ॐ Hindu Of Universe ॐ
“God’s light is within you, It never leaves you.”
Sadyojata, the Revealer: He is Sada Shiva, the eternal being, who manifests spontaneously (sad yojata), and who is described as the granter of grace, leader of delight (nanda) and enjoyment (sunanda). He represents the power of liberating knowledge (jnana shakti), and the element of space. In the body he represents the mind, the sense of taste, and according to some the sex organ. His color is white, the color sattva, or purity. In the panchanana form he represents the northern face. In the individual images he is shown as white colored, holding the Vedas and rosary in two hands and the other two showing the gestures of offering protection (abhaya), and granting boons (varada) respectively.
The Sadyojata incarnation of Bhagavan in white colour was to bless Lord Brahma to initiate the process of ‘Srishti’(Creation), looking Westward and the Invocation of relevance is: Sadyojatam prapadyaami Sadyojathaayavai namo namah/ bhavey bhaveynaati bhavebhasvamaam Bhavodbhavayanamah/ From the body of Sadyojata, four disciples were created viz. Sunad, Sunandan, Visvanandan, Upanandan. Greetings to Sadyojata Siva are: Vandeham Salalam kalankarahitam Sthonormukham paschimam.
Sadyojāta Mantra
सद्योजातं प्रपद्यामि सद्योजाताय वै नमो नमः।
भवे भवे नाति भवे भवस्व मां भवोद्भवाय नमः॥
sadyojātaṁ prapadyāmi sadyojātāya vai namo namaḥ
bhave bhave nāti bhave bhavasva māṁ bhavodbhavāya namaḥ
I take refuge in the First Born, verily I bow to the First Born
Do not consign me to birth after birth;
Guide me beyond birth, I bow to the Causer of birth.
Sadyojata Ishvara Homam
Confers Healthy Mind, Body, Spirit, Gives Success, Harmony and Boosts Creative Skills
Sadyojata Ishvara Homam is performed to one of the five faces of Lord Shiva. The lord is primordial energy responsible for all eventualities of life. The Satyojata form exists in our mind, organs of smell, generation and subtle form of earth. The ritual also protects from maladies, bad impact of karma and heals the body and soul to a great extent. Performing the ritual helps to overcome fears, protects from dangers and cures diseases. It provides a healthy mind and spirit and all round prosperity. It also gives blessings of good health, harmony, success and fulfillment of desires. The lord when pleased, blesses the devotee with a perfect balance of mind, speech and bodily actions that aids to sharpen creative skills. Worshipping the form bestows sustainability, purification of the body especially the senses and positivity.
Benefits of Sadyojata Ishvara Homam
Protects from negative karmic effects and maladies.
Find relief to psychological disorders and negativity.
Bestows healthy mind, body and spirit.
Ensures good health, harmony and success.
Brings Lord Shiva’s energies closer to earth plane for quick blessings.
About supreme Lord Sadyojata Ishvara
Lord Sadyojata Ishvara is one of the manifestations of Lord Shiva. He is depicted as a young dancing boy with lots of unruly hair, adorned with snakes and scorpions. Sadyojat also represents the tantric aspect of lord shiva, which leads to Moksha. Lord Sadyojata is the manifestation of the primordial power of all the elements, this manifestation takes a form enshrined in a small trunk.
Sadyojata’s embodiment is to give protection to those who seek it and to show them a way out of difficult situations. Lord Sadyojata belongs to the tradition of tantric Buddhism and its popularity has spread through Nepal among the common people as well as among tantric practitioners. His popularity is also based on hoist eminence thanks to the presence of mantra and mudra that confer its great powers. This manifestation is practiced in all tantric centers throughout the world.
Significance of Lord Sadyojata Ishvara
Lord Sadyojata is the first avatar of Lord Shiva. He is said to be unborn, eternal, and the lord of all existence. This mighty is said to be the creator, preserver, and destroyer of the entire universe. He is also called the infinite consciousness.
There are a myriad of texts that also refer to him as the absolute Supreme Lord. He is depicted as a young boy who is all-pervading. Lord Sadyojata’s complexion is red and he has four arms holding a Damru (drum), which represents creation, Trishul (trident), which represents destruction, Kamal (Lotus), which represents preservation, and Chakra, which represents the rotation of creation of life cycle.
About Sadyojata Ishvara Homam
In Sadyojata Ishvara Homam, the first Rudra Homam Sankalp takes place. The next ritual is to perform Vinayaka Puja. After the puja, Navagraha avahana is organized. The next step includes Navagraha kalasha sthapana.
Sadyojata Ishvara Homam Kalash sthapana is the next step. Afterward, the Ritvik varnane ritual is followed. Sadyojata Ishvara mantra and sloka Jaap is the following step. After Jaap, purnahuti is devoted to the almighty. The Homam culminates with the performance of Madhu parka dash daan, and finally, Prasad vitrane takes place.
