Dattatreya is a Hindu deity who is also regarded as a combined representation of the Divine Trinity or Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. The name “Dattatreya” is derived from two Sanskrit words, Datta (which means “given”) and Atreya (which refers to the sage Atri, who was also Datta’s biological father).
Story of Lord Dattatreya
Story of Dattatreya
The story of Dattatreya is told in many Puranas. The story from Markandeya purana, chapter 15, is as follows:
A brahmin named Kaushika was enchanted by a courtesan and lost his wealth, health etc. However, his wife, Shandili was faithful to him. She even carried him on her shoulders to the courtesans place. Once, by mistake, she stepped on Sage Mandavya and the sage cursed both of them to die by sunrise. Shandili prayed and appealed that the sun may never rise so that her husband would live. Her prayer was answered and the devas were in an uproar seeing the world order of time destroyed. They asked for the help of Anusuya, the wife of sage Atri, to convince Shandili. Anusuya was able to convince Shandili on the condition that Kaushika would live on sunrise. In appreciation of Anusuyas intervention, the gods granted her three boons. She asked for her liberation, her husbands liberation and that the three gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva be born as sons to her. The wishes being granted, from Sage Atris eyes issued a light and served as the seed for the divine sons Soma, Durvasa, and Datta partial incarnations of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, respectively.
Life History of Dattatreya
The Birth Story of Lord Dattatreya
At one time, there lived two great Masters in the form of husband and wife – Rishi Atri and Anasuya. In the Yogic and Tantric traditions, female practitioners have historically attained spiritual power simply by serving their husbands, and Anasuya was one such woman. She attained to a tremendous spiritual stature just by serving her husband whilst he concentrated on his life of intense meditation and austerity. Her power and purity were so great that the Goddesses became jealous of her and wanted to challenge her. Thus, they approached the Trinity – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – and requested them to come to Earth to test her.
In the Hindu tradition, if anybody visits a home, they must be provided with all due food and hospitality. It is seen as highly inauspicious to not feed a guest. One day, Anasuya was at home alone whilst Atri had gone to the river to take a bath. At this precise time, the three Gods appeared in the form of wandering monks begging for food. Because she did not have any prepared food in the house at that time, she told the monk to wait awhile for some food to be prepared. They answered, ‘Thank you, but we have one condition: you should serve us the food naked without any clothes on.’ In the Hindu tradition, if a saint asks for something, it is seen as unacceptable and very inauspicious to deny it. So Anasuya found herself in a dilemma about how she could respond these requests.
Anasuya then went inside, took some water in her hand and brought it out and sprinkled it on the monks. At that moment, all three of them turned into small babies. Anasuya then took them on her lap and fed them milk from her own breasts. As all the conditions of the test were technically fulfilled, the Gods were delighted and said, ‘We would like to bless you. Ask for a boon, and we will give it to you.’ She answered, ‘I would like you three to combine yourselves, enter my womb and take birth as my son.’ They accepted her request and blessed her by entering her womb as one entity. When Atri came back, he already understood everything that had happened and he was very happy.
Each Yuga, or era, has its own ‘Yuga Acharya‘ – an Avatar who acts as the Supreme Spiritual Teacher of that era. In the same way that Lord Krishna was the Yuga Acharya for Dvapara Yuga, Dattatreya was the Supreme Teacher of the preceding era of Treta Yuga. Within the aforementioned mythological story of Dattatreya’s birth, he was said to have been born with the three heads of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. His mother, Anasuya, said that this form would make it very difficult for him to survive in society, and thus the three heads condensed into one. Many whom worship Dattatreya today choose to see him as either Maha Vishnu or as Shiva. However, Datta, in His truest form, is actually the representative of the Absolute Reality that is beyond, and yet contains within It, the principles of creation, preservation and destruction.
While Dattatreya’s exact historical origins are unclear and trace to inconsistent mythologies, His life stories are more consistent. He is described in the Mahabharata as an exceptional Rishi with extraordinary insights, capacities and knowledge. The classical texts describe Him as having renounced the world and left His home early to lead the life of wandering ascetic. After leaving home, Dattatreya wandered naked in search of the Absolute. He seems to have spent most of His life roaming around the area between North Mysore, Maharashtra, and Gujarat as far as the Narmada River. He attained full realisation at a place not far from the town now known as Ganagapur near the peak at Mount Girnar. The original footprints of Datta are still believed to be located at the top of this mountain.
