ॐ Hindu Of Universe ॐ
“God’s light is within you, It never leaves you.”
Ganga Saptami is an auspicious festival and is popularly known as ‘Ganga Pujan’ and ‘Ganga Jayanti’.
Ganga Saptamifalls on the 7th day of the ShuklaPaksha (bright half) in Vaishakha month. It is celebrated in honour of Goddess Ganga.
Maa Ganga is also called as ‘Jahnavi’ for being the daughter of Rishi Jahnu.
Ganga Saptami : Date
- Ganga Saptami is on 12th May .
According to Hindu legends, it is believed that Maa Ganga took re-birth on this special day.
Ganga Saptami is celebrated mostly in Northern parts of India.
According to Hindu mythology, it is believed that on this day the holy river Ganga descended onto the earth.
Ganga Saptami/ Ganga Pujan Rituals
This pious festival is also named as Gangavataran; formed after conjunction of two words- Ganga and Avataran.
Ganga means Goddess and Avataran means landing down.
Therefore, it factually means – the origin of the Holy River Ganga.River Ganges is considered as the most sacred of all rivers in India.
People also perform religious activities and take a holy dip on the banks of river Ganga.Ganga Aarti is also held at several Ghats of the Ganges.
Main Rituals:
- Chanting Gayatri Mantra
- Bathing in the holy Ganges River before Sunrise.
- Worship and Aarti to appease Ganga.
- Worship of Lord Shiva.
Donations to be made on Ganga Saptami:
- Donating food and money to Brahmins
- Domestic items of daily use, etc.
Legends behind Ganga Saptami
According to Hindu Legends, when the mighty Ganga was descended to the Earth, Lord Mahadev (Shiva) took her in his Jata (long tresses or hairs) to break the Ganga’s descent so that Ganga does not sweep the complete world away.
Later Lord Mahadev released Maa Ganga so that she can accomplish her mission to purge the cursed souls of Bhagiratha’s ancestors.
While on the way to Bhagiratha, her gushing turbulent water destroyed the Ashram of Rishi Jahnu.
This angered Rishi Jahnu and he drank up all of Ganga’s water. Upon this, Bhagiratha and other Deities requested to Rishi Jahnu to give her release so that she could proceed with her mission.
Pleased with prayers Jahnu released Goddess Ganga from his ear.
According to Hindu Mythology; Jahnu Rishi released her on Saptami(Seventh day) of VaishakhaShuklaPaksha (bright half of Hindu month Vaishakh).
Because of this legend ‘Ganga Jayanti’ or Ganga Saptami is also called as Jahnu Saptami. Ganga is also known as Jahnavi, the daughter of Rishi Jahnu.
Importance of Ganga Saptami
Ganga Saptami is believed to provide the devotees with huge benefits.
It is believed that all the previous and present sins are removed after taking a dip in the holy River Ganga on thisspecial occasion.
Taking a holy bath purifiesthe souls and enables the devotees to lead a healthy and prosperous life (full of happiness).
Taking bath in the sacred river in Ganga Saptami fills the worshipper with fresh energy that allow them to complete their duties on time.
Ganga Saptami
Katha’s of Goddess Ganga is mesmeric as devotees worship on the Ganga Saptami to gain salvation and happiness.
One myth or one tale of Gana is accepted widely that Lord Shiva carried Ganga all throughout places where parts of Ganga deteriorated and fell in all lands and mixed up in the water.
This is how the Ganga river was formed.
All lords from heaven strived to free the river and this is how Shukla Paksha unblocked the river Ganga on the 7th day of Shukla Paksha.
Thus, Ganga took birth again or one can say it as rebirth on the holy river.
However, the first birthday of Goddess Durga or Ganga is considered to be on 9 days of Dussehra but Ganga Saptami is another special event where Maa Durga or Ganga took rebirth on another day by unleashing the River.
Significantly, these special details are found in the scriptures of Padma Purana, Brahma Purana, and Narada Purana.
Did you know that another name of Durga maa or Ganga Maa is Jahnavi?
That’s why it is also known as Jahnu Saptami.
Wonder why?
Well, Ganga Maa was the daughter of Rishi Jahnu.
Many philosophers consider that India can not have existed if it was devoid of the presence of Ganga Maa.
Today, the blessed river Ganga or holy river blesses and supports everyone by not only helping to irrigate or sustain the life of individuals but also adding value to the Hindu religion.
That’s why worshipping the Goddess is as important as maintaining the river clean.
What is the story behind Ganga’s Birth?
In India, lot of dedication and devotion is shown to Ganga Ji.
There are many stories about the magnificence and importance of Ganga ji in India.
One of the legendssays that Ganga ji is born due to sweat of God Vishnu’s feet; another legend says that Ganga Ji was born from the Kamandal of Lord Brahma.
One more famous story is there behind the origin of Ganga.
According to that, when Bali was killed by Lord Vishnu, then Lord Brahma cleaned the feet of Lord Vishnu and stored the water in his kamandal.
This water gave birth to Ganga.
According to another story, a song was sung by Lord Shiva for Narad Muni, Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu.
He started sweating and the sweat was stored by Lord Brahma in his kamandal.
It is believed that Ganga Ji came out and was originated from that kamandal only.
Ganga Saptami is believed to provide the worshippers with lot of benefits.
It is believed that all the sins of the past and present life are removed if one takes bath in the holy water of river Ganga on the occasion of Ganga Saptami.
They are able to purify their souls by taking a bath in the holy water of Ganga that is believed to flow on the earth with the purity of heaven.
This enables the worshippers to lead a healthy life full of happiness.
Taking bath in the holy water of river Ganga on the auspicious occasion of Ganga Saptami fills the devotees with new and fresh energy that enable them to complete their tasks on time.
