?
Coconut is considered very auspicious in Hinduism.
According to astrology, coconut water is the symbol of the moon, and offering it to God brings happiness and prosperity and also removes sorrows and pains.
Let us know why the breaking of coconut is prohibited for women and what are the spiritual and scientific reasons behind it.
Why women do not break coconut
In Hinduism, women are prohibited from breaking a coconut.
This is because coconut is a seed and women are the factors of progeny.
They give birth to offspring from a single seed.
For this reason, women never break the coconut.
It is believed that if women break a coconut, then doing so can cause many problems in the lives of their children.
Religious importance of coconut
In the Hindu religion, coconut has the highest religious importance.
According to mythology, it is said that Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi had planted coconut trees on the earth.
The coconut tree is known as Kalpavriksha.
Coconut is very dear to Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi, hence it is used in most of the worship lessons.
Why is coconut kept on top of Kalash?
Coconut is also very important in Vastu Shastra.
You must have noticed that coconut is kept on top of the Kalash.
It is believed that placing a coconut on top of the Kalash is considered a symbol of Ganesha and Ganesha worship has been given first place in all works.
Maharishi Vishwamitra had composed
There is another mythological story about coconut.
It is believed that Maharishi Vishwamitra got angry with Indradev and created another heaven.
When he was not happy with the construction of that new heaven, he thought of building a different earth.
He first created man in the form of coconut on the earth.
For this reason, coconut is known as man.
Why aren’t women allowed to break coconuts in temple?
The significance of coconut
Breaking a coconut in Hindu temples – especially in temples dedicated to Lord Ganesha and before auspicious events and new beginning is considered highly beneficial in Hinduism
Prasad for people
The offering of a coconut is a common offering to a deity in Hindu religion and it is distributed later as ‘prasad.’
The purest thing
The most important reason for offering coconut is that is the purest thing that a human being can offer to a deity.
The water and the white kernel inside the coconut are the only unadulterated offering that a devotee makes to the Lord.
It is not polluted as it remains covered by the hard outer shell until it is offered to the God.
Favourite food
Lord Ganesh is the deity invoked before any auspicious event or new beginning. Coconut is one of the most favourite foods of Ganesha.
This is one reason why coconut is broken during housewarming, after the purchase of new vehicle etc.
Breaking of the ego Next, the breaking of coconut symbolizes the breaking of the ego. The coconut represents the human body and before the Lord it is shattered – breaking the ‘aham’ or ego and symbolically total surrendering and merging with the Brahman – supreme soul.
Kalasha pooja
Coconut is also an important aspect in Kalasha or Poorna Kumba.
Apart from this there are numerous other symbolic meaning to the coconut.
Most of them revolve around its appearance like the three eyes on the coconut represent the three eyes of Lord Shiva.
Women barred
However, we all know that women aren’t allowed to break coconuts in temples.
Let find out why
Laxmi of the house
Women are supposed to be the “laxmi” of the house and hence, being that they are not supposed to indulge in anything that involves breaking or destroying.
Form of bali
It is also said that breaking a coconut is also a form of “bali” or sacrifice, hence women should refrain from doing this.
Ending a life?
Since coconut is a seed, breaking it, would signifying ending a life and it is said that women who do that will have an adverse effect on their reproductive organ as well.
Pregnant women
This saying is especially true in pregnant women.
The logic is that if you have a seed (foetus) inside your body, you should not destroy another seed coconut.
More facts
Let’s find out more about why breaking of the coconut is considered sacred in Hinduism.
Anything auspicious
Not only temples, coconut is broken before you start anything auspicious – a new house, a new car etc
Lesson for all
In addition to that, Coconut’s hard shell inspires one to have tolerance and do hard work for attaining success.
People get strength and improved eyesight by eating its white kernel.
Nourishing water
The sick and the elderly find its water nourishing and ladies apply its oil for healthy hair. It has glucose, phosphorous, and carbohydrates in good quantity and is also good for diabetes.
The godhead
The coconut (Nariyala) on top of the kalash is a symbol of the Godhead – the three eyes symbolic of the eyes of Lord Shiva, thus signifying a godly presence.
Standing tall
The coconut tree is tall and does not have branches.
The breaking of a coconut is a culmination of the effort of man in combination with the gift from the Gods.
Lives long
A coconut tree lives for a long time and keeps on producing the extraordinary coconut one after the other
hence it is said that you too will imbibe the good qualities of a coconut.
Tough nut
The coconut is tough to crack – Breaking a coconut is a way of saying that you can get through all struggles in life.
Milky way
The milky white kernel reminds of the the milky way – Thiruparkadal – the abode of Lord Vishnu.
Such is the white of the kernel and it is loaded with goodness.
Why girls can’t break Coconut?
It may be said in history or in astrology that girls should not break coconut.
Yes, we have often come to hear from our elders, and from our ideal people that girls or ladies should not break coconuts.
Even you have seen in the Pujas at your house that only man breaks the coconut.
But why this ?
We have never noticed that why it is so?
Why girls should not break coconut?
What is the reason behind such myth?
So let us now tell you what is the secret behind it.
In fact, it is said that coconut is a seed and if a woman gives birth to her seed, then how a lady can break a seed.