As Kali Yuga was beginning and Lord Krishna was preparing to leave both his body and the world behind, He realised that the purpose of His incarnation, which was the preservation of Dharma, would be forgotten. His death itself would spark the beginning of the Kali Yuga, and thereafter many that would take birth on Earth would be full of violence, greed and lust. Therefore, Lord Krishna consulted with Lord Dattatreya and called upon the Nava Narayanas, otherwise known as the Navnath Saints from the celestial plane to take birth on earth and establish a lineage of Masters to remain as a guiding force for humanity in the dark times that were to come. Lord Dattatreya then codified a system to preserve His teachings of liberation and thus the Nath Tradition was born.
The Dattatreya Tradition in its purest form, which is also known as the Avadhuta Tradition, remains totally uncodified and formless from its very beginnings. Masters within this Tradition, who may all be seen as emanations of Dattatreya in their own right, are all completely different in their appearance, expression and mode of instruction. Such a Master, being totally empty within, simply responds to the need of whoever comes to them and provides the relevant spiritual support structures to assist beings on the path of gradual liberation. It is the presence of such Masters, Datta Gurus, that keep presence and the story of Dattatreya alive. Today, such a Master is Brahmarishi Mohanji, who has fully modernised the Datta Tradition and has initiated the migrations of Datta’s story from the East to the West. Verily, whatever becomes of the Dattatreya Tradition in the modern world in coming times – it will stand directly on the shoulders of this tremendous Avadhuta.
“Sarva Aparaadha Naashaaya
Sarva Paapa Haraaya Cha |
Deva Devaaya Devaaya
Sri Dattatreya Namosthuthe ||”
This is a sloka or hymn in praise of Sri Dattatreya, the meaning of which is as follows:
“I bow to the One who negates Karma,
The One who annihilates all sins
I bow to the God of all Gods
I bow to Sri Guru Dattatreya!”
Dattatreya, or Sri Datta, as he is also referred to, is a Hindu deity who is also regarded as an aspect of the Divine Trinity or Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. The name “Dattatreya” is derived from two Sanskrit words, Datta (which means “given”) and Atreya (which refers to the sage Atri, who was also Datta’s biological father).
In the Nath tradition of Hinduism, Dattatreya is considered to be an avatar or reincarnation of Lord Shiva and is revered as the Adi-Guru or the First Teacher of the Adinath Sampradaya of the Nath sect of followers. Dattatreya first emerged as a teacher of Yoga, with clear Tantric traits. But later, he was accepted and absorbed into many other cults and sects, even including the more conventional Vaishnavism. He is also considered more of a God today, than a teacher. Today, this deity is worshiped by a multitude of Hindus from all walks of life, spanning the entire globe.
Data is believed to be the author of the Tripura Rahasya, a treatise on Advaita Vedanta, which was given to Parashurama. Lord Dattatreya’s birthday is celebrated in a big way as Dattatreya Jayanti.
Dattatreya is regarded as one of the most ancient deities. The earliest references to him can be found as far back as in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The Dattatreya Upanishad, which is part of the Atharva Veda, describes him as variously taking the form of a child, a madman and even a demon, in order to help his followers attain moksha (liberation) from the material world.
In the earliest Tantric traditions, this deity was portrayed with only one head. Gorakshanath was responsible for including Sri Datta in the Nath Sampradaya and giving the deity a socially acceptable form today. The current three-headed form of Guru Sri Datta was probably introduced in the last 900 years or so.
Dattatreya’s Birth
Data was born to sage Atri, who had been granted a boon by Lord Shiva that he would be born in their household, to the sage himself. Lord Shiva or Parameshwara, being part of the Trinity, Dattatreya automatically becomes an aspect of the Trimurti.
Yet another legend of Datta’s birth suggests a rather mystical origin of this deity. Some sources believe that he was born in the jungles of Kashmir, very close to the holy Amarnath.
Lord Dattatreya – Story, Significance, 16 Avatars of Lord DatattreyaLord Dattatreya’s Childhood
Young Datta left his home at a very tender age, to roam naked in search of the Absolute One. He wandered around Gujarat, Maharashtra, North Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. He is believed to have attained enlightenment in a town in Karnataka, known as Ganagapura. It is also said that his original footprints can still be seen in a lonely peak at Girnar.
Even the treatise Tripura Rahasya refers to Parashurama finding Dattatreya meditating on a peak on the Gandha Madana Mountain.