This also enables them to earn profits in life and lead a happy and successful life.
What is the Significance of Ganga Saptami?
On Vaishakh Shukla or Saptami, Ganga Ji came from Swarg lok and reached God Shiva’s hair.
As per the Shastras, this day is famous as Ganga Saptmi and Ganga Jayanti and on this day, Ganga reached earth.
The day is also celebrated as Ganga Dushera.
People worship Ganga Mata on this day and they take a bath in the holy water of the river.
It is believed that taking bath in river Ganga on this day removes all sins of the past and givessalvation, happiness and fame to the devotees.
Those people who have Mangal Dosh in their Kundli get benefited by worshipping Ganga Mata on this day.
Several benefits are provided to the devotees on the occasion of Ganga Saptami.
They receive the blessings of river Ganga by taking a dip in the holy water of the river.
It is also believed that several diseases are also cured as the result of a dip in the water of river Ganga as itswater is having medicinal properties that areable to cure several health related ailments of the devotees.
There is one more famous story in Puranas which states that Ganga River came from the thumb of Lord Vishnu to bless the King Sagar’s sons.
They were 60000 in number and were turned into ashes due to the curse of Kapil Muni.
Bhagirath was the successor of King Sagar who brought Ganga to earth.
That is why Ganga River is also called as Bhagirathi.
The occasion of Ganga Saptami is also known with the name of Jahnu Saptami.
It is believed in Haridwar and other regions that Goddess Ganga descended from heaven into the matted hairs of Lord Shiva and started flowing in the Himalayas on the occasion of Ganga Saptami.
There is also a legend behind the fact why Ganga Saptami is also termed as Jahnu Saptami.
As per the legend, one day, river Ganga entered into the ashram of Saint Jahnu and because of her violence, the meditation of the saint was disturbed.
This makes the saint very angry and in his anger, he drunk Ganga and then releases her from his ear.
This story became famous and since then, this day is celebrated as Ganga Saptami or Jahnu Saptami.
Whatare the rituals of Ganga Jayanti?
Gayatri Mantra is chanted
Bath is taken in River Ganges in BharmaMuhurat that is early in the morning before sunrise.
Aarti is done to please Ganga Mata.
Lord Shiva is also worshipped on this day.
What to donate on Ganga Saptami?
It is considered good to commemorate the place where Ganga is originated. While worshipping Ganga, it is auspicious to have all articles in the count of ten.
As an example, if you are donating flowers, they should be 10 in count.
Similarly, lamps, betel leaves or fruits should be 10 in number.
So, if you prefer to donate something on this day, just try to donate 10 different things as it is believed to provide beneficial results.
Also, it is considered good to donate Sesame and Barley on the occasion of Ganga Saptami.
Moreover, donating food to 10 Brahmins is also considered very auspicious.
While you take a bath, you must take at least 10 dips.
It is believed that such donations are able to provide the devotees with huge benefits and fills their life with happiness and joy.
Those who are unable to go to the banks of river Ganga could perform the rituals at their own place with devotion.
Ganga Saptami Story
Hindu Mythology has many exciting stories about Gods, Goddesses and other mythological characters.
River Ganga also holds a prominent place in Hindu mythology.
River Ganga is mentioned in Padma Purana, Brahma Purana and Narada Purana.
These Puranas talk about the story and the importance of Ganga Saptami, also known as Ganga Saptami ki Katha.
According to the holy scriptures of Hinduism, Ganga came down to earth from heaven. When she came down to the earth, that day is also known as Ganga Dussehra.
River Ganga was flowing with full strength and destroying everything that appears on the path while coming down to earth.
The water of Ganga reached the ashram of Rishi Jahnu.
He got furious with the terrifying water of Ganga coming towards his ashram.
He drank the entire water of the river in anger.
Later on, at the request of Saint turned King Bhagirath, Rishi Jahnu released Ganga. King Bhagirath wanted to bring Ganga to the earth for the salvation of his ancestors. This day is also known as Jahnu Saptami, as it falls on the Shukla Paksha Saptami of Vaishakha month.
The rishi then considered Ganga as his daughter.
He gave rebirth to Ganga by rereleasing her, and so Ganga got another name Jahnavi.
Ganga Saptami Puja Vidhi
Ganga Saptami is celebrated by performing below mentioned Puja Vidhi:
- Devotees wake up early in the morning, even before the sun rises from the east and take a bath in the holy river Ganga.
- It is very important to purify your mind and body. Thus a dip in the Ganga is required to start the Puja Vidhi on Ganga Saptami.
- People offer flowers and perform Ganga Aarti along with others.
- The Aarti is performed to honour the mother Ganga for giving a new life to the humans by providing her freshwater.
- All the ghats around the river Ganga witness the Aarti performed by many devotees together.
- The Aarti is concluded with the lamp circulated in the crowd so that everyone can take the blessings of River Ganga.
- The Lamp also has flowers with it, which are, later on, allowed to float in the River.
- The Puja Vidhi also is celebrated by organising the holy fairs on the banks of the river Ganga.
- Devotees give donations to needy people.
- The best way to get the optimum benefits of Puja Vidhi on Ganga Saptami is to recite Ganga Sahasranam, the thousand names of River Ganga.
Wrapping Up
Ganga is honoured with the title of Devi, the Goddess, in Hinduism.
The Day of Ganga Saptami is dedicated to River Ganga.
The one who worships her with utmost devotion and takes a bath in the water reaches the path of Moksha or Salvation.
May River Ganga bless all with prosperity and abundance.
Rituals during Ganga Saptami:
On the day of Ganga Saptami, devotees get up before sunrise and take a dip in the holy Ganges.
Worshipping Goddess Ganga is supposed to be very auspicious on this day.