There is also a belief that the Lord Vishnu had sent the coconut to the earth and seriously this is the first thing sent by him, on which no other woman has the right but Mother Lakshmi.
There is also an another belief that coconut is called the Kalpvraksha and it is said that the trades are inhabited in this tree, due to which women should stay away from it. According to all these beliefs, it is said that women or girls should not break coconut.
Can Pregnant Women Visit Naga Temple?
After Conceiving, don’t visit any Nagam Temple,
You can visit any of these temples after the birth of the child only.
As per Vedic texts, the child in the womb will have negative effects.
Pregnant Women should not Visit any of the Naga Temples
Why are pregnant women should not break coconuts in temples?
A coconut tree can drink any kind of water, from fresh groundwater to salty seawater, but the fruit it produces always gives sweet water.
This is like the life of a holy person or a mother, as they always offer good things to their followers and children.
Because of this belief, pregnant women are not allowed to break open a coconut because it is seen as harming a life form, and the vibrations from breaking the coconut could potentially harm the unborn baby in the womb.
In Tamil Nadu, the coconut tree is called “thennam pillai,” which means coconut child, and they don’t refer to it as just a tree but as a beloved child.
Even cutting down a live coconut tree is considered a sin, similar to murdering their own child in Tamil culture.
Can a Pregnant Woman’s Husband can Break Coconut
No, he should not break Coconut at home or at Temple.
Can Pregnant Ladies Perform Naga Dosha Nivarana Pooja?
Naga Dosha Nivarana pooja should not be performed nearer to the monthly periods. Give at least 8 days gap to conduct the pooja.
You should not perform Naga Dosha Nivarana pooja if you are pregnant.
Can Pregnant Ladies Visit Shiva Temple?
Pregnant women can go to the temples of “Shiva” or any Hindu temple and can go around the temple i.e., Pradakshina.
It is an exercise of walking with good faith in God with a clear mind.
Can a husband shave when a wife is pregnant?
During the sixth or eighth month of pregnancy, a ceremony called ‘Seemantham’, a sacrificial fire is lit and the husband and his wife pray jointly for the gift of a child and for safe delivery by circumambulating the fire.
When the wife is pregnant, orthodox Brahmins are not expected to shave their beard.
Can a husband break a coconut when his wife is pregnant?
For this reason, pregnant ladies are not allowed to break open a coconut as it is equivalent to kill a life form and moreover, the vibrations from breaking a coconut could harm the fetus in the womb.
Can Pregnant Women Visit Temple?
So it is said that it is not advisable for women to get to the temples during the later stages of pregnancy.
Pregnant women need not visit temples or engaged in religious rituals.
She needs to rest at home and should not come in contact with random people, as she may catch bad vibes/germs from some random person(s).
Scientific Significance Of Coconut Breaking Ritual
Breaking a coconut for Gods and Goddesses is a popular ritual in India, and it has a significant religious significance in Hinduism.
The coconut fruit is a necessary offering in almost all Hindu rituals and is present at almost all Hindu ceremonies.
All new projects for Hindus begin with the breaking of coconut in front of an idol.
Coconut is still a must-have on the list, whether it’s for a festival or a significant puja ceremony. Here is the scientific significance of the Coconut breaking ritual.
Coconut water spilling electrolytic plasma is identical to the water of RBC in human blood.
It also contains a similar amount of lauric acid to breast milk.
In Sanskrit, coconut is known as ‘NariKela’, where ‘Nari’ means water and ‘Kela’ means fruit.
When coconuts are young and delicate, they have the most water.
Few humans used to give blood as an offering to purify themselves and gain salvation from bad luck, much as Jesus Christ did when he shed his blood to atone for the sins of his fellow humans.
Animal sacrifices were eventually outlawed, and coconuts with three black spots resembling a human head and three eyes were substituted.
However, the Vedas make no mention of offering coconuts to gods.
After sage Brahmarshi Viswamitra struggled against human blood sacrifices when liberating Sunahsepa, he invented the coconut as a substitute for the human head.
The splitting of coconuts is a form of bloodless sacrifice.
Humans who want to clear their bad karma and erase barriers would assume coconut as their head and offer it to God by breaking it.
The intention is to deliver something that resembles the human head and blood, and destroying it represents the breaking of the human ego and karma.
The fruit’s shell has three eyes on top of it.
You can only get to the water within by piercing the middle one.
Lord Siva’s third eye refers to this middle eye.
Coconut water is an electrolyte that improves circulation while still being antibacterial.
It is necessary to correctly plan during the coconut breaking ceremony.
Only then is it possible to tune yourself to the quantum level energy matrix, which is then converted to one’s DNA.
Quantum variations in the Zero Point Area, a massive untapped energy pool, may be caused by human purpose.
In Zero Point, we resonate.
The world can be influenced by energy and human desire.
Intentions (Sankalp) affect the quantum field or pure consciousness.
When you crack the fruit, turn off your internal mind chatter, be present for a fleeting moment without self, and let your purpose ring the tuning fork of your consciousness, to echo to the quantum level energy matrix as a vortex of group coherent memory.
Then, at the speed of thought, release the scalar waves and wait for them to perform their miracle.