Dattatreya as an Avatar of the Trinity
Three of Dattatreya’s closest disciples were kings. While one of them was an Asura, the others belonged to the Kshatriya (warrior) clan. Dattatreya was at first regarded as an avatar of Shiva. But later, Vaishnavites claimed that he was an avatar of Vishnu. But many Hindus regard both Shiva and Vishnu’s as two aspects of the Absolute Brahman. Hence, he went on to identify with the Trinity themselves.
Interestingly, the Dattatreya Upanishad first introduces him as being one with Vishnu and ends with the mantra, “Om Namah Shivaya”, thereby also identifying him with Shiva. Towards the end of the third chapter, it says that Shiva pervades all reality and resides as the Eternal Jyoti (Divine Light) in the heart of every man. Shiva is described here as being omnipresent and omniscient. Finally, the chapter closes with the description of Shiva as of being that of Dattatreya.
In the Dasham Granth, Guru Gobind Singh describes Dattatreya (Datt Muni/Datt Dev) as being the incarnation of Rudra, the Supreme Power. This treatise also narrates the entire life story of Datta.
Appearance of Dattatreya
Shri Dattatreya is portrayed in different ways in different traditions among the Hindus. However, the most commonly portrayed image as having six hands; the lowest two hands holding a Mala (garland) and a Kamandalu (water pot). The middle two hands are shown holding the sacred Shankha (Conch) and Chakra (Discus). Occasionally, portraits also show him holding the Gada (Mace). He is also shown as accompanied by 4 dogs and a cow.
Significance of the Form of Lord Dattatreya
Dattatreya is shown having 3 heads and a form that resonates peace and serenity. In the present Kali Yuga, it is only through pure, divine love, that one can go beyond just being poised and actually attain that type of calmness and serenity. Only those extremely Dharmic (righteous) can follow the fourfold path of Yoga and go ahead to discover the Absolute Truth. Guru Datta radiates that very love and compassion, thereby emanating that peace and love from his person.
The 3 heads of Shri Guru Datta are said to embody his identity as the Devas of the Trinity, namely, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He is also the one who has transcended the 3 qualities or the Triguna and is one with the Sublime Energy of the Absolute Guru. This is why he is also regarded as the Teacher or the Divine Guru.
Sri Dattatreya’s 6 Hands
Dattatreya is most often shown as having 6 hands, each holding the Shankha, the Chakra, the Gada, the Trishul (Trident), the Kamandalu (water pot) and the Begging Bowl. Mentioned below is the significance of each of these items:
The Shankha
The Shankha or the Conch is the one that resonates with the Naada, the divine sound. “Sam” and “Kham” together stand for Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn stands forms the basis of knowledge spiritual expansion, which is ultimately bestowed by Jupiter. Likewise, the teacher too is responsible to first awaken the need for gaining knowledge in the student and then helping him or her seek extensive training to achieve the same.
The Chakra
The Chakra, the Discus or the Wheel stands for time or the Kalachakra. The teacher presides over this factor too, by training the student to gain knowledge regarding the time factor, also teaching him to adapt equally to both good and bad times in his life, without getting affected by either. Developing a sense of timelessness leads the follower to Ananda or bliss.
The Gada
The Gada or the Mace is symbolic of pride. Pride has to be sacrificed in order to walk the path of the Truth. Dattatreya leads his followers with love and compassion, gently nudging them when they err from the path of Dharma, reminding them to put down their pride and develop love and compassion for other being, thereby experiencing spiritual enlightenment.
The Mace also symbolizes the inverted form of the cerebro-spinal system in our bodies. Guru Datta holding the mace indicates him reversing human conditioning, to free the devotee of his ignorance, finally leading him toward enlightenment.
The Trishul
The Trishul or the Trident symbolizes the triple energies of Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, which are contained in a subtle form within the Brahmadanda. The Ida at the left, gives right to materialization; the Pingala at the right, to spirituality; and the Yogic Sushumna, being the central energy current, works to balance out both these right and left energies. Datta holding the Trident, represents the promise he makes to his followers, to balance out their energies in a way that helps them lead the best life possible, in terms of material pleasure as well as spirituality.
The Kamandalu
The Kamandalu or the little water pot indicates that Guru Datta is, in fact, the life carrier. He bestows a good and long life on the student, so that it can aid him in his spiritual journey; his journey along the Path of the Truth. The Master breathes this life-force into his student, thereby helping him perform his daily Yogic practices, finally raising his Kundalini and giving him the moksha that he seeks.