They float garland across River Ganga and perform the famous ‘Ganga Aarti’.
The preparation for ‘Ganga Aarti’ is made at several Ghats and thousands of devotees from different parts of the country participate in this event.
On Ganga Saptami, the ceremony of ‘deepadan’ that is donating a ‘deep’ is very fortunate.
Ganga is considered to be a ‘devi’ or Goddess in Hindu religion; therefore devotees worship Her with complete dedication and devotion to be bestowed with happiness, fame and salvation.
Huge fairs are also organized near the banks of River Ganga on the day of Ganga Saptami.
Reciting ‘Ganga Sahasranam Strotram’ and ‘Gayatri Mantra’ is considered to be very propitious on this day.
Significance of Ganga Saptami:
The legend and significance of Ganga Saptami is explained in the religious scriptures like ‘Padma Purana’, ‘Brahma Purana’ and ‘Narada Purana’ and to name a few.
As per the Hindu mythological beliefs, Goddess Ganga first descended to Earth on the day ‘Ganga Dussehra’.
However once Sage Jahnu drank up Ganga’s water and only after being pleaded by Gods and King Bhagiratha, he released Ganga once again on the Vaishakha Shukla Paksha Saptami.
From then onwards this day marks the rebirth of Goddess Ganga and is also referred as ‘Jahnu Saptami’.
Goddess Ganga is also named as ‘Jahnavi’ for being the daughter of Rishi Jahnu.
River Ganga is held very sacred in India.
The celebrations of Ganga saptami is well-known in places where Ganga and its tributaries flow.
The day of Ganga Saptami is promising for Hindu devotees who worship Goddess Ganga and also take a dip in the holy water.
It is believed that by taking a pious bath in Ganga River, all the sins of the person will be washed away.
Many Hindus desire to be cremated close to River Ganga as it will lead them to the path of salvation.
Furthermore according to the astrological calculations, individuals who are under the influence of ‘Mangal’ should worship Goddess Ganga on Ganga Saptami.
Mythological Legend Behind Ganga Saptami
Let’s find here the mythological legend behind Ganga Saptami
The legend behind Ganga Saptami is rooted in Hindu mythology and revolves around the birth of the river goddess Ganga.
According to the legend, King Sagara of the Ikshvaku dynasty was performing a ritual known as Ashwamedha Yajna (horse sacrifice) to assert his dominance over the earth.
During the ritual, the horse meant for sacrifice was stolen, and King Sagara ordered his 60,000 sons to find it.
The sons searched for the horse and found it near the ashram of sage Kapila, who was in deep meditation at the time.
They mistakenly believed that the sage had stolen the horse and disturbed his meditation angered the sage, leading him to curse them, and causing their immediate death.
King Sagara, heartbroken over the death of his sons, decided to perform their last rites to help them attain salvation.
However, the ashes of his sons could not be purified without the sacred waters of the river Ganga.
Therefore, King Sagara’s grandson, Bhagiratha, meditated for several years to please Lord Brahma and seek his help in bringing the river Ganga down to Earth.
Lord Brahma granted Bhagiratha’s wish and asked him to seek the help of Lord Shiva to bear the force of Ganga’s descent on Earth.
Lord Shiva agreed to help, and when Ganga descended from the heavens, Lord Shiva received her on his matted hair and released her slowly, thus calming her immense force.
The day on which Ganga descended to Earth is celebrated as Ganga Dussehra, and the day on which Bhagiratha’s prayers and penance were answered by Lord Brahma is celebrated as Ganga Saptami.
It is believed that by taking a dip in the holy river Ganga on Ganga Saptami, one can purify their sins and attain salvation.
It is said that during the course of her flow and force, she washed out the sage Jahnu ashram.
Outraged with this, the raged sage drank the whole water of Ganga.
However, when King Bhagiratha and the Gods pleaded with the sage, Sage Jahnu released Ganga once again on the day of Shukla Paksha Saptami in Vaishakha month.
From then onwards, this day is celebrated as Ganga Saptami and it marks the rebirth of Goddess Ganga.
Later river Ganga came to be known as Jahnavi, the daughter of sage Jahnu.
From the Himalayas, she continued her journey and reached sage Kapil’s ashram and flowed over the ashes of sixty thousand princes.
Then, they all attained Moksha and this day is considered Ganga Dussehra.
Overall, these legends and stories highlight the significance of Ganga Saptami in Hindu mythology and underscore the spiritual and cultural importance of this day for Hindus around the world.
Benefits of Observing Ganga Saptami Vrat
Observing a fast or vrat on Ganga Saptami is considered to be very auspicious and has several benefits. Some of these benefits include:
Blessings from Goddess Ganga
Observing a vrat on Ganga Saptami is believed to bring blessings from Goddess Ganga, who is considered the embodiment of purity and holiness.
It is believed that the blessings of the goddess can help overcome any obstacles and bring prosperity and happiness.
Purification of the Mind and Body
Fasting on Ganga Saptami is considered a way to purify the mind and body.
It helps to detoxify the body, eliminate toxins and negative energies and promote physical and mental well-being.
Improved Concentration
Fasting is known to improve concentration and mental clarity. Observing a vrat on Ganga Saptami can help improve focus, enhance memory and increase productivity.
Spiritual Benefits
Observing a vrat on Ganga Saptami is considered to have spiritual benefits.
It is believed to increase spiritual awareness, promote spiritual growth, and help one connect with the divine.
Karma Purification
Ganga Saptami vrat is believed to help purify one’s karma and promote positive changes in one’s life.
Overall, observing a vrat on Ganga Saptami is believed to bring about several physical and spiritual benefits and help one lead a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.