Boons of Sadyojata Ishvara Homam
Sadyojata Ishvara Homam brings the immense blessings of mighty Lord Shiva. Sadyojata is a supremely powerful incarnation of Shiva. In this embodiment, he protects his devotees from all sorts of hardships and negativities. The homa ritual brings abundance and glory. It brings positive rays and an optimistic aura to the devotees. Worshippers can attain success in their endeavors with this Homam. It drives away ill energies and malicious energies. The sacred ritual brings peace and joy to devotees. It removes all sorts of hurdles from life. The ritual blesses with tremendous harmony and happiness.
Sadyojāta (सद्योजात) refers to one of the five faces of Sadāśiva that revealed the Āgamas (sacred texts).—According to the sṛṣṭikrama method mentioned in the Uttarakāmikāgama, “Prodgītāgama, Lalitāgama, Siddhāgama, Santānāgama, Śarvoktāgama, Pārameśvarāgama, Kiraṇāgama and Vātulāgama are from the face called Sadyojāta”. According to the saṃhārakrama mentioned in the Pūrvakāraṇāgama, “Kāmikāgama, Yogajāgama, Cintyāgama, Kāraṇāgama and Ajitāgama are emanated from the Sadyojāta face of Sadāśiva”.
According to the Ajitāgama, “Vijaya, Pārameśvara, Niśvāsa, Prodgīta and Mukhabimba are sprung from the Sadyojāta face of Śiva”. According to the Rauravāgama, “Śarvokta, Pārameśvara, Kiraṇa and Vātula are sprung from the Sadyojāta face of Sadāśiva”.
1) Sadyojāta (सद्योजात):—One of the five aspects of Śiva, known collectively as the Pañchabrahmās. They are emanations from the niṣkala-Śiva. According to the Rūpamaṇḍana, the colour of the body, garland, sandal-paste and the garments of Sadyojāta should be white. His head should be adorned with a jaṭamakuṭa, ornamented with the crescent moon. He should have a good-looking face expressive of joy, three eyes and two arms: the two hands should be held in the varada and the abhaya poses.
The Śrītatvanidhi gives somewhat different description. For Sadyojāta should have, according to this work, four faces; each of these faces should have three eyes; the colour of Sadyojāta should be white. This face ought to point to the western direction. Two of the hands of Sadyojāta are to be held in the varada and abhaya poses and the two remaining ones keep the vedas and the akṣamālā. But Sadyojāta is distinctly required to be sculptured so as to appear of greater importance than the rest.
2) Sadyojāta (सद्योजात):—Fifth of the twelve emanations of Rudra, according to the Rūpamaṇḍana.
Lord Sadyojata:
Lord Sadyojata faces west and represent the element fire. The name Sadyojata represents Sadyaha which means born now. The lord manifests and makes his appearance known through newborn souls. This aspect is worshipped first and is associated with the color white. This form signifies the western direction and represents our will power. It also denotes the mind, tastes, power of creation and pleasures of life. Also, this aspect of Shiva makes his presence felt through the innumerable souls born.
Lord Shiva has five faces called Ishana, Tatpurusha, Aghora, Vamadeva and Sadyojatha. These five faces of Shiva represent the five basic elements viz. akash, air, fire, water and earth. In fact these faces can be called five forms of Shiva. Any creation has to be made out of these five gross elements.
A) Five Faces of Lord Shiva:
- Sadyojata – West Face:
West is called as “Paschima or Pratyak”. The soul is called as “Pratyagaatma”. “Sadyaha which means just now and Jataha means now born. Shiva makes his presence felt through the countless souls being born. Hence the apt name ‘Sadyosata’. This shows the creative aspect of Parameshvara. Since the very existence of any being starts from its birth, the Sadyosata aspect of Lord Shiva is prayed first.
The essence of the Sadyosata Mantra is : “O! Lord ! Sadyojaata, never give me desires which are the reason for this countless births and deaths. Please Bless me with the passion for liberation. My prayers to Sadyosata”.
This Sadyosata aspect is correlated with the following;
To “Shi” Beekakshara in Panchakshara Mantra
To “Mano Maya Kosha” amongst the five Koshas
To “Agni” principle among five principles “Pancha Bhuta”.
To “Manipuraka” among Six Chakras
To “Panchama (Pa)” Swara among the Seven Swaras
To “Ma” in ‘Omkara’
Let us pray that Sadyosata face of Lord Shiva.
‘Shivam Shaantam Jagannatham
Loka Anugraha Kaaranam
Shivam Ekam Param Vande
Shikaaraaya Namo Namaha’
Associated with the western direction, Sadyojata represents Iccha Shakti or willpower. This aspect is linked to the mind and is connected to the fire element, symbolizing the fire of the mind and body. Sadyojata’s function is that of the creative force and is associated with the Manipura chakra.
सद्योजातं प्रपद्यामि सद्योजाताय वै नमो नमः।
भवे भवे नाति भवे भवस्व मां भवोद्भवाय नमः॥
sadyojatam prapadyami sadyojataya vai namo namah;
bhave bhave nati bhave bhavasva mam bhavodbhavaya namah.
Meaning: I surrender myself to Sadyojata (the manifestation of Lord Shiva), I bow again and again to Sadyojata. O Lord, in every birth, may I not be born (again), please protect me from the cycle of birth and death. Salutations to the one who brings about existence.