The Begging Bowl
Finally, the begging bowl that Datta holds; signifies that he begs followers to donate their ego, limitations, pride, negativity, evil thoughts and sickness to him, thereby enabling them to be free of the same. Guru Dattatreya then drinks down this “poison” and helps his bhaktas be liberated from all forms of negativity and evil, thereby putting them more firmly on the path toward enlightenment. Incidentally, Lord Shiva is also sometimes portrayed to be carrying a begging bowl for the same reason.
Avatars of Dattatreya
According to the book “Shri Dattatreya Shodashavatar Charitanee”, Guru Sri Datta took 16 avatars or manifestations, which are as follows:
Kala Agnishaman
Yogijan Vallabh
Lila Vishwambar
Shiva Guru Dattatreya
Sri Krishna Shyam Kamalnayan
Avadhuta Gita
According to the Nath Sampradaya, the Avadhuta Gita is a work compiled from the words uttered by Dattatreya, which had been transcribed by his two disciples, Swami and Kartika. Even greats like Swami Vivekananda are said to have held this book in high esteem.
Some of the ideas in this treatise is similar to Shaivite philosophy, Vaishnavite Agamas and Buddhist Tantra as well.
GURU DATTATREYA is the son of ATRI rishi & mother ANUSAYA. ATRI rishi was born of Lord BRAHMA. He practised severe penance and attained Brahma jnana. He married ANUSAYA, the daughter of Karjam Prajapati. ANUSAYA as the name indicates,was devoid of taint of envy. She was a PATIVRATA, an embodiment of chastity who worshiped and considered her husband as GOD.
Her fame and glory spread far and wide, all over the three worlds. Knowing her greatness Indra and other deities feared that they may lose their supremacy and that she may snatch their celestial treasures from their hand. They approached the 3 GOD’s Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, described the greatness of Anusaya to them and entreated them to arrest the ever increasing powers and glory of Anusaya by somehow causing a blemish on her chastity.
The 3 GOD’s agreed to do it. They transformed themselves into mendicants and approached the hermitage of ATRI rishi. They begged for alms. At that time , ATRI rishi had gone to the river to offer his daily ablutions. Anusaya welcomed them with respect and offered them seats. She washed their feet and worshipped them. The guests became impatient and feigned great hunger.They demanded that food food be served to them immediately as they could not wait till the return of ATRI rishi.
Anusaya invited them to the dining center and after offering the proper seats was about to serve food. At that critical juncture the guests made an unusual request. They said, “Oh! Pious one, we desire that you should disrobe yourself and serve food without wearing any garment.Then only will we eat the food served to us . Please tell us if this is not possible , we wll go elsewhere”. Anusaya thought for a while, “ If I refuse to comply with the condition laid down by these guests they may go away without eating food. Atithis(unexpected guests) cannot be turned away, they are an aspect of GOD. My mind is pure. The spiritual strength of my husband will surely save me”. She declared her willingness to serve food as desired by them and went into the kitchen.
She meditated and prayed at the holy feet of her husband. With a motherly feeling towards the guests she went naked into the dining place to start serving the food but, Lo! and behold! By that time the 3 guests were transformed into infants. She fondled the infants and at the sight of these hungry infants lactation welled up from her bosom. She happily breast fed them. When Atri rishi returned home , to his amazement, he found Anusaya fondling 3 new born babies. Anusaya rose and offered the 3 babies at the feet of her husband.
Atri rishi went into a trance and recognized the trio as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. He reverentially greeted them with folded hands. After witnessing the devotion and purity of couple the 3 infants assumed their real forms and requested the couple to ask for a boon. Atri rishi directed Anusaya to seek a boon from the trinity. Anusaya replied that he might ask them to actually become their children. The trinity granted the boon and left for their celestial abodes in their subtle form and joined their consorts.
Vishnu took the form of Sri Datta, Brahma took the form of Chandra and Mahesh took the form of Durvasa. After some time Chandra and Durvasa sought the permission of Anusaya to leave. Durvasa expressed his desire to go on a pilgrimage and do penance. Chandra put forth his request, “ I will reside in the region of the moon. Therefore you can see me daily. Don’t grieve at our departure. Sri Datta combines in himself the divine qualities of 3 of us.
He will always be with you. Sri Datta is Lord Vishnu himself. Vishnu pervades in the whole universe , so you will never experience separation from him. He will live according to your hearts desire . so permit me to leave”. Taking the permission of their mother Chandra reached the region of the moon and Durvasa left on a long pilgrimage. Sri Datta remained in the hermitage of Anusaya.