Ganga Saptami
There are several auspicious days in the Vedic or Vaisnava calander year in honor of mother Ganga’s pastimes.
They are Aksaya-trtiya, Ganga-saptami, also known as Jahnu-saptami, Ganga-dushara, also known as Sri Ganga-puja, and Sri Ganga Sagara Mela.
Aksaya-trtiya appears in the month of Vaisakha (April/May) on the 3rd day of Sukla-paksa, or the waxing fortnight of the full moon.
In the Matsya Purana, as quoted from the Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa, the following is stated: “On the third day of the bright half of the month Vaisakha, the Supreme Lord Janardana created the grain of barley, started the cycle of Satya-yuga, and made Tripathaga Ganga desend to the earth from Brahmaloka.”
Ganga-saptami or Jahnu-saptami also appears in the month of Vaisakha on the 7th day of Sukla-paksa, or the waxing fortnight of the full moon.
After Ganga desended onto the Himalayas, the river entered the sacrificial arena of Jahnu Rsi and disturbed his meditation.
As stated in the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda 85.49: “
Formerly on the seventh day of the bright half of Vaisakha, Ganga was drunk through anger of Jahnu, and let out from the cavity of his right ear. “
Also in the Narada Purana, Uttara-bhaga 41-37: “
It was on the seventh day in the bright half of the month of Vaisakha that the Ganga was drunk up by Jahnu Rsi out of anger and cast off later on through his right ear. “
There are other accounts regarding how Jahnu released Ganga.
Therefore, Ganga also became known as Jahnavi, or the desendant of Jahnu.
Ganga-dushara (she who removes inauspiciousness) or Sri Ganga-puja appears in the month of Jyestha (May/June) on the 10th day of Sukla-paksa,or the waxing fortnight of the full moon.
On this day,Maharaj Bhagiratha’s desire of bringing Ganga to this mortal world was finally fulfilled as the sacred river descended from Lord Siva’s blessed head at Mount Kailasa.
The river Ganga then flowed through the Himalayas behind Maharaja Bhagiratha’s chariot and passed through Jahnu Rsi’s asrama.
Afterwards,he sucessfully led Ganga to Rasatala,in the lower planetary system,to liberate the sixty thousand sons of King Sagara.As stated in the Narada Purana,Uttara-bhaga 40.21: “
It was on the tenth day in the bright half of the month Jyestha,when the day of the week was Tuesday and the constellation was Hasta,Ganga descended to the mortal world.
” Ganga is also known as Bhagirathi,or the descendant of Bhagiratha.
Sri Ganga-sagara Mela occurs on Makarasankranti,or when the Sun enters Capricorn,which normally falls on the 14th of January every year.
This festival is said to commemorate the day when Maharaj Bhagiratha led the Ganga to Rasatala to liberate the sons of King Sagara.
The festival is observed at several locations on the banks of Ganga,but especially at the confluence of the Ganga and the Bay of Bengal,where Kapila Muni’s asrama is located.
According to the local tradition in the Rishikesh area,Ganga-saptami is celebrated as the day Ganga descended from heaven to earth.
Ganga-dushara,also known as Ganga-dasahara,marks the day the Ganga reached the plains of India at Haridvara.
Ganga-dasahara means “Ganga destorys ten”, so devotees bathe in the Ganga ten days prior to this day which destroys the sins of ten lifetimes.
The Narada Purana (Uttara-bhaga 38.17-19) describes when and where Ganga manifests herself within the three planetary systems during the Vedic calander month: “In the beginning of the dark half of the month, Ganga is present on the earth for ten days ending with sacred Amavasya (New Moon) day.
From the first to the tenth of the bright half of the month, she is present in the netherworlds.
Beginning with the eleventh day in the bright half and ending with the fifth day in the dark half, she is always present in heaven for ten days.”
In other words: from the 6th dark day to Amavasya, Ganga is on the earth. From the 1st bright day to the 10th bright day she is in the netherworlds.
And from the 11th bright day through Purnima (Full Moon) to the 5th dark day she is in heaven.
Note: There are different opinions regarding the appearance or desent of Ganga.
The information provided for Aksaya-trtiya, Jahnu-saptami, and Sri Ganga-puja is based on scriptural references and the Gaudiya Vaisnava calander.
The other information is based on local traditions and needs furthur research.
Ganga personally appeared to Maharaj Bhagiratha before the river descended from Brahmaloka onto Lord Siva’s head.
Ganga then descended onto the Himalayas prior to Jahnu Rsi swallowing the river. Later, Jahnu released Ganga, which marks the river’s reappearance.
Afterwards, Ganga descended to Rasatala, liberating the sixty thousand sons of Sagara.
Then Ganga appears as Bhogavati in the netherworlds before appearing as Vaitrani encircling Pitrloka.
Ganga-devi appears in her unlimited pastimes for the pleasure of the devotees.
Regardless which day one accepts as the appearance day of Ganga, or the day the river descended onto this planet, mother Ganga’s pastimes are always appearing throughout the three worlds.
Jai Ganga-Mayi!
Ganga Saptami
Ganga Saptami is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm, mostly in the Northern parts of India.
In Hinduism, the river Ganga is considered as the holiest river and is worshipped as a Goddess.
Thus, Ganga Saptami is observed to be an auspicious day for Hindus and is dedicated to Goddess Ganga.
It is also known as Jahnu Saptami, and Ganga Pujan is the day celebrated to honour the rebirth of Goddess Ganga.
As per the Hindu calendar, Ganga Saptami is celebrated on the 7th day of the waxing phase of the moon during the month of Vaishakha, also known as Baishakh, i.e. on the Saptami of the Shukla paksha.
On this day, special pujas and prayers are offered by devotees in most of the Hindu pilgrimage places where the River Ganga passes from Rishikesh in Uttarakhand, Triveni Sangam in Allahabad, etc.
Let’s know the significance of Ganga Saptami and the legend behind this festival:
The Legend And Significance Of Ganga Saptami
In the holy scriptures like Padma Purana, Brahma Purana, and Narada Purana, the significance and the legend behind the Ganga Saptami is mentioned.
As per the Hindu Mythology, it is believed that Goddess Ganga first came down to Earth on the day of ‘Ganga Dussehra’.
But it once happened that Saint Jahnu drank the water from the river Ganga.
However, after being requested by Gods and King Bhagiratha, Sage Jahnu released Ganga once again on the day of Shukla Paksha Saptami in Vaishakha month.
From then onwards, this day is celebrated as Ganga Saptami, and it marks the rebirth of Goddess Ganga.
Furthermore, being the daughter of Rishi Jahnu, Goddess Ganga is also called ‘Jahnavi’, and as a consequence, this day is also referred to as ‘Jahnu Saptami’.
In India, the river Ganga is considered very sacred.
The celebrations and rituals performed on Ganga Saptami are very well-known in the places where Ganga and its tributaries flow.
For Hindu devotees, who worship Goddess Ganga, this day is very promising, and they also take a dip in the holy water.
It is believed that taking a pious bath in River Ganga can rid people of all their sins.
Many Hindu devotees also desire to be cremated close to River Ganga as it leads them to the path of Moksha.
This festival is also significant astrologically.
According to Vedic astrology, a person can reduce the effect of Mangal Dosha by worshipping Goddess Ganga on this day, for it diminishes the influence of ‘Mangal’ in a birth chart.
Rituals To Be Performed On Ganga Saptami
Here are some of the rituals you should follow on this day:
- Get up early in the morning before sunrise and take a holy dip in River Ganga. Besides, worship Goddess Ganga, as it is considered very favorable.
- One can immerse a garland across River Ganga and participate in the famous Ganga Aarti. The Ganga Aarti has special importance because “Maa Ganga” is believed to descend on Earth from heaven on this day.
- This is performed at several Ghats and millions of devotees from different parts of India participate in this aarti.
- After the Ganga Aarti is over, saints circulate the lamp to all those who are present around. Cup your down-turned hands over the flame and raise your palms on the forehead to seek purification and blessing. Here, the aarti consists of small diyas and flowers that are later floated down the river.
- On Ganga Saptami, the ceremony of Deepadan or the donation of a deep or a lamp, is followed. Huge fairs are also organised near the banks of the holy river.
- Reciting the Ganga Sahasranam Stotram and ‘Gayatri Mantra’ is also viewed to be very auspicious on Ganga Saptami.
Ganga Saptami
Ganga Saptami day is dedicated to Goddess Ganga.
This day is also known as Ganga Pujan and Ganga Jayanti as Ganga was reborn on this day.
According to Hindu Mythology Ganga was descended to the Earth on Ganga Dussehra day. When mighty Ganga was descended to the Earth, Lord Shiva took her in His hairs to break Ganga’s descent to avoid Ganga sweeping the whole Earth away.
Later Lord Shiva released Ganga so that she can accomplish her mission to purge the cursed souls of Bhagiratha’s ancestors.
While on her way to kingdom of Bhagiratha, her mighty flow and gushing turbulent water destroyed the Ashram of sage Jahnu.
This angered Sage Jahnu and he drank up all of Ganga’s water.
Upon this, Bhagiratha and the Gods prayed to Rishi Jahnu to release Ganga so that she could proceed on her mission.
Pleased with prayers Jahnu released Ganga from his ear.
According to legends Jahnu Rishi released Ganga from his ear on Saptami of Vaishakha Shukla Paksha.
Because of this legend this day is also known as Jahnu Saptami.
Ganga is also known as Jahnavi, the daughter of Rishi Jahnu.
On Ganga Saptami devotees worship Goddess Ganga and take bath in Ganges.
Taking bath in Ganges on Ganga Saptami day is considered highly auspicious.
Ganga Saptami Vrata, Ravi Saptami
Importance of River Ganga
The river Ganga is considered to be the center of faith of Hindus.
The importance of the Ganges is described in many scriptures, Mahabharata epic cites mother Ganga as a vital character of the sequence.
Lord Shiva carries this holy river in his head and a Hindu circle of spiritual life is largely incomplete without visiting, worshiping, and taking a dip in this river.
Ganga Saptami and relevance
The existence of holiness has been an emotional belief of all Hindus in Mother Ganga. Ganga Saptami is also celebrated as Ganga Jayanti in many places. Various statements about the origin of the Ganges are found in the Vedic Sanatan rites.
Today, the day of Baisakh Shukla Saptami is considered to be the date of the rebirth of Ganga.
Today, it has been believed that all the sins of the people who take a dip in the Ganges will be removed and they will be saved.
Today, if one is unable to bathe in the Ganges, it is believed that one can attain virtue by bathing in the water of the Ganges at home.
Let me add a fact here, every Sanatana Hindu philosophy followers (No matter wherever they are on the planet) keep some Ganga water at their home in a bottle to use during holy and auspicious occasions.
Birth, death, mourn and all sort of rituals are incomplete without the Avisekh of Ganga Jal in Sanatan philosophy.
Today, special Ganga temples are worshiped with reverence.
People observe holy fast on this day.
There is life in Ganga and there is Ganga in life. Today is a meaningful day, utmost wishes of Gangasaptami.
Ravi Saptami
Do you know, if the Sunday falls on the Saptami tithi, this day is considered as Ravi Saptami, today is Sunday and the tithi is seventh day or Saptami.
On the day of such a coincidence, worship of Lord Surya Narayan, fasting, etc. are performed.