मालाकमंडलुरधः करपद्मयुग्मे, मध्यस्थ पाणियुगुले डमरूत्रिशूले
यस्यस्त उर्ध्वकरयोः शुभशंखचक्रे वंदे तमत्रिवरदं भुजषटकयुक्तम
I bow to the son of Atri, who has six hands and whose lowest two hands have Mala and kamandalu,
middle couple of hands hold Damaru and Trishool and top two hands have holy Shankh and Chakra
Dattatreya, a divinity that includes the Trimurti, Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver) and Shiva (the Destroyer), is considered the founder of this school.
It is represented as an ascetic with the three heads of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva together with four dogs that represent the four Veda. He has in the hands some objects of spiritual meaning: kamandal (water’s pitcher); japa mala (rosary); damru (drum); trisul (trident); shankar (shell); sudarshan (disk). Damru and trisul are in association with Shiva, while the disk and the shell with Vishnu. Pitcher for the water and rosary are the few possessions of an ascetic.
Dattatreya’s parents were a very devoted couple and practised many tapasyas (austerity) to get a very desired child. His mother wanted intensely her child to be the incarnation of the Nirguna Parabrahman (the Supreme Brahman without form).But since it was impossible that the without-form could take a form, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva granted her that her child would have been their child embodying all three the divinities.
Dattatreya is considered the highest expression of the ascetic, of the renouncer, since He has known how to draw from every thing the suggestion for the deepest meditations. Also something considered by everybody meaningless or negative, can teach us a lot. In his Avadhut Gita He said he had 24 Gurus: the earth, the water, the fire, the wind, various animals, etc. That’s how he learned the various virtues, finding the spiritual education through these and other natural phenomenons.
“There are no sacred writings, there are no sacrifices, Gods, religions, there are no colors, there are no levels, there are no classes, there are no groups, there is neither some dark path nor some bright path, last reality is only the beauty of the spirit.” (Avadhut Gita)
In reality is difficult to draw a historical map of the Aghori babas. There are no official figures. Few and veiled of mystery are the news on their account. The few news that we have come from Persian sources of 1500 D.C. and from English relationships of the XVIII century. Besides this philosophy of life trespasses sometimes on other mystical schools (as the Sufis for es.), taking some techniques of meditation of it and weaving them with others. Some Aghoris have also had muslim guru or of other faiths. Despite this, the Aghoris represent an ancient tradition and there have been periods in which this particular family of sadhu has been very numerous. Today the devotion to these babas is largely practiced among the Indian middle class.
The most greater center is the Kina Ram Ashram and in the fields of cremation in Varanasi (Benares), center of important pilgrimage for the devoted Aghoris. Kina Ram is a sadhu lived in the ‘700 and considered to be an incarnation of Shiva.
It has esteems that to the beginning of the ‘900 in all Varanasi there were not more than 300 Aghoris while to our days they esteem only an about twenty, in the whole India perhaps a hundred.
Baba Kina Ram was one of the greatest saint in India. Born at Ramgarth village of Chandauli district of Uttar Pradesh in a zamindar (official employed by the Mughals to collect taxes from peasants) family of Akbar Singh and Mansa Devi. He showed sign of divinity from the very beginning. He had no interest in mundane activities of day to day life but showed inclination towards renunciation and reclusive life style that really worried his parents who married him at an early age but the newlywed bride died before second marriage (Gavama). Baba Kina Ram left his house just after this incident and got himself initiated by Baba Shiva Ram. Later on he traveled throughout India and visited all the major pilgrimages.
He practiced severe sadhana at Baluchistan in the temple of Mata Hingalaj, who directed him to Girnar mountain in Gujarat and thereafter he was told to proceed to Varanasi. At Girnar, he had darshan of Bhagwan Dattatreya and attained divine siddhi (power). Baba Kina Ram set a fire to Agneya Rudra at Krim Kund which had been burning for the last 400 years. Bija Ram and Ram Jeyawan were his famous disciples.
During Mughal rule the society was plagued with several iniquity. Baba Kina Ram opposed the tyranny of local rulers and taught people to rise above caste, creed and sectarian views. He showed miracles to prove that a true saint transcended human power and could not be cowed down by rulers or kings who led luxurious life. The stories of his miracles are very famous in North India. He was laid to rest in the lap of Mata Hingalaj at Krim Kund and thereafter the charge of ashram passed on to Bija Ram.
1) PRITHVI (mother earth)
9) AJGAR (python)
17) PINGALA (a courtesan)
2) VAYU (wind)
10) SINDU (ocean)
18) KURARAPAKSHI (a bird of pray)
3) AKASHA (space – sky)
11) PATANGA (bugs)
19) BALAK (children)
4) JAL (water)
12) BHRAMAR (black bee)
20) KUMARI (virgin)
5) AGNI (fire)
13) MADHUKSHIKA (honey-gatherer)
21) SHARAKRIT (arrow maker)
6) CHANDRA (moon)
14) GAJ (elephant)
22) SANF (snake)
7) SURYA (sun)
15) MRIG (deer)
23) MAKADI (spider)
8) KAPOT (pigeon)
16) MIN (fish)
24) BHRINGI (a species of wasp)
The symbols of Dattatreya
The cow is the Mother Earth and Dharma. She is Kamadhenu the wish-fulfilling cow.
The four dogs symbolize the four Vedas, the repositories of spiritual wisdom.
The trident indicates that He has transcended the three gunas, which constitute the illusory world: Sattva – illumination, Rajas – activity and Tamas – inertia.
The Sudharshana Chakra indicates that He is beyond the cycles of time that is past, present and future.
The Conch represents the eternal sound AUM, which is the sound manifestation of God, as well as the vital principle within us and the universe.
The Bhasma ashes indicate his detachment (vairāgya) and its purity. The ashes symbolize the fleeting nature of all matter.
The begging bowl teaches us that we should share our wealth and food with others.
The rosary (japa-mala), reminds us that our first duty is to chant the holy name of the Lord and meditate on Him.
Shri Dattatreya, to bless His devotees, wanders in the guise of a guest at lunchtime. That is why it is said that a guest should be treated as an incarnation of Dattatreya.
Dattatreya YantraShri Dattatreya Kavacham
Sripaada: paatu me paadaa vuru siddhaasana stithaa: |
Paayaat digambaro guhyam nruhari: paatu me katim || 1 ||
Naabhim paatu jagatsrashto daram paatu dalodara: |
Krupaalu: paatu hrudayam shadbhuja: paatu me bhujou || 2 ||
Srakkundii shoola damaru shankha chakra dhara: karaan |
Paatu kantham kambukantha: sumukha: paatu me mukham || 3 ||
Jivhaam me vedvaak paatu netre me paatu divyadruk |
Naasikaam paatu gandhaatmaa paatu punyasravaa: srutii || 4 ||
Lalaatam paatu hansaatmaa shira: paatu jataadhara: |
Karmendriyaani paatviisha: paatu dyananendriyaanyaja: || 5 ||
Sarvantaronta: karanam praanaanme paatu yogirat |
Uparishtaad adhastaachcha prushthata: paarshvatograta: || 6 ||
Antarbahishcha maam nityam naanaarupa dharovatu |
Varjitam kavachenaa vyaatsthaanam me divyadarshana: || 7 ||
Raajata: shatruto hinsraad dushprayogaa ditoghata: |
Aadhi vyaadhi bhayaartibhyo dattatreya: sadaavatu || 8 ||
Dhana dhaanya gruha kshetra strii putra pashu kinkaraan |
Dyanaatiishcha paatu nityam me anasuyaananda vardhana: || 9 ||
Baalonmatta pishaachaabho ddunit sandhishu paatu maam |
Bhoota bhoutika mrutyubhyo hari: paatu digambara: || 10 ||
Ya etat data kavacham sannahyaad bhakti bhaavita: |
Sarva anartha vinarmukto grahapiidaa vivarjita: || 11 ||
Bhoota preta pishaachaadyair devair apyaparaajita: |
Bhuktvaatra divya bhogaan sa dehaaAnte tat padam vrajet || 12 ||
Iti P. P. Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati virachitam Shri Dattatreya Kavacham sampurnam
1) Shri Laxmi stays at the feet of Shri Dattatreya. Hence let Shri Dattatreya protect my feet. Let Shri Dattatreya who sits in Siddhasana posture, protect my thighs. Let Digambar protect my anus and my reproductive organs. Let Nruhari protect my waist.
2) Let Jagatsastra protect my navel. Let Dalodara protect my stomach. Let Krupalu protect my heart. Let Shatbhuja protect my shoulders.