Worshiping the Sun God, the revered deity of the Navagrahas and the gods, by enlightening the whole world with the radiance of His nature.
Worshiping the inspiring Sun God on this day to attain the position, prestige, prosperity, child happiness, and the desired outcome.
The Sun God is considered to be the Sattvic form of Brahma in the dawn, the Sun God who gives Tamo guna at noon is considered to be the form of Devadi Dev Mahadev during the afternoon, and the Sun which exists in the majestic form in the evening art is considered to be the Vishnu form.
Sun, in itself, is a mixture of several forms and features of god and godly power, a reference point of this creation and the lord of all planets.
Surya is depicted with chakra, which is called Dharma Chakra and depicted as an epithet for major Sanatan gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwar.
उदय ब्रह्मणोरुपं मध्यान्हेतु महेश्वर: ।
अस्तकाले स्वयं विष्णु त्रिमूर्तिश्च दिवाकर: ।।
In the process of worshiping and adoring Bhagavan Surya with twelve characteristics, Dhata, Aryama, Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Vivasvanta, Pukha, Parjanya, Anshavan, Bhaga, Tvashta, Vishnu, etc. 12 forms are worshiped.
Vedas declares the Surya to be the creator of this universe and more parallel universes. Darwin also brings the same logic in his theory of evolution, the unicellular creator evolves to a human being in this universe because of the favorable environment contributed by the Sun.
Vedas states that wisdom, vision, self-determination, realization, power, light, and life are the output of the sun and its rays.
Ravi Saptami is a simple acknowledgment of Satan ritual towards the Sun, as Suryanarayanan.
How is Ravi Saptami observed?
Generally, fasting is done on Sunday to make the sun happy and bring good results. There is a scriptural statement that the fast of Sunday should start from the auspicious coincidence of Ravisaptami or the first Sunday of the Shukla Paksha.
On the occasion of such auspicious coincidence, Surya Narayan should be worshiped by wearing red attires.
If it is possible to fast for twelve months that’s perfect, but for them who can’t make twelve months can fast for twelve Sundays.
On the day of fasting, one can fast by worshiping Surya Narayan and requesting Argha.
Argha means offering water to the Lord Surya with folded hands.
By doing such fasting etc., the knowledge and intellect will be as bright as the sun and according to astrology, if there is a solar defect and planetary pain in the birth horoscope of the person born, the worship done on such an auspicious day will reduce the planetary pain and get auspicious blessings of Suryanarayana.
Mantra of Surya Argha
एहि सूर्य सहस्रांशो तेजोराशे जगत्पते ।
अनुकम्पय मां भक्त्या गृहाणार्घं दिवाकरः ।।
ॐ भूर्ब्भुवः स्वः जगतसाक्षिणे श्रीसूर्यनारायणाय नामः ।।
Meaning, Lord Surya shall take care of wisdom, position, success, health, popularity, and all my desires.
May light and life always favor.
Ganga Saptami Brata
Importance of River Ganga
The river Ganga is considered to be the center of faith of Hindus.
The importance of the Ganges is described in many scriptures, Mahabharata epic cites mother Ganga as a vital character of the sequence.
Lord Shiva carries this holy river in his head and a Hindu circle of spiritual life is largely incomplete without visiting, worshiping, and taking a dip in this river.
Ganga Saptami and relevance
The existence of holiness has been an emotional belief of all Hindus in Mother Ganga. Ganga Saptami is also celebrated as Ganga Jayanti in many places.
Various statements about the origin of the Ganges are found in the Vedic Sanatan rites.
Today, the day of Baisakh Shukla Saptami is considered to be the date of the rebirth of Ganga.
Today, it has been believed that all the sins of the people who take a dip in the Ganges will be removed and they will be saved.
Today, if one is unable to bathe in the Ganges, it is believed that one can attain virtue by bathing in the water of the Ganges at home.
Let me add a fact here, every Sanatana Hindu philosophy followers (No matter wherever they are on the planet) keep some Ganga water at their home in a bottle to use during holy and auspicious occasions.
Birth, death, mourn and all sort of rituals are incomplete without the Avisekh of Ganga Jal in Sanatan philosophy.
Today, special Ganga temples are worshiped with reverence. People observe holy fast on this day.
There is life in Ganga and there is Ganga in life. Today is a meaningful day, utmost wishes of Gangasaptami.
About Ganga Saptami
Ganga Jayanti or Ganga Saptami is dedicated to the worship of Goddess Ganga or Maa Ganga.
An important Hindu festival, the day marks the rebirth of Ganga on the Earth.
Ganga Saptami sees thousands of devotees offering prayers and taking a dip in the holy waters of Ganga at pilgrimage sites like Rishikesh (Uttrakhand) and Triveni Sangam (Allahabad).
Ganga Aarti, deep daan and fairs are also held on this day.
Ganga Saptami dates
As per Hindu calendar, Ganga Saptami is celebrated on the seventh day (saptami tithi) during Shukla Paksha in the month of Vaisakh.
According to the Gregorian calendar, the day falls in May.
The day is observed with fervour, especially at holy places like Prayag, Rishikesh, Haridwar and Varanasi.
Rituals of Ganga Saptami
- On Ganga Saptami or Ganga Jayanti, devotees wake up before sunrise and take a holy bath in the sacred Ganges.
- Devotees worship and offer prayers to Goddess Ganga.
- Flowers and garlands, offered to the Goddess, are let loose in waters of the river.
- Devotees perform Ganga Aarti to evoke the Goddess and seek her blessings.
- At various Ghats of the river, hundreds of thousands of devotees come together to witness the Ganga Aarti.
- The ritual of ‘Deep daan’ is also performed, where devotees float a deep (diya) in the river.
- Devotees chant sacred mantras like Gayatri Mantra and Ganga Sahasranama Stotram to worship the Goddess.
Significance of Ganga Saptami
River Ganga is considered sacred in India.
Ganga Saptami is celebrated with enthusiasm, especially at places where river Ganga as well as its tributaries flow.
- In Hindu religion, it is believed that a dip in the holy waters of Ganga absolves an individual of his/her past and present sins.
- It is also believed that if an individual is cremated close to the holy river, he or she can attain salvation.
- Natives affected by the ill-effects of Mangal should worship Goddess Ganga and take a holy dip in the river on Ganga Saptami to get relief from the negative effects of the planet.
Legend of Ganga Saptami
A legend states that Goddess Ganga first emerged from the perspiration of Lord Vishnu’s feet and secondly, she appeared from the Kamandal (ewer) of Lord Brahma.
Another legend associated with the birth of Ganga says that Goddess Ganga took rebirth on earth to cleanse the earth of the sins of the ancestors of King Bhagirath, who was the ruler of Kosala.
The King, who was experiencing trouble, had sought the help of deities to get rid of his past karma and to purify the souls of his forefathers.
After he sought penance, Lord Brahma assured him that Goddess Ganga will be born on Earth to help him.
But it was feared that the surge of Goddess Ganga would completely destroy the Earth. Lord Brahma asked Bhagirath to request Lord Shiva to release the river from his hair to control the flow of Ganga.
Impressed by devotion and true penance of Bhagirath, God Shiva agreed and thus Ganga took rebirth on Earth and that day is now revered as Ganga Saptami.
Due to the legend associated with King Bhagirath, Ganga is also known as Bhagirathi.
During her transit, the surge of river Ganga wreaked havoc on the hermitage of Sage Jahnu.
In his anger, Rishi Jahnu drank the entire waters of Ganga.
After his anger subsided, he released Ganga from his ear and since that day Ganga Saptami is also famously celebrated as Jahnu Saptami.
About Ganga Saptami
Ganga Saptami is a festival celebrated mostly in Northern India.
It is also called as Ganga Pujan or Ganga Jayanti.
It is said that on Ganga Saptami the holy river Ganga descended onto the earth.
This day falls on the seventh day of the Shukla Paksha in Vaisakha month.
On this day Maa Ganga is worshiped and her puja is done.
The Ganga puja blesses a person by washing the sins of the person who does this puja.
Some consider the puja equivalent to the Ganga Snaan (bath), this puja is also got done by people who are not able to go for the Ganga Snaan.
On this festival, perform Lord Shiva Puja
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Ganga River is said to be the most holy and sacred river in India.
Ganga Saptami is majorly celebrated in the areas where the river Ganga and its tributaries flow.
On this festival, devotees take a holy bath in the Ganga River which is believed to be very promising
People offer prayers to Goddess Ganga and do several pujas and worships on this day. Arti of Ganga also observed at several ghats of the Ganga.
‘Ganga Shobha Yatra’ is organized at various ghats and many people take part in it.
Devotees perform ‘deepadan’ on this auspicious occasion.
Legends of Ganga Saptami :
There is a captivating story behind the rebirth of Ganga River.
Once there lived a emperor called Sagara who was the ruler of Kosala.
He was of Surya Dynasty and performed hundred ‘Aswamedha Yagnas’.
When he prosperously completes the hundredth yagna, he would become the king of Swargalok.
Indra, who was the king of heaven never, wanted this to happen.
In view to make his status secure, he had stolen the sacrificial horse of the hundredth Yagna and hid it in the ashram of Sage Kapila.
The sons of Sagara, about sixty thousand of them set out in look for of the horse and finally could find it in sage Kapila’s ashram.
They misinterpreted him to be the guilty and waged a war against him.
The sage became angry, doomed all of them and burnt them to ashes.
Time went on. Many kings and emperors took birth and died in the same dynasty.
One of them was Bhagiratha.
By the time he moved towards the throne, there were many disruptions in Kosala.
He thought that reason behind this is the multiplication of his fore father’s immoral acts and wanted to do penance for their this act.
This was possible only through River Ganga which is sacred and holy.
Then Bhagiratha went to Himalayas and did deep meditation for thousand years to please Lord Brahma.
Lord Brahma then appeared in front of the king and assured him that Goddess Ganga will be sent to earth as he desired.
But when she would descend, she would have a strong stream and would smash the whole earth.
Therefore, Lord Brahma asked the king to please Lord Shiva who could control the river’s flow.
King then did meditation for Lord Shiva for one year and Lord Shiva conform to help him.
He opened his hair and tied Ganga when she was flowing from the heaven.
This day came to be celebrated as Ganga Saptami Day.
Rituals of Ganga Saptami :
- Chanting Gayatri Mantra on this day is considered highly auspicious.
- Taking a holy dip in River Ganga is very beneficial
- Worshiping Lord Shiva is very propitious
Ganga Saptami: Why And How It Is Celebrated
The River Ganga is divine in India.
She is also known as Jivdayini, the one who revives life and Papnashini, as well as the one who washes out our sins.
Along the same line, Ganga Saptami is a Hindu festival that is celebrated to commemorate the rebirth of the River Ganga.
This day is also known as Jahnu Saptami and Ganga Pujan.
This day is the festival of worshipping the river Ganga at different places where it passes by.
Ganga Saptami has great significance at Hindu pilgrimage places like Rishikesh in Uttarakhand, and Triveni Sangam at Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh.
Almost in the northern belt of the country, Ganga Saptami is celebrated with devotion and enthusiasm.
Ganga Saptami Date and Timings
The 7th day of the waxing moon in the month of Vaishakha is considered the auspicious day of Ganga Saptami
Ganga Saptami Story
Hindu Mythology has many exciting stories about Gods, Goddesses and other mythological characters. River Ganga also holds a prominent place in Hindu mythology.
River Ganga is mentioned in Padma Purana, Brahma Purana and Narada Purana. These Puranas talk about the story and the importance of Ganga Saptami, also known as Ganga Saptami ki Katha.
According to the holy scriptures of Hinduism, Ganga came down to earth from heaven. When she came down to the earth, that day is also known as Ganga Dussehra.
River Ganga was flowing with full strength and destroying everything that appears on the path while coming down to earth.
The water of Ganga reached the ashram of Rishi Jahnu.
He got furious with the terrifying water of Ganga coming towards his ashram.
He drank the entire water of the river in anger.
Later on, at the request of Saint turned King Bhagirath, Rishi Jahnu released Ganga. King Bhagirath wanted to bring Ganga to the earth for the salvation of his ancestors.
This day is also known as Jahnu Saptami, as it falls on the Shukla Paksha Saptami of Vaishakha month.
The rishi then considered Ganga as his daughter.
He gave rebirth to Ganga by rereleasing her, and so Ganga Saptami got another name Jahnavi.
Puja Rituals for Ganga Saptami
- Take a bath in the morning and wear clean or new clothes.
- Place an idol of Maa Ganga and decorate it with some flowers and offer fruits.
- Light up the lamp (diya)
- Offer panch amrit (water, milk, honey, sugar, and curd)
Gurudev Shrie Kashyap says, “Ganga Saptami is a significant Hindu festival. Ceremonies performed on this day are a statement of dedication and appreciation towards the waterway goddess.
Let us also remember our obligation to the environment and the need to safeguard our natural resources, particularly the Ganga River, as we observe this auspicious day.”
There is an interesting story associated with the rebirth of Ganga.
Once upon a time there lived a king called Sagara who ruled the kindom of Kosala.
He belonged to the Surya Dynasty and performed hundred Aswamedha Yagnas .
Once he successfully completes the hundredth yagna, he would become the king of Swargalok.
Indra, the king of heaven did not want this to happen. In order to make his position secure, he had stolen the sacrificial horse of the hundredth Yagna and hid it in the ashram of Sage Kapila.
The sons of Sagara, about sixty thousand of them set out in search of the horse and finally could find it in sage Kapila’s ashram.
They mistook him to be the culprit and waged a war against him.
The sage became furious, cursed all of them and burnt them to ashes.
Time rolled on. Many kings took birth and died in the same dynasty.
One among them was Bhagiratha. By the time he ascended the throne, there were many disturbances in Kosala.
He thought that these are due to the multiplication of his fore father s sins and wanted to do penance for their sins.
This can be done only through River Ganga which is sacred.
Then Bhagiratha went to Himalayas and did tapasya for thousand years to please Lord Brahma.
Lord Brahma appeared in front of the king and promised him that Goddess Ganga will be sent to earth as he wished.
But when she would descend, she would have a strong flow and would destroy the whole earth.
Hence Lord Brahma asked the king to please Lord Shiava who could control the river s force.
This time the king did tapasya for Lord Shiva for a year and finally Lord Shiva agreed to help him.
He opened his hair and tied Ganga when she was falling from the heaven.
This day came to be celebrated as Ganga Saptami Day.
Then Lord Shiva let only a part of her to flow through Himalayas.
Ganga which came to earth due to king Bhagiratha’s efforts is also known as Bhagirathi.
During the course of her flow, she washed out sage Jahnu ashram.
Then the raged sage drank the whole water.
When Bhagiratha pleaded the sage, he released her through his ear.
This day is known as Jahnu Saptami.
Later river Ganga came to be known as Jahnavi, the daughter of sage Jahnu.
From the Himalayas she continued her journey and reached sage Kapil’s ashram and flowed over the ashes of sixty thousand princes.
Then they all attained Moksha and this day is considered as Ganga Dussera. Ganga Saptami
The river Ganga is believed to have originated on the day of Vaishakh Shukla Saptami. Taking a bath in the river Ganga on this day is considered to be holy and sacred. Vaishakh Shukla Saptami is celebrated with a lot of zeal and excitement in the whole country.
It is believed that Ganga came to earth on this day.
Ganga’s birth story has been explained in Skanda Purana, Valmiki Ramayana etc.
River Ganga is considered a goddess in the Hindu religion.
A significant number of pilgrimage centers are situated on the banks of the mighty Ganga. River Ganga is considered to be the most sacred and holy of all rivers in India.
It is believed that taking a bath in the river Ganga cleans a person of all sins.
Many people wish for a cremation near the river, as they consider it to be the path of salvation.
Devotees also perform other religious activities on the banks of the river Ganga.
According to Hindu mythology, Ganga descended on Earth on Ganga Dussehra day. When Ganga descended on Earth, Lord Shiva took her in his hair to slow Ganga’s descent, to avoid her sweeping the whole Earth away.
Later Lord Shiva released Ganga so that she can accomplish her mission to purge the cursed souls of Bhagiratha’s ancestors. Ganga Saptami is an extremely auspicious day for Hindus.
Devotees worship Goddess Ganga and also take a dip in the holy water.
It is believed that a dip in the mighty river, cleans all the sins of the person.
On the auspicious occasion of Ganga Jayanti, people bathe in the holy river before sunrise.
Flower wreaths and earthen lamps are released into the holy water.
The Ganga aarti is performed on the banks of the river.
Devotees come from far and wide to take part in the event.
The mantras chanted during this occasion is considered to be very sacred and powerful.
Generally the ‘Gayatri Mantra’ and ‘Ganga Sahasranam Strotram’ are chanted.