3) Shri Dattatreya has held Mala, Kamandalu, Trishula, Damaru, Shankha and Chakra in his six hands, Let my hands be protected by him. Let Kambukantha protect my throat. Let Sumukha protect my mouth.
4) Let Vedvak protect my tongue. Let Divadruk protect my eyes. Let Gandhatma protect my nose. Let Punyashrava protect my ears.
5) Let my forehead be protected by Hansatma. Let my head be protected by Jatadhara. Let my organs which work for me by Ishwara and my organs which give me knowledge be protected Aja.
6) Let my conscience be protected by Sarvantara. Let my Pranan be protected by the king of Yogies. Let Yogiraj protect me from all ten directions.
7) Let Shri Gurudev Datta who can take many forms/incarnations; protect me in and out of the house/body. Let anything which is not covered by this Kavacha, be protected by Divadrushti.
8) Let Gurudev Datta protect me from tyrant government, enemies, wield animals, bad things performed to trouble me, my sins, mental diseases and disease of my body, and all other troubles, difficulties.
9) Let son of Anusuya protect my money, food, my house, my wife, my children’s, my pets, my servants and my relatives.
10) Let Balonmatta protect me in day, night and the period in between day and night from all pancha mahabhutas (earth, water, fire, air and sky) and from death.
11) Anybody reciting this Datta Kavacham with devotion and faith will become free from all his troubles, difficulties and so also from troubles by planets such as Saturn, Mars etc.
12) Ghosts, Demons etc. can’t trouble such devotee who recites this Kavacha daily. He will become happy, all his desires will be fulfilled, become successful in his endeavors and lead a healthy, wealthy and peaceful life. After his death he will go to Datta Loka.
Here completes Shri Dattatreya Kavacham by Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati.
HIndu God Dattatreya statue
View this statue of the Hindu God Dattatreya
Dattatreya or Datta is considered by Hindus to be god who is an incarnation of the Divine Trinity, the three main Hindu Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The word Datta means “Given”, Datta is called so because the divine trinity has “given” themselves in the form of a son to the sage couple Atri and Anasuya. He is the son of Atri, hence the name “Atreya.”
Dattatreya is recognized as an Avatar or incarnation of the Lord Shiva and as the Adi-Guru (First Teacher) of the Adinath Sampradaya of the Nathas. Although Dattatreya was at first a “Lord of Yoga” exhibiting distinctly Tantric traits, he was adapted and assimilated into the more devotional Vaishnavite cults; while still worshiped by millions of Hindus, he is approached as a benevolent god and a teacher of the highest essence of Indian thought.
In sculpture Dattatreya statues have some distinct characteristics. He always has three faces, one for Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Vishnu faces forward with Shiva on the left of Vishnu and Brahma on the right. He has six hands where he holds a drum (damru), discus (chakra), conch shell (sank), japa mala, water vessel (kamandala) and a trident (trishul). All these attributes of the Lord have their esoteric meanings. The trident is used for killing the ego, and the drum is used to awaken those souls who are still sleeping in the slumber of ignorance. Lord Datta’s conch shell is used to make the sacred sound OM. Lord Dattatreya is also holding a rotating discus -chakra. It is a round circle with no beginning and no end. Like the universe, it too is constantly moving, always in a flux. He uses this chakra to destroy all kinds of karmic bonds of His devotees. His right hand holds a rosary -japa mala. With this the Lord counts His devotees, liberating them by merely thinking of their name. In another hand the Lord is carrying the water pot -kamandala. This holds the nectar of pure wisdom. With this He revives the souls thirsty for knowledge, liberating them from the endless cycle of life and death.
Bronze Hindu God Dattatreya statue
View this Bronze Hindu God Dattatreya statue with 4 dogs and Kamadhenu the gift giving cow
Accompanying Dattatreya are 4 dogs and a cow. The four dogs surrounding Datta represent the four Vedas. The dogs are both wild and tame and symbols of fidelity and devotion. The cow is Kamadhenu the gift giving cow. She grants all wishes and desires. She is the cow of plenty, which emerged from SAMUDRAMANTHAN (the churning of the ocean) and and was claimed by Indra as his property. She is the mother of all cows.
Introduction to Lord Dattatreya
Dattatreya is a unified form of the supreme Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, and hence, is the repository of their combined divinity. He was born as the son of the great Sage Atri and his devout consort, Anusuya. Datta means ‘to give’ or ‘given’ and ‘Atreya’ stands for, ‘Atri’s son.’ As the three supreme Gods merged and gave themselves to Atri in the form of his son, he is called Dattatreya. He is a simple monk, who looks unique, with three heads and six arms. He is seen holding a rosary and water pot, a conch and discus, and a trident and drum in his hands, thus representing all the three Gods. He is usually seen in the company of four dogs and a cow.
Depiction of Lord Dattatreya
Dattatreya is portrayed with three heads, six hands, and four dogs, standing in front of the divine cow and wish-fulfilling tree. He holds a trident for killing the ego, his drum is used to awaken those living in ignorance, and his conch shell reverberates the sound OM. He holds a rotating discus-chakra, which is a circle representing the universe and destruction of karmic bonds. Dattatreya holds a japa mala, with which he counts his devotees and liberates them by merely thinking about them. He carries a pot filled with the nectar of pure wisdom to renew those souls who have a thirst for knowledge and thus delivers them from the endless cycles of life and death.
Significance of Lord Dattatreya
Dattatreya is an embodiment of wisdom. Even though he is essentially a wandering monk, the sacred Audumbar (fig) tree is considered as his special abode. His form itself is profound in its meaning. His body is smeared with ashes, indicating purity, detachment, and dispassion. The trident he holds is a symbol of him transcending the illusory world; Chakra, the discus, denotes salvation; the conch, the eternal sound AUM and the rosary he has, signifies meditation. Also, the accompanying dogs symbolize the four Vedas and also the four Yugas, the epochs, while the holy cow denotes mother Earth and also abundance.
Dattatreya, also known as Datta, is an incarnation of the almighty and is believed to have descended on Earth on the Purnima day or Full Moon day in the Hindu calendar month of Margashirsha (December–January).
Mythology behind Lord Dattatreya
There are many legends associated with Dattatreya. As per one of them, once, the trinity of Goddesses Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati wanted to test the chastity of the highly virtuous Anusuya, and on their request, their consorts, the three supreme Gods appeared before Sage Anusuya disguising themselves as ascetics. They asked her to give alms to them, by remaining naked. The noblewoman was shocked at first. Soon, realizing their real identities and understanding their intentions, she used her great spiritual powers and simply transformed the supreme Gods into innocent babies. Then, she fed the babies naked as per their demand, without any sense of shame or guilt. Realizing the power of her impeccable chastity, the three Goddesses appeared before her and eulogized her. Gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva too reverted to their true forms, and blessed her and Sage Atri, with a divine child. Thus, Dattatreya was born to them, as an incarnation of the combined godliness of the three great Gods. This realized soul, who is believed to be a historical entity, lived a virtuous life as a wandering monk, inspiring and guiding people towards a spiritual experience.
Though Dattatreya is an amalgamation of all the three supreme deities, he is specially considered an Avatar of Lord Vishnu .
Blessings of Worshipping Lord Dattatreya
People in large numbers offer prayers to Dattatreya and recite some sacred hymns from Avadhuta Gita, Jivanmuktha Gita, Datta Prabodh and Datta Mahatmya, which contain stories of his life and teachings. There are also many Dattatreya temples all over the country, especially in Maharashtra, which people visit and worship. They also sing Bhajans (hymns) in his praise. Further, saints like Narasimha Saraswati and Shirdi Saibaba are considered his incarnations and prayers are offered to them too. Dattatreya Jayanti, his day of advent is also observed with great piety by the devout throughout the country. Guests are also treated as embodiments of Dattatreya and are duly honored on this day. Datta is regarded as Adi Guru, a very ancient teacher and it is believed that his worship can bless you with supreme knowledge, sound intelligence, and divine wisdom. It shall also help to diffuse Karma.
Events Related to Lord Dattatreya
Dattatreya is believed to have descended on Earth on the Purnima or Full Moon day in the Hindu calendar month of Margashirsha (December–January). The sacred day of his advent is celebrated as Dattatreya Jayanti or Datta Jayanti and is observed with great piety and enthusiasm by the devout throughout the country.
Connect With The Divine
The sacred scriptures prescribe fire ceremony, Abishekam (hydration ceremony), Pooja/Archana (Light and Sound ceremony), Yantra and Mantra (special sounds) as the ways to offer your prayer to the divine. Out of these, fire ceremony is the most evolved spiritual technology on earth to connect with the divine beings. Participate in the remedial services to clear your karma and receive the blessings.
Dattatreya Yantra
The Dattatreya Yantra is a sacred energy device that infuses within you the power to focus and accomplish your